The commotion hadn't stopped yet, and many more people quickly ran in from the school.

These people wore reporter badges, some carried cameras, some held microphones, and some held pens and papers. They asked about Lin Li's class along the way, and then trotted over.

After half a month of investigation, no one still knows who the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" is. Countless people on the Internet are waiting for this day to reveal the answer.

All media outlets are also ready to follow up on the matter and start asking about it early in the morning.

When they found out that the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" was Lin Li, all the media were shocked. After repeatedly confirming that this Lin Li was the Lin Li on TV, the media reporters all looked like they had been given a shot of blood and went crazy towards Sioux City No. 3 Middle School arrived.

But after all, they were still one step behind the people in the education system and arrived at this time.

The media reporters did not expect Fang Wenjian to be here and were a little surprised. Normally, they would have swarmed up, but today, they knew that there was only one protagonist.

Lin Li!

"Where's Lin Li? Where is Lin Li?"

"Is Lin Li here? Can you come out for an interview?"

"We want to meet Lin Li..."

At this moment, there is no room for people in the classroom.

Hu Jianping saw that all kinds of gods and goddesses were coming today, and he felt like he was being worshiped. He suddenly felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

"Come on, come on, everyone, give way and let Lin Li go out and accept the interview. Don't crowd in here."

The principal personally cleared the way for Lin Li, and Tang Jun also followed closely.

Lin Li had no choice but to go out for an interview.

The mystery of the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" has been the focus of attention on the entire Internet. Now it is revealed that the author is actually Wang Linli, who has been on the hot search more than ten times in the past month, stirring up the Internet. This will be another huge issue. topic.

The reporters rushed to ask questions, and Lin Li answered them one by one. The reporters asked for a long time, and they did not dare to delay after asking. They all rushed back to write articles and prepare for publication.

We finally got a big piece of news, but we can’t report it later than others!

The other teachers from the admissions office went back in frustration. Fang Wenjian waited for Lin Li to get away and said to him: "Tomorrow, I will have people from the admissions office come to your house and sign the letter of intent. Then you will receive the admission notice. .”

Lin Lidao: "I haven't decided what major to apply for yet."

"Don't think about it, just go to the Chinese Department!" Fang Wenjian said domineeringly. He was the director of the Chinese Department of Yenching University, so he naturally asked Lin Li to go to his department.

Lin Li thought Fang Wenjian looked serious, but quite cute.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Lin Li was originally interested in Chinese, and he was considering applying to the Chinese Department, so he agreed.

When Lin Li left the campus, the school had already put up a huge banner.

Congratulations to Lin Li, a student from our school, for being admitted to Yenching University in advance!

When he got home, Lin Li's parents naturally wanted to ask about his grades.

"Son, are the results out?" Song Wenjie asked, while Lin Changmin listened with pricked ears.


"How did you go on the exam?"

"not bad."

"That's good..." After Song Wenjie finished speaking, she looked at Lin Li and asked cautiously: " you have 450 points?"

Song Wenjie asked very carefully, for fear of hurting Lin Li's self-esteem.

"Mom, you can be bolder."

Song Wenjie misunderstood and said loudly: "You brat, how many points did you get in the exam!"

Lin Li almost laughed and said, "Guess."

Song Wenjie was stunned and glanced at Lin Changmin, her eyes full of surprise. Lin Li's expression and demeanor told them that he seemed to have done well in the exam.


"Be bolder."

Song Wenjie's eyes were filled with shock.

"Four hundred...eight?"

Lin Li nodded and said, "That's almost it."

Song Wenjie was very happy and said: "Not bad, not bad. I heard that this college entrance examination is very difficult, but you can still score so many points, not bad!"

Lin Changmin said: "Look at how happy you are, the score is only two books."

"Two copies are not enough." Song Wenjie said with a smile.

Lin Li asked with a wicked smile: "Mom, how many books does Yanjing University have?"

"That must be one! Let's focus on one."

Lin Li said "Oh" and said, "Then my score should be one, not two."

Song Wenjie spat: "You kid, your parents are telling you seriously."

"I also mean what I said." Lin Li said seriously.

"Are you serious? Do you know how many points Yenching University requires? Your points are not even enough to go to the door."

