I am the master of time management who failed to reveal my identity, leaving the audience speechless.

The good impression brought about by all the five guests' faces being revealed before has also disappeared.

Everyone said silently in their hearts: This show is over!

He is so blatantly toying with the audience, it would be weird if he doesn’t finish!

When the master of time management, none other than me, left the stage, there was no even perfunctory applause.

The guessing team and host Li Hao also felt a little embarrassed. Li Hao was busy moving on to the next step to divert everyone's attention.

"Dear viewers, the last and most mysterious guest is about to take the stage today. I am here to tell you responsibly that I really don't know who she is, and some colleagues just came to ask me, and they didn't know. Know who is coming."

Li Hao's words really diverted everyone's attention. Who could be the guest that Li Hao had mentioned so mysteriously from the very beginning?

Guess the judges didn't dare to say "We don't know" this time. Instead, they calmed down and looked at the passage from the backstage to the stage.

Li Hao took the card and continued: "According to the information provided by our director, this mysterious guest came to us alone, without any assistants or agents, and the guest's style and makeup were all his own. Made it!"

After hearing what Li Hao said, the audience was intrigued and those who guessed the judging panel were also full of curiosity.

"I did the styling myself. I'm really looking forward to seeing what her style looks like." Xu Zhenchun, a member of the guessing team, said.

"Forget it without an agent or assistant. I can do all the styling and makeup myself. This is so unique!" Liu Gang said.

Sun Yunhan said: "You didn't find a stylist from the program team and came up yourself, right?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "It's really not necessarily true."

The audience also laughed, and the atmosphere finally relaxed a little.

"The code name of this mysterious guest is also very interesting. Asking others to sing will cost you money, but singing will cost you your life!" Li Hao continued to introduce.

The audience laughed louder now, and Li Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The atmosphere was finally like a variety show. I wonder if this next guest can surprise everyone.

If the thunder is loud and the raindrops are light, then it is estimated that this show can really be declared to end early.

Li Hao: "I think everyone can't help but want to see this mysterious guest. Without further ado, if you ask others to sing for money, I will sing to my death on stage!"

The audience applauded warmly.

Then the lights dimmed and everyone's eyes were focused on the stage.

Everyone had adapted to the bright lights, but when the lights were suddenly turned off, their eyes did not adapt for a while, and they only felt that the stage was dim.


A light was lit in the backstage passage leading to the stage. Everyone looked closely and saw several foreign models appearing in the backstage passage. They were all carrying an ancient sedan chair and walking towards the stage!

It was a little dark inside the sedan chair, and only a man in white clothes could be seen clearly inside.


Another light came on at the front of the passage.




As lights lit up one after another, eight foreign models walked into the center of the venue carrying sedans.

This way of appearing made all the audience scream.

Really unique!

Really domineering!

Under the strong light, everyone could clearly see the people in the sedan.

This is a beautiful face, but the white clothes he wears are indeed too scary, and his face is expressionless, like an emotionless seducer.

"Damn it, Bai Wuchang!"

"Wow, it's true, this look is amazing!"

"Isn't this the Bai Wuchang look in "The Legend of Jianghu"? God restored it!"

"More than just the divine restoration, this is simply more beautiful than the two-dimensional Bai Wuchang!"

"The dimensional wall has been broken. This show finally has an interesting guest."

"Who is this person? His appearance is so beautiful. No matter how he sings, I am determined to be a fan!"

"Haha, I finally understand why she asks others to sing for money and I sing to death. She is really the one who kills me!"


The audience was talking a lot.

At this time, magnificent string music played on the scene.

The scene fell silent, and the music arrangement seemed to transport the audience to the top of the vast snow-capped mountains.

Lin Li had already asked Wang Tuo to secretly record the score of "Left Finger Moon" and gave it to Yu Hui, who handed it over to the choreographer.

After a period of background music, Lin Li used Sa Dingding's sound card, and a cold and ethereal voice floated over the scene.

The left hand holds the earth and the right hand holds the sky

The palm prints cracked with lightning in all directions

Convert time into years in a hurry

For three thousand lifetimes, it’s as if you haven’t seen it before

Holding a flower in her left hand and dancing a sword in her right hand

Ten thousand years of snow fell between my eyebrows

A drop of tear ah ah ah

That's me


Bai Wuchang's singing made everyone feel like they were in a fairyland, as if they saw a fairy in fluttering white clothes standing on the top of the snow-capped mountains dancing with a sword.

