The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 86 Stirring up the turbid and raising the clear

"What is he saying?!"

Lin Changmin couldn't listen anymore. He was obviously a little shocked. He couldn't believe that such confusing words were said by a teacher at the award ceremony for the provincial outstanding teachers.

Song Wenjie also saw this news. After reading it, she said: "Why does he take all the credit on himself? He used to call me every three days and say bad things about his son. Now he says it so nicely, no. People who know about it really think how good he is to our son."

"As a teacher, if you just open your mouth in front of the TV, you, the head teacher, are enough!" Lin Changmin shook his head.

"He is no longer my class teacher."

Lin Li corrected him, saying that he had graduated and had nothing to do with Tang Jun.

This Tang Jun, when he was blackballed by the entire Internet, he didn't stand up to defend himself. Even if he just said a word, Lin Li wouldn't be so nauseous after listening to his interview at this time.

This piece of news made Lin Li's family feel uncomfortable, and it took a long time for them to recover.

More than half an hour later, Lin Li's landline suddenly rang.

"Hello, who's there?" Lin Li answered.

"Lin Li, right? Haha, it's me, me, you, Teacher Tang, how are you lately?"

The caller turned out to be Tang Jun, which surprised Lin Li.

"What's up?"

Lin Li had a bad tone. His false concern made him dislike and was not used to it.

"Uh... That's it. Several newspapers here have passed me through and want to interview you. Look..."

Lin Li sneered and asked, "What do they want to interview?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I have been rated as an outstanding teacher. They may be looking for my students to ask some questions. As my most proud student and a celebrity in our Sioux City, they will definitely want to interview you. "

"When did I become your most proud student?" Lin Li smiled.

"I always do." Tang Jun said hurriedly, "I have always cared about you. Maybe you don't feel it, but I really am paying attention to you all the time."

"Yes, I believe that."

Tang Jun is always waiting to find Lin Li's fault, and this is true.

Tang Jun smiled awkwardly and said, "Many reporters interviewed me today, and when they asked about you, I was full of praise."

Lin Li understood the implication and wanted to praise him more when the reporter came to interview him later.

Lin Li was very curious, how did Tang Jun praise himself?

"I'm not good at saying things that go against my will."

Lin Li said coldly that he, Lin Li, could not do it like Tang Jun said shamelessly to the media.

Tang Jun cleared his throat and said slightly begging for mercy: "Lin Li, is there any misunderstanding between us?"


Tang Jun took a few breaths to calm down. This damn Lin Li was so hard to convince!

"Lin Li, look, you are considered a celebrity now. You have to consider the consequences of what you say and do. You can't just act like you are studying."

"Oh, are you okay?"

Lin Li was not very handsome when he was in school, let alone now that he has graduated.

"Wait a minute." Tang Jun was anxious, feeling that he might have said something before, and his tone became much gentler, "Lin Li, I have been saying good things about you, you can't tear things down, we don't look good at the moment. Now, if I praise you and you praise me, it’s nice, right?”

"I'm complimenting you, I know." Lin Li hung up the phone after saying that.

Tang Jun looked at the phone with a feeling of loss, but he felt that Lin Li would not mess around. After all, he was going to have a falling out, and he himself was not good-looking. After all, he was a celebrity, so he had to save face. He praised him so much. He must have acquiesced.

One is sailing against the current, and the other is pushing against the current. Lin Li must know how to choose.

After hanging up Tang Jun's call, the Lin family's phone rang again not long after.

"Hello, we are reporters from the Sioux City Daily. Are you Lin Li?"

"Yes, I am."

Lin Li had already prepared for the call and never left.

"Oh, it's like this. We know that you have a good relationship with your class teacher. This time your class teacher won the provincial outstanding teacher, we are also going to report it. As Teacher Tang's favorite student, do you have anything to say to Teacher Tang? ?”

Lin Li thought to himself, Tang Jun had really risen to prominence by leveraging his reputation. He had become an outstanding teacher in the province, and newspapers in Sioux City wanted to interview him.

Tang Jun also called him to ask for reconciliation. To put it bluntly, he wanted Lin Li to join forces with him to deceive the public and create an image that was praised by everyone in Suzhou City and even Jiangnan Province as a master and disciple.

But with Lin Li's character, how could he possibly succeed? !

In Lin Li's case, there has never been any assessment of the situation, only the willingness of labor and management!

There is no mutual benefit, only a fight to the death!

"I'm not very good at talking, so I thought I'd better write a song to express my teacher."

The newspaper reporter did not expect such an unexpected surprise and asked excitedly: "What song is it? Can you reveal a little bit about it?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. It just so happens that I'm going back to the stage of "The Voice" and I'll sing for Teacher Tang then."

The reporter from the "Sioux City Daily" felt that this advance notice was valuable. Whether Lin Li was going to return to the stage of "The Voice" or Lin Li was going to sing for his class teacher, this was breaking news in Sioux City.

The reporter feels that his report will be very exciting, so he rushes out before midnight and publishes it in the newspaper tomorrow, which will definitely increase the sales of the newspaper.

After thanking him a few times, the reporter hung up the phone and went to write the article.

Early the next morning, "Sioux City Daily" reported the news that Lin would write a song for his teacher when he returned to the stage of "The Voice" and emphasized that it would be a song to praise Tang Jun.

What Lin Li said at that time was only describing Tang Jun, not praising Tang Jun. However, the reporter mistakenly thought that this was what he meant. Anyone who hears that a student wants to write a song for the teacher will definitely have the first reaction that the student wants to praise the teacher. .

What's more, in the past two days, Tang Jun has been promoting their deep master-disciple relationship everywhere.

Lin Li's classmates were very surprised when they saw this news. They all knew Lin Li's character and found that things didn't seem to be that way.

So early in the morning, as soon as he saw the report, Wang Lei came to ask.

"Lin Li, do you really want to write a song for Tang Jun?"

"If you say it out loud, you can't take it back." Lin Li said.

"Can you tell me a little bit, do you really want to praise him?" Wang Lei was very curious.

"Let's watch the new issue of "The Voice" in two days," Lin Li said.

"Hey, you're lying again!"

After Wang Lei, several classmates who had a good relationship with Lin Li came to ask about this matter, and Lin Li asked them to watch "The Voice" broadcast this Saturday night.

Fans quickly got the news on Weibo. They didn't know the grudge between Lin Li and Tang Jun, so they naturally thought it was an enviable teacher-student relationship.

"Is Lin Li going to write a song to praise the head teacher this time?"

"I watched the interview with their head teacher, and I feel that he is a good teacher and deserves to be praised."

"Yeah, there really aren't many teachers like this anymore."

"I envy Lin Li for having such a teacher."

"You should envy this teacher for having a student like the boss, otherwise no one would know about his dedication."

"Yes, this kind of master-disciple relationship is really touching."

"Boss's song this time must be very touching. I've prepared tissues."

"I blindly guess that the song written by the boss this time can become the designated song for Teachers' Day in the future."

Seeing a lot of comments like this, Lin Li was a little speechless. If this continues, Tang Junke will really become a role model for teachers. Thinking of this made Lin Li more determined.

I must use songs to stir up the turbid and raise the clear, so that I can see things in a correct way!

After Lin Li made his decision, he no longer hesitated. He immediately called Zhou Chunhui and informed him of his decision.

Return to "The Voice"!

After Zhou Chunhui heard this, he almost burst into tears with excitement and repeatedly said thank you for your understanding and support.

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