"I was thinking about it. My score is 589, so that's not enough." Lin Li looked like he was thinking.

"Why isn't it...huh? Wait, you...what did you say? How many points?"


Song Wenjie and Lin Changmin were both stunned and looked at each other.

"Stop making trouble, how many points did you get in the exam?"

Lin Changmin asked seriously. Now they didn't believe the scores Lin Li said before.

" wait."

Lin Li was a little helpless, so he took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo.

Sure enough, I was on the hot search again.

Article 8: The author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" is actually Lin Li!

"Here, take a look at this."

Lin Li handed the phone to Song Wenjie, and Lin Changmin immediately walked over and put his head against her.

"What, you wrote this composition?"

As soon as she saw the hot search title, Song Wenjie was startled. This composition was so famous that even they knew about it.

"Click in and take a look."

Lin Changmin urged, almost taking action himself.

The two of them clicked in and looked at it for a while, but couldn't stop. Song Wenjie looked at it more slowly, and Lin Changmin couldn't help but slide the screen to look down.

"Have you finished reading? Do you want to have dinner?"

Lin Li saw that the two of them had been looking at each other for more than ten minutes, and their feet seemed to be frozen. They had no intention of cooking dinner, and Lin Li was already hungry.

"Haha, son, did you really pass 589?"

Lin Lidao: "It should be written in the report, right? How can this be false?"

"You brat, I just said more than 480, and you still said it's about the same!"

"I guess 4 and 5 are about the same."

Lin Changmin rarely smiled: "Son, are you really admitted to Yenching University?"

"Yes, Professor Fang Wenjian said that someone will come to sign the letter of intent tomorrow. Just wait."

Lin Changmin burst out laughing and said, "Okay, our family also has a student from Yenching University, and Professor Fang Wenjian came to admit him personally. That's great! Just wait, I'll go out and buy a bunch of firecrackers to set off!" "

Lin Li smiled and said, "I remember a few years ago, when other people's children set off firecrackers when they were admitted to college, you severely condemned them."

Lin Changmin laughed awkwardly and said, "I just want to show them how embarrassed they are to set off firecrackers if their children are admitted to that shabby school! This is the time for our family to set off firecrackers. It's unreasonable not to let them go!"

After Lin Changmin finished speaking, he ran downstairs.

After a while, the sound of firecrackers started ringing for a long time.

Wu Ruobing's family shouted to the window curiously: "Old Lin, what's the happy event?"

Lin Changmin laughed: "Come to my house and have a drink. I'll tell you slowly."

"Hey, it looks like something good is going on. Come on, let's go to Lao Lin's house for some food." After Wu Yong finished speaking, he retreated.

After a while, Wu Ruobing jogged to Lin Li's house.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

"Be good, sit down."

Wu Ruobing looked at Lin Li and asked, "Lin Li, are you happy?"

"What are you talking about..."

Wu Ruobing stuck out her tongue and said, "I mean, did you do well in the exam?"

Wu Ruobing knew that the college entrance examination scores were released today, so she guessed it was because of this.

Lin Li gave Wu Ruobing a proud look.

“Look at the hot searches yourself.”

At this time, Wu Yong and his wife also came. Their family of three looked at the hot searches and they all exclaimed.

The author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" has a history score of 0 and a total score of 589. Fang Wenjian came to recruit him personally. From any point of view, it was a big thing to be proud of, not to mention Lin Li was involved in all of them.

"Old Lin, what a congratulations. I'm just saying, you're in good hands. You see, Lin Li had an accident halfway through participating in that show. Now something better has happened!" Wu Yong said loudly.

Lin Changmin smiled and said: "Yeah, we didn't expect it either."

"We won't get home until we get drunk tonight, and Lin Li wants to drink too!"

Zhang Li scolded: "What do children drink?"

"I've graduated from high school and will be 18 soon. How can I be a kid again!"

Lin Changmin glanced at Lin Li and said, "Drink some."

"Okay, let's have a drink with you two!" Lin Li said.

Zhang Li smiled and went to the kitchen to help.

Wu Ruobing kept scrolling on Weibo.

The two families ate and drank until very late. Lin Li felt dizzy after drinking two glasses of wine, and fell asleep on the bed without even taking a shower.

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