This was the first time a song gave them such a real sense of the scene.

The lyrics of this song are majestic at first, until the last two sentences of "A drop of tear, ah ah, that's me, ah ah" suddenly become sentimental.

Before, it was like watching the fairy dancing with the sword from a distance. These two sentences suddenly zoomed in and saw the fairy dancing with the sword, looking into the distance and crying sadly.

Bai Wuchang's perfect vibrato transfer, including coloratura skills, made these two lines sound extremely touching and pathos, and everyone's hearts softened following the singing.

The left hand flicks the fingers and the right hand plays the strings

Boat ferrying across the waters of Wangchuan River

When troubles can bloom a red lotus

Don't stop giving me distracting thoughts

Point to the moon with your left hand and take the red line with your right hand

Give you and me the love we wish for

In the moonlight ah ah ah

You and me ah ah


This section is one degree higher than the first section, but the method is still the same, enter softly and push up layer by layer.

Bai Wuchang's voice and technique were so perfect, and the song was sung majesticly with a hint of sadness and tragedy. All the audience members were shocked by Bai Wuchang who appeared out of nowhere.

The left hand turned into feathers and the right hand turned into scales

In one life, I was above the clouds. In another life, I was in the forest.

I would like to follow you like a particle of dust

emerge in all worlds

I pick you up with my left hand and put you down with my right hand

When I put my palms together, you are all taken back into my heart

A stick of incense ah ah ah

You are the same as me


The accompanying orchestral music also stopped abruptly at the most exciting point along with Bai Wuchang's voice, presenting a soul-stirring feeling of an epic symphony.

This last paragraph is one degree higher than the second paragraph. The highest sound of "You are me, no difference" goes straight into the sky. It has the momentum and solemnity of resolutely dying together with the heaven and earth, as if the color of the heaven and earth has changed!

The almost bel canto soprano soared into the sky, singing so that everyone's pores opened up, as if they were stirring up the wind and clouds on the top of a huge wave, and the pride in their chests was surging like fire and blood!

There are many women who hit high notes in the singing world, but it is rare that they can reach such a high level and be so stable. The most amazing thing is that Bai Wuchang sat in a sedan chair the whole time. Singing while sitting is much more difficult than singing while standing!

Bai Wuchang was able to handle such high notes with ease, and his terrifying singing voice shocked everyone present.

The music stopped suddenly, and the place fell silent.

Everyone seemed to be immersed in that snowy mountain and never came back.

After a long time, someone started to applaud, and then the applause became enthusiastic.

The entire audience stood up and screamed.

This is the correct way to open "The Masked Singer"!

Even the judging panel all stood up and applauded.

The members of the directing team who were watching the monitor in the background were completely silent at this time. They always felt that the show was about to end, but Bai Wuchang's skills shocked everyone. This was the rhythm of a big hit!

Don't say that they don't know who this "Others Sing for Money and I Sing for Life" is. Even if some netizens know that it has been spoiled, this song will definitely attract countless people to the show.

"Director Yu, this...who is this great god?" The people on the directing team couldn't help but ask after reading it.

They all knew who the other guests were in the past, but they had no idea who this one was.

Even though she knew that Lin Li could change her voice, Yu Hui was shocked and speechless when she heard Lin Li sing such a difficult song with her own ears.

This guy Lin Li has written so many excellent songs suitable for boys, and has driven many young male singers out of work. Now that he has done this, female singers may also be restless.

"Don't ask, you just don't know!"

The usually warm spring breeze suddenly changed the mood and became very stubborn, refusing to reveal even a single word.

Yuhui has a very good relationship with several people on the directing team. These people are the people he brought out and are the backbone of his team. He also trusts them, but Yuhui knows that keeping Lin Li's secret is to keep "Mongolian" "The Face Singer" program, so unless there is a knife on his neck, he will not say a word.

When the people on the directing team saw that Yu Hui refused to say anything, they became even more curious. Who is this Bai Wuchang?


On the stage, the applause gradually subsided, and Li Hao walked onto the stage with his big curious and shocked eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for bringing such a shocking song..."

Li Hao looked into the sedan chair and saw that Bai Wuchang showed no intention of getting up and coming out, and was a little confused.

I was thinking that maybe my legs and feet are inconvenient?

Therefore, due to the quality of a host, Li Hao did not invite her out. Instead, he bent down and spoke to the sedan. It seemed as if the person inside was the master and Li Hao was a servant.

