The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 1006: : I, rich, poach people!

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the next day!

The New York News Corporation's "World Today" newspaper published a piece of news about the $300 billion loan of the savior company in the global investment science research institute. In the financial industry and the scientific field, it is almost like an aircraft carrier launching into the sea. stunned.

There are constant phone calls into the company, asking why.

Boss Tang didn't intend to hide it, otherwise, it wouldn't be reported so soon. The main reason for this news to be disclosed is to let the financial institutions outside fight each other's shit, and then decide who can become a meat eater!

The TFB bank under the company will definitely be on board such established countries as Nei, Eagle Sauce, Rabbit, Gallic Chicken, John Bull, etc., and will spend about 30 billion US dollars to feed other small countries. Looking at it this way, in fact, this Money is also not enough.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, our relationship is of course very good, you can send someone to contact the foreign affairs department, I will greet them, okay, get together when we have time." A phone call to him also needs to show some face. They are also smart people, and they understand that it is impossible to take such a large order in one bite, so they very tactfully said that they will take care of it a little bit.

Most of them are the bosses of world-class companies, and then they speak for a certain company. Even acquaintances from the Boston consortium called. They are all very friendly, and when they almost got up in the early stage, they still relied on their "dog skin plaster" to pretend to be powerful, so they still have to give face.

Of course, as for how much they can get, it all depends on their own appetite and ability.

As soon as he hung up the phone, someone knocked on the door. As soon as he put his hand on the teacup, he took it back. After calling in, Gerlin came over with a folder, "Boss, the sales of countries and regions this quarter and Expenses come out."

"Leave it alone." Tang Dao nodded.

Gerlin obediently arranged the folders neatly, and continued, "The first phase of the Elpis Industrial Park has been completed, including Volkswagen, Scola Industries, and Savior Military Industries. You need to cut the ribbon ?"

This is long-lost good news.

There are more than one hundred large enterprises in the industrial zone, which will completely push Elpis into the role of a large industrial town, which can bring more than tens of millions of dollars in tax revenue to Somalia every year. So easy to talk about, this is Africa, a commercial desert!

But when the savior company decided to open the largest factory in Europe and Africa here, the capitalists who were waiting for the price smelled blood. Coupled with the income from the lightsaber, everyone saw Tang's frightening wealth. Ability, this naturally relies on it.

Capital also has hills.

Obviously, they were trying to get close to "Tang Dao".

"When?" Tang pondered for a moment, thinking that this was a big deal, and he wanted to give the businessmen who invested some more confidence.

"Ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"That's fine, call all the ministers tomorrow and go together."

Gerlin was about to go out, when the boss behind her stopped her again, "The secretariat has been a little slack lately, I know you all have worked hard, but if anyone doesn't want to do it, just leave as soon as possible, I don't want to be around people who don't want to eat. Workers."

These words made Gerlin's heart tremble, she naturally understood that the boss was beating her, her face turned pale, and she responded submissively, after she left the office, as soon as the door was closed, this bitch's expression became ferocious !

Lloyd, I won't kill you!

"Savior Company's loan of 300 billion U.S. dollars!" The topic successfully became the top search list on Yahoo, and immediately after that, the second article was: "Savior Company intends to invest in 40 research institutes around the world!"

And the third is "to poach people with huge sums of money."

According to people familiar with the matter, almost all scientific research groups will face challenges from capital demons!

Long Island, New York, Cold Spring Harbor.

Founded in 1890, it is known for its quantitative biology. It conducts research in conjunction with non-profit research organizations at 15 universities, and is financially supported by the US government, philanthropic departments, foundations, and local authorities.

This should be the most authoritative place for the DNA double helix model, because the discoverer of DNA: James Watson is the director of it, the father of DNA, the Nobel Prize winner, and also the "International Human Genome Project" advocates and implementers.

He has been exploring the decryption of human beings' own "power".

But he doesn't like to intervene in a certain genetic war, thinking that it will destroy human beings, but his laboratory results... were originally sponsored by some powerful organizations. This genius born in 1928, at the age of nearly 70, still It's decrypting.

But in fact, this elegant old man should be regarded as a "racist" in essence. Later, because he frequently made remarks about the differences in IQ between races (races), he deprived Cold Spring Harbor of his honorary title.

But you can't ignore his work.

But at this time, there was still a moderate roar from his office, "Fake! Bastard, what conditions did that Asian offer you, you have to leave now!"

The staff members passing by outside the office couldn't help but glanced through the glass, just took a rough look, and saw that the silver-haired director was snarling with a twisted face, his hair dryer started again, and the "victim" "It was his student and his assistant.

The staff didn't dare to look any further, lowered their heads, and hurried away.

Maybe I also felt the gazes from James Watson walked out resolutely, shouted loudly, his voice filled the entire big office, returned to the office with a dark face, pulled the curtains, Looking at his "comrades in arms" he shook his head in disappointment.

Dr. Freeman Butt, graduated from Stanford University, stayed at the school as a researcher (professor) at the age of 28, and also served as the deputy director of the biology department. He was considered a candidate for the Nobel Prize.

Later, he was dug to Cold Spring Harbor, because there is his idol here.

James Watson gave him a lot of help and hoped that he would inherit his mantle, but at this critical moment, Freeman said that he had accepted the invitation of the Savior Company (Biological Academy) and would serve as an assistant. This was simply a joke.

"You don't want to work here, but you want to be some kind of assistant. It's ridiculous. Then can you tell me who is in charge?" There is a deep complaint in these words, and I always feel that the other party is disgusting me.

Is there anyone better suited to be a teacher than myself?

Freeman opened his mouth, but closed it again, which made James Watson frown impatiently, "Who is it?"

"Mr. Arthur Kornberg and Mr. Hal Gobbin Korana," said Freeman muffled.

James Watson immediately shut up.

Because those two are also Nobel laureates...

"It's not a matter of money. The savior company gave me a document." Freeman raised his head and said boldly, "I saw the program from inside, and they have surpassed us in the continuation of the gene. It's easier for them than here."

What the hell...

James Watson's face darkened again.

Scientists also look down on each other.

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