This sound was very old and familiar. Everyone thought they had heard it somewhere before, so they all looked over.

Standing outside the classroom was an old man of about sixty years old, with an elegant face and a strong spirit. Behind him were two people from the Education Bureau, whom he had met several times in school.

Seeing this old man, everyone suddenly remembered the cultural programs they had watched in front of the TV over the years.

This person is Fang Wenjian, who appears on TV all year round to give lectures and serves as a consultant in cultural programs to answer questions!

Everyone was shocked when they saw Fang Wenjian, even more shocked than when they saw Lin Li in school.

"Professor Fang Wenjian!"

"It's really him, why is he here?"

"Wow, my God, what day is it today? Lin Li saw it and met Fang Wenjian. He made a lot of money."

"Hearing this, are you here to steal students?"

"No way. Fang Wenjian is a doctoral supervisor at Yenching University. Does he need to steal students?"

"Yes, everyone wants to go but there is no way."

"Don't make any noise. Let's wait and see."

In the classroom, principals Hu Jianping, Tang Jun and Liu Meizhi were stunned when they saw Fang Wenjian appearing here. It took a while before they came back to their senses.

"Ah, it's really disappointing. Mr. Fang came to our school today, which really makes our school shine. Come to my office quickly, there are many people here!" Hu Jianping hurriedly greeted him.

Fang Wenjian stretched out a hand and held it in the air, saying, "No need, just stay here."

As he spoke, he looked at the students in the classroom.

"Who is Lin Li?"

Everyone was astonished. Fang Wenjian also came here for Lin Li!

Those in the admissions office never expected that Yenching University would send such a giant to enroll students, and they suddenly felt desperate.

Zhang Cheng's face turned even paler.

Lin Li turned into a phoenix with the help of "The Voice". Zhang Bencheng wanted to use his performance on today's occasion to embarrass Lin Li, but he didn't expect that he would still shine, and he would become a joke again.

"I'm Lin Li, hello Professor Fang." Lin Li stood up and said to Fang Wenjian.

Fang Wenjian looked at Lin Li and then at the crowd of people watching outside.

"It's amazing. I always thought that the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" was a gentle young man. I just saw so many people in the school, and when I asked, I found out that you are still a little star who can write your own songs. I just asked them to play two songs for me, called... "Stubborn" and... "Seeing Flowers in the Smoke" is the name, um... the songs are very well written, I like them very much."

Fang Wenjian didn't have time to care about talent shows, nor did he care much about hot searches on the Internet. He didn't know that Lin Li was an original singer before coming here.

After he arrived at the school, he saw many Lin Li's fans outside holding Lin Li's name tags, and he only found out about Lin Li's participation in the talent show after asking.

Fang Wenjian came in last because he listened to two of Lin Li's songs outside and wasted time chatting with those people about Lin Li's personality.

After hearing what Fang Wenjian said, the teachers from the admissions offices of other schools reacted.

Half of them came for Lin Li, the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit", and half of them came for Lin Li, the musical talent on "The Voice".

They had no idea that the Lin Li they knew had another such attractive identity!

If Lin Li, who achieved a single achievement, is a sought-after source of students, then it is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Li, who achieved two achievements, is a source of students that they only encounter once in ten years or even a hundred years!

They all secretly regretted not understanding Lin Li thoroughly earlier.

Ordinary University took action immediately after finding out the author's information of "The Death of Red Rabbit".

As for the Conservatory of Music, I had to fill out my application form today, and I could meet Lin Li here, so I came immediately, without even knowing who the author of the college entrance examination essay was.

This is the information bias that led to serious errors in their estimate of Lin Li's value!

If only this information had been known earlier, the school would have signed a letter of intent with Lin Li at all costs...

However, it was useless for them to regret now, because Yenching University took action, and it was Fang Wenjian, a nationally renowned scholar and professor, who came in person.

No one will say no.

Like Liu Meizhi, Fang Wenjian was deeply impressed by the perfect score of "The Death of the Red Rabbit" and kept asking his assistants to wait for the college entrance examination results to find out who the author of "The Death of the Red Rabbit" was.

Therefore, Fang Wenjian can be said to be one of the first people to know that Lin Li is the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit".

After Fang Wenjian learned Lin Li's name, he asked his assistant to go to the Education Bureau to check Lin Li's total score and found that Lin Li's total score was 589.

He was a little disappointed at first. The admission score of Yanjing University in Jiangnan Province in previous years was not lower than 600. Even if it is difficult this year, it will not be lower than 11 points.

But when he saw Lin Li's history score of 0, Fang Wenjian was shocked. He happened to be living in his hometown during the summer vacation, not far from Su City, so he decided to come and take a look at Lin Li.

Originally, Fang Wenjian's idea was to personally interview Lin Li to see if he was really talented. If he was really talented, he would have intended to recruit Lin Li to Yenching University.

However, when Fang Wenjian arrived at Sucheng No. 3 Middle School, he immediately learned that Lin Li was famous and could write songs.

Especially after listening to Lin Li's "Stubborn" and "Seeing Flowers in the Smoke", Fang Wenjian was very satisfied with Lin Li as a student.

Both the songs and articles are very talented and thoughtful, which shows that Lin Li is really talented and not a pedantic nerd.

Fang Wenjian felt that there was no need for an interview and decided to win over Lin Li.

As for the poor score, he had enough reasons to ask the school to lower the standards for admitting Lin Li.

Yenching University never has to fight for students. The first choice for top students in each province is naturally Yenching University. Even if there are some special talents that need to be fought for, that is a matter for the admissions office, and there is no need for Fang Wenjian to take action.

But Fang Wenjian decided to act arbitrarily this time.

"I came here today just to tell Lin Li to fill in our application for Yenching University."

As soon as Fang Wenjian said these words, everyone was shocked.

Is Fang Wenjian here to steal students?

Or are you trying to grab a student whose scores are basically unable to reach the admission score? !

"Mr. Fang, I see that the admission score of Yanjing University in recent years has not been lower than 600 points. It is useless for Lin Li to fill it out. Instead, he can fill it out for our Jinling University, which is also close to Sioux City."

Liu Meizhi panicked. Originally, Fang Wenjian had already taken action, so she had no qualifications to compete, but her love for Lin Li made her still unwilling to give up and wanted to give it a try.

"I said, as long as he wants, he can enter Yenching University!"

Fang Wenjian put down his words with a strong voice.

These words obviously meant that Lin Li would be specially recruited.

Liu Meizhi stopped talking. Now that the matter was over, she knew that she had no capital left to compete.

People from other schools also dropped out of the competition in frustration.

Zhang Cheng, who had just mocked Lin Li for not overestimating his abilities, his face changed color from moment to moment, and he wished he could crawl into the ground.

Wang Lei was the first to applaud, and then the whole class applauded, and then the fans standing outside the corridor also cheered.

Those fans who were reluctant to leave but couldn't squeeze in heard the applause and cheers from Lin Li's class. They all gathered around and started asking.

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