Lin Li took a look at his reputation. He now has 7.26 million reputation, which is enough for him to match.

Is it a lottery or a match?

Lin Li thought for a while and decided to draw the lottery first.

After drawing 30 times, and then the system matches it once, there should be more than 3 million left to keep.

The system voice sounded.

In the lottery...

Unfortunately, no items were drawn this time!

In the lottery...


After 30 draws, Lin Li got 1 book of [Chess Skills] (Elementary), 1 [Agility], 1 [Listening], 1 [Height], and 1 [Piano Skills] (Elementary).

After drawing the prizes, Lin Li used the matching system.


Congratulations to the host, according to the current situation, I will match the song [Class 3, Class 2] for you!

Lin Li was stunned. Class 2 in Grade 3 was his previous class. This matched song might be unusual.

After experiencing the song, Lin Li was attracted by this novel song form.

The campus announcements and bells ringing at the beginning, as well as the sound of ping pong balls, directly pull you into the campus, which is refreshing.

The lyrics are not simple campus content, but full of deep philosophy.

The lyrics tell that first place is not important, and you don’t need to care too much about the first place award. Your own strength is more important than anything else.

The central idea is the lyric "Be your own judge"!

It suits me so well!

But new problems have arisen.

This song from "Class 3, Class 2" is not difficult to sing, but this song is not like Lin Li's previous songs. Those songs did not have accompaniment, and a guitar can accompany it well.

If this song didn't have the sounds of campus radio, ringing bells, and ping pong balls, the song would seem to have lost its soul, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, Lin Li decided to record the accompaniment.

These sounds naturally only come from school.

But now that school is on holiday, I probably won’t be able to get in.

Lin Lizheng wanted to call Jiang Da to see if there was anything he could do.

But at this moment, Hu Jianping, the principal of Sucheng No. 3 Middle School, called.

"Lin Li, I am Hu Jianping."

Now, even Hu Jianping calls himself by his full name in front of Lin Li.

"Principal Hu, is something wrong?"

Lin Li knew that Hu Jianping would definitely go to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason.

"Haha, it's like this. First, we want you to take a promotional poster for Sucheng No. 3 Middle School. Our enrollment is about to begin this year. Of course, we will pay your fees. The other one is that we Your superiors have applied, and you have been selected as our outstanding student representative in Suzhou City this year. There is only one quota, which is a recognition of you and a thank you. The certificates have come down. When do you think you are free, can you come and get them? "

Lin Li thought for a while and said, "It's okay to take a poster for your alma mater. You don't have to pay. I don't want the certificate for outstanding students. I happen to have something to go to school for. Let's go there."

"Oh, this certificate is not something just anyone can get if they want it. We spent a lot of energy to finally get it."

Hu Jianping emphasized that he hoped Lin Li would realize the importance of this certificate.

"In that case, just stay in school."

Lin Li said that he really didn't know what to do with such a certificate.

Hu Jianping was a little embarrassed, but he knew Lin Li's temper. Seeing that Lin Li was unwilling, he said, "Okay, come here and we'll meet."

Lin Li spent an afternoon going to Sioux City No. 3 Middle School to record some of the sounds in his songs, and even asked the principal to sing twice.

After recording, Lin Li took a set of promotional posters for the school.

Then Lin Li went home. As for the certificate, he really didn't want it.

Hu Jianping thought that putting this thing in the school could be used as a facade, so he didn't force it.

Lin Li listened to the sounds in the song "Class 2 of the Third Year" that he had recorded at school, and knew that just recording these sounds for this song was not enough, and the accompaniment needed to be completed.

Lin Li's advantage lies in originality, but this also has a disadvantage, that is, there is no accompaniment tape.

Although some of Lin Li's previous songs had very light accompaniment, it didn't really matter whether he used accompaniment or not, but the competition in the future will be more intense, and accompaniment will still have a great impact.

For example, in the song "Class 3, Class 2", there are a lot of harmonies in the accompaniment that need to be recorded in advance. Without the voices in the harmonies, the song will have no charm.

So Lin Li thought it was time to finish the arrangement and accompaniment of his own songs. to do it?

Lin Li now has preliminary knowledge of music theory and can basically describe the accompaniment in his mind, but he does not have the ability to record the accompaniment, let alone the equipment.

I just have to find someone.

Lin Li thought for a while, the only way to do this was to ask Jiang Da.

I called Jiang Da and told him about the matter.

"I know there is a recording studio in Suzhou City that is quite famous in the industry. It's quite late today. I'll take you there tomorrow."


Jiang Dadu said this, and Lin Li was naturally relieved. Anyway, he was only going to Mango Terrace tomorrow night, so he should be fine throughout the day.

Early the next morning, Jiang Da appeared at the door of Lin Li's house. The two had breakfast together, and Jiang Da drove Lin Li to a small town east of Suzhou City.

The small town seems to have been forgotten by the rapid development of Sioux City. There are no high-rise buildings, no large shopping malls, and not even that many vehicles.

Sioux City is a new first-tier city in China, and there are really not many small towns as deserted as this one.

But the tranquility here is unparalleled elsewhere in Sioux City.

If Jiang Da hadn't repeatedly confirmed that this was the place, Lin Li would have felt that he had taken him on the wrong path.

Arriving outside a particularly quiet small villa, Jiang Da rang the doorbell twice and waited with peace of mind.

After a long time, the door of the villa opened, and a middle-aged man in his forties came out. He looked wary.

"Who are you looking for?"

The man's voice was deep and somewhat unwelcoming.

"Um...are you Uncle Wang Tuo Wang?" Jiang Da asked.

Wang Tuo glanced at the two of them and asked, "Who are you?"

"Do you still remember Jiang Haobo by Daming Lake?" Jiang Da asked.

Wang Tuo was stunned, looked at Jiang Da for a long time, and asked, "Are you his son?"

"Yeah, he's a bit more handsome than my dad, but he still looks a bit similar."

Wang Tuo opened the door and said, "You look so shameless."

After Wang Tuo finished speaking, he walked in and said, "Don't forget to close the door when you come in."

Jiang Da pulled Lin Li into the villa. The courtyard of the villa was full of flowers and plants, which was quite in line with the style of a person like Wang Tuo.

"Are you here to visit this bad old man like me?" Wang Tuo asked after entering the living room.

"To be honest, we want to record a few songs with you... I don't know if that's okay?" Jiang Da asked cautiously.

Wang Tuo had already seen through their intentions and said, "You knew it was for this. You know my rules here, right?"

"Ah, I don't said."

Wang Tuo touched the stubble at the corner of his mouth and said, "My recording studio costs 100,000 yuan a day. I can help you adjust the equipment. Even an afternoon is counted as a day."

Lin Li was surprised and said, "So expensive?"

Jiang Da stopped Lin Li and said with a smile, "No problem, it's worth it no matter how much you check me, Uncle You."

Wang Tuo smiled and said, "You have some knowledge, so come on."

With that said, Wang Tuo took the two of them to the basement.

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