The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 1005: : Take 300 billion to play with you!

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Lloyd hurried back on his motorcycle, and almost had a traffic accident along the way.

The main means of transportation in Somalia are buses, motorcycles, and bicycles. "Toys" such as cars, except for a small number of individuals and organizations, are unaffordable for ordinary people under the current economic conditions.

Even for Lloyd, he is just an ordinary secretariat secretary. Although he is relatively close to the core, his salary is not high. He was not recruited from outside, but promoted through the company's internal assessment.

The Savior Company also implements an assessment system, that is to say, if you feel uncomfortable in the sales department and you want to switch to another department that is comfortable and rich, that is of course possible, but the internal needs to go through strict review, assessment and background adjustment. , and the most important thing is that the department needs people.

The secretariat is like this. Because of the rapid development of the company, an additional 50 people were recruited from within. Hurst has long since resigned from the position of secretary director due to work reasons, and Gallin was originally the deputy, but now he is on the right track.

Lloyd originally belonged to another department of the company, but because he was of Somali descent and did well in the exams, he was brought up. This is called political correctness, just like there must be black people in Hollywood movies Same.

In Somali territory, you have to put on a show.

Lloyd pushed the motorcycle into the shed, dropped the cigarette on the ground, pulled up his pants, and hurried up, but even if he was in a hurry, he had to show his pass, otherwise, The security personnel at the door would not let him in and out at will, even so, it was a waste of time.

When he ran upstairs out of breath, he happened to see Gerlin coming out of the meeting room. When he saw him, he widened his eyes and lowered his voice, "What are you doing!"

"I..." Lloyd stammered, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Are you done?"

"Hmph, I was killed by you. The boss couldn't find anyone just now, so you just wait to be punished." Gerlin said angrily. Although the boss didn't scold me, he just mentioned it calmly. One sentence also made her feel terrified.

After giving Lloyd a blank look, she still ordered, "Go and prepare tea, don't just stand there."

"Oh, good."

Lloyd nodded, turned his head to look at the closed door, licked his tongue, hesitated, and left.

He really wanted to know what meeting was going on inside.

In the conference room, almost all the senior executives of the company were sitting. Videos were hung on the wall, and the heads of the heads of the heads of the heads of the various regions were exposed, looking directly at Boss Tang.

"I'm really in a hurry for this meeting, but time never waits for anyone. I'll stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point." Tang Dao opened his mouth calmly, not even saying a few words of greeting. a tight.

"The Savior Company intends to borrow 300 billion US dollars from banks in various countries around the world!"

Everyone in the room was silent for a while, and then they looked at each other, but they didn't make a sound. They were all old people, and they understood the reason.

Sure enough, someone from Tang went on to say, "These funds will open 40 large research institutes around the world, each with an investment of no less than 7 billion. This work must be completed around the millennium."

"Now you can talk about problems."

A lady sitting on the left raised her hand, and Tang Dao nodded, signaling for her to speak. The other party was about 50 years old, with hair tied up, and looked very capable, "Boss, if we need such a large sum of money, we can only Mortgaged the company."

She is the head of the finance department.

This is a smart person, just do what the boss tells you, first think about the problem, and then solve the problem.

"Mortgage! But we can't hang ourselves in one place. All countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa can borrow whatever they can. The amount can't be too much, and the number of times can't be too little." Tang Dao said.

This is a bit like the taste of a boy who spreads money.

300 billion U.S. dollars, this is definitely not something a bank can afford, and how much interest will it generate? This amount of money is enough to open a large enterprise ranked among the top in the world.

The interest generated in one day alone is probably hundreds of millions of dollars, which is enough to pull the foundation of the financial industry into the same camp. They will become the people who least want Tang Dao to collapse. Isn't this a common interest?

The reason why richer people are more willing to take out loans is because they can make full use of the time value of funds, which is now far greater than the inflation rate.

But Tang Dao's money is used to invest in the future, and it is almost impossible to see returns in the short term.

"Can our current revenue meet the interest?"

The head of the finance department thought about it and nodded, "For now, it's enough."

As soon as Tang Dao heard it, he made a decision, "That's fine. Meister and Hurst are in charge of this matter, and the finance department is assisted to fight for the lowest interest." This must be added, after all, his money is not blown by the wind of.

"After the first tranche of money is loaned out, an additional 4 billion research funds will be added to the Surud Mountain Research Institute."

Someone in Tang still has a "soft spot" for Tesla. The individual submarine, the lightsaber type 2, and even plans to hollow out the entire mountain range to create a laboratory that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. This will be the first weapon field.

He intends to publish all future genetic modification experiments here, making the Sulud Mountain Research Institute the base camp.

"Understood." The head of the financial department said.

Tang Dao nodded, and looked at the other person, "In the next five years, about 3,000 scientists will be I will give you a list, no matter how much the price is, we will recruit them."

The person in charge of the personnel department felt a lot of pressure. Being able to be favored by the boss must be of extraordinary status, and he was about to bleed heavily. Facing the boss's order, he could only bite the bullet and obey.

The meeting lasted until after eleven o'clock in the evening, and someone Tang from each department issued work requirements, and the work was done in a strict and meticulous manner. When the meeting ended, even the tough little angel couldn't bear it. step down.

"The cafeteria has prepared a late-night snack. If you are hungry, go eat some." Hurst said with a smile to the crowd. Everyone nodded and walked out slowly. Lloyd, who was waiting outside, was about to fall asleep. Shocked by the movement, he stood up straight, rubbed his eyes, and said hello to each high-level person who left with a smile.

He looked at the boss, who was talking to Mr. Hurst. Lloyd slowly leaned over and listened.

"Do you want to ask me why I made such a big move all of a sudden?" Tang Dao said with a smile, and Hester nodded.

"The times are changing too fast, but the changes of this new era are just around the corner. Now we are ahead, but it doesn't mean we have always been ahead. We should be in front when others are still weak, timid and fearful. , beat them to the ground with one punch, let those ambitious people become honest people completely, and let them understand what kind of group the Savior Company is, do you understand? The world is big, and I haven't seen it clearly yet I want to stand on the moon and look at this blue planet, then I will live up to it, I will come to this world!"

"I don't lack money. What I want is to change the world and become great!"

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