"Well, I'm sorry, Li Hao, it's our turn to guess the judging panel." Xu Zhenchun said impatiently.

The audience laughed loudly, and Li Hao also laughed and said, "Okay, let me guess what the judges will say, who of you will say it first?"

All seven members of the judging panel raised their hands, as if they wanted to speak.

The seven guessing judges have performed many plays under the instructions of the program team. Basically, they have never really guessed. Regardless of whether they guessed correctly or not, they have read the script in advance and who is coming. This time They all know whether to announce it or not.

Therefore, they have always been the most depressed people.

But this time, others sang for money while I sang for life. They finally experienced a liberation and could finally speak freely without having to act.

Everyone laughed when they saw how active the guessing team was.

"Then...Brother Xu should come first." Li Hao said.

As the former host of Baodao, Li Hao still had to give him some face.

The other guessing teams naturally put down their hands, and everyone looked at Xu Zhenchun.

Xu Zhenchun seemed a little excited. He stood up and said, "Let me tell you, I have recorded this program for 9 times, ah, seven, nine, sixty... three, right, a full sixty-two times. I know who is singing." Who, I really held it in for too long...ah...I accidentally told the truth...let's cut this section."

Xu Zhenchun is an expert at enlivening the atmosphere. This sentence not only made fun of himself and the program team, but also brought the atmosphere of the scene to life.

This is not considered to be troublesome, after all, everyone knows it.

Xu Zhenchun continued: "What I want to say is that others cost money to sing but I need to sing to die. I really don’t know who you are, but I really want to know who you are. I don’t know much about domestic female singers, but I want to say , if you are on Treasure Island, you can definitely become an Ami-level person!"

A Mei's name is Zhang Mei, she is the queen of Baodao. Fifteen years ago, she was a popular singer in Yazhou. She is the most famous Baodao female singer in the country.

Xu Zhenchun commented on Bai Wuchang in this way. Everyone was not surprised, but felt that he was right.

"Wow, Brother Xu's evaluation is very high. Do you have anything to say?" Li Hao asked, looking at Bai Wuchang in the sedan.

"Thank you." Bai Wuchang said.

When the guest spoke, the microphone was processed, and the sound it produced was mechanical and electronic, and you couldn't tell whose voice it was.

Li Hao deliberately approached, wanting to hear Bai Wuchang's true voice, so that he could have a good idea of ​​who it was. As a result, he did hear Bai Wuchang's true voice, but after thinking for a while, he couldn't tell who it was.

Li Hao felt that she only said two words, so it was normal if he couldn't hear it. If he listened more, he might get the answer.

Li Hao was also full of curiosity about this guest. He did this entirely out of his own curiosity.

Cai Wenli continued: "This song is so good, and it's very difficult. It spans three octaves, and the highest seems to be B5. The pitch is really too high, and I can't sing it."

"None of us can sing it." Sun Yunhan said feeling ashamed, "There are not many people in the music world who can sing this song perfectly."

"That's easy to guess." Zhang Xiao said, "Can you tell me who they are?"

Sun Yunhan clasped his fingers and said, "Amei, Hong Han, Tan Jia, Xu Zhenliang..."

Sun Yunhan paused after counting five or six people. There may be female singers in the music world who can sing at such a high level, but there are really only a few who can sing to B5 without seeming to struggle.

"And Mother Huang!"

"Yes, yes, Huang Mama can sing too."

"Where's Leng Ying?"

"Oh, Leng Ying can do it too."

The guessing team guessed seven or eight people and then started analyzing again.

"Amei can't. Amei's voice is a little wilder." Xu Zhenchun said.

"Neither does Hong Han, because you can tell just by looking at his body shape." Cai Wenli said that she and Hong Han are friends, and it's normal for them to tease each other.

Hong Han is recognized as a heavyweight singer in the music industry, not only in terms of singing skills, but more importantly, Hong Han's figure is twice that of Bai Wuchang in front of him, and this small sedan chair may not fit.

The audience laughed after hearing Cai Wenli's joke.

"Neither does Leng Ying."

Suddenly, Li Hao interrupted.

"Why not?" Cheng Qinghong asked.

"Because our program doesn't have that much funding, so we can't afford it." Li Hao said with a smile.

The whole audience laughed when they heard this joke.

Everyone is beginning to think that this show is a bit interesting...

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