The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 117 Public Printing

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Chapter 117 Public Printing

Seeing that half of the 30 quotas have been set, dozens of people are still watching the remaining dozen of quotas. The price of four thousand crystal stones is a matter of time, it depends on who reacts faster, the first to call out four thousand.

The first person who called out four thousand was immediately selected by Xiao Li. Seeing that the number of places was getting smaller and smaller, the rubbing masters who had not yet obtained the number began to panic. The shouts were louder than before, and the competition became more intense.

The price of the last dozen or so quotas has increased three times, and the highest price has been raised to 6,000 crystals.

"Your enthusiasm is really high enough. Thirty places are almost sold out. Now there are only the last two places left, but you still have so many people..." Xiao Li said in embarrassment.

"I'll give you seven thousand! Don't steal it from me!"

There are only the last two places left, and the eyes of those who have not yet grabbed the places are almost red, even if it is seven thousand crystals, they will not blink when they take out their hands.

You must know that these young rubbing masters are not as capable as the intermediate rubbing masters, and the salary given by Duobaoge is only one-tenth of that of the intermediate rubbing masters. Seven thousand crystal stones was almost their monthly income, but in order to learn better rubbing techniques, they also risked it all.

"Since you are so sincere, I will give you a quota." Xiao Li said with a sigh.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted: "I pay eight thousand!"

"Then the last spot will be given to you!"

Xiao Li happily took the spar bags from those who got the places, one bag after another, his hands almost softened after receiving them. Some spar bags contained two thousand, and some contained three thousand, but the four thousand and five thousand spar bags were heavier, and the heaviest ones even reached seven thousand or eight thousand.

Counting carefully, there were thirty spar bags in total. Xiao Li put all the spar bags in his pocket with a blushing face, and immediately said to the rubbing masters: "Tomorrow at noon, Master Lu Yang will arrive at Legend No. 14 on time. The room is open to the public. At that time, all of you who have obtained the quota will have a record, and you can enter with this small ticket. As for those who did not obtain the quota... I can only say sorry. There will be a chance next time , everyone, come and watch again!"

With a bag full of crystals, Xiao Li returned with a full load. When no one was paying attention, Xiao Li quickly slipped into Lu Yang’s legendary room No. 14, quietly opened the pocket containing the crystals, and began to count today harvest.

There are only 30 places in total, and I thought that there would be no big gains, but the fact gave Xiao Li a big surprise. Calculated on average, each person actually contributed about 4,000 crystals, far exceeding Xiao Li's expectations.

Of course, the quota fees for the three trustees have to be removed, and in the end, there are hundreds of thousands of spars. It's just that no matter how many spars there are, they don't belong to Xiao Li after all, and he is just working for Lu Yang.

Putting the piles of crystals aside, he touched his pocket again. The bulge was far from what he had gained today, and Xiao Li couldn't help but sigh: "Those who are capable make money quickly. This day’s income can be equivalent to my income for several years!”

Even with the title of senior waiter, he is still just a waiter. Not only is his enshrinement inferior to that of a Rubbing Master, but his status is also completely different.

Apart from being able to settle down in Donglai City, it was more difficult to save money. He had been in Donglai City for five years, but he only bought a small house, so he couldn't save much money at all.

"Let's see how much Boss Lu Yang can give me tomorrow." Xiao Li thought with anticipation.

When Lu Yang received more than 110,000 spars, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he took out 100,000 of them and put them into another pocket, and then threw all the remaining spars to Xiao Li.

"You performed well this time. These crystals are your reward. I hope you can perform better next time." Lu Yang laughed.

Xiao Li received the spar with great excitement, and almost knelt down to thank Lu Yang: "Definitely! Master Lu, don't worry, with this experience, I will definitely perform better next time!"

Lu Yang took a look at Xiao Li, and noticed for the first time that although this kid was not of high status, he was actually a mid-level beast master. The Tianyi Gate was about to open, and Lu Yang immediately wanted to win over Xiao Li.

"Xiao Li, besides Duobao Pavilion, do you have any other forces?"

Xiao Li shook his head and said, "Well, I just came from a small town, so I don't have any background at all. And I also think that being in Duobao Pavilion is already very good. Although I can't make much money, life is still very easy. smooth."

"That's great! I'm going to establish a small sect in the north of the city, to stand up for our poor family and fight against the mad knife sect!" Lu Yang said.

At the beginning of Tianyimen's establishment, all kinds of talents were lacking. Not only did Xiao Li have some savvy in business, but he was also good at cultivation. He was able to cultivate to an intermediate level beast master, and he also had mid-level aptitude, which is a rare talent in the outside world.

It would be great to be able to win over Tianyi Sect, and Xiao Li himself did not join any forces, so naturally he readily agreed to join Tianyi Sect.

"After I finish rubbing, you can come with me, and I will take you to meet our other brothers from Tianyimen."

When the time was almost up, Xiao Li came to the door of Room 14, ready to welcome those rubbing masters who spent a huge price in exchange for a place to watch the ceremony. Lu Yang, on the other hand, has prepared everything in the room and can start rubbing at any time.

When the Rubbing Zishan Book received the task in Duobao Pavilion

There will be delivery at any time, as for the others... In fact, there are still many things that need to be prepared when the rubbing master is rubbing. It's just that Lu Yang is not really a rubbing master, but completely releases the rubbing technique as a skill, and the intermediate procedure is much simpler than that of a rubbing master.

"It doesn't matter, if everything is the same as them, then how can I be worthy of the title of legend?"

After Lu Yang prepared the purple shirt book and the original, he waited quietly in the room. Soon there was a noise outside the door, and Lu Yang opened his eyes suddenly, knowing that it was those stupid fans.

As soon as the door of the room opened, the crowd dived in, very fast, without any muddle. Lu Yang counted carefully, exactly thirty of them, all of them arrived, but the noise outside the door has not stopped.

"Sure enough, there are still guys who want to come, but they didn't get the quota..." Lu Yang chuckled inwardly. He had already guessed that this would be the result, so he decided on thirty quotas. If everyone's curiosity is satisfied at once, although huge profits can be obtained in a short period of time, how can the subsequent plans be carried out.

What Lu Yang cares about is long-term interests, not the small profits in front of him. There are only 30 quotas for the agreed 30 quotas. The system must be strict so that more people will be willing to join the competition next time.

Touching his forehead with one hand, Lu Yang said slightly distressed: "Oh, thirty people is already the limit. If there are more, I'm afraid it will affect my I hope everyone can understand, wait for me to become more proficient, Maybe we can increase the number of people."

After a brief explanation, Lu Yang began to show his rubbing skills.

Of course, after receiving so many crystals from others, Lu Yang naturally won't make a quick decision like last time. It would be a bit too perfunctory if he didn't bring out some dry goods.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yang said, "The rubbing is just a process of releasing mental power. As long as the mental power is strong enough, the rubbing will be smoother. Therefore, you must meditate before rubbing, just like I did before. That way, you can adjust your spirit to the best state."

The rubbing masters watching were listening quietly, and some of them silently recorded what Lu Yang said, hoping that it would be useful in the future, but Lu Yang had already started rubbing.

I saw Lu Yang's palm lightly gliding over the original, but Lu Yang's gaze had already begun to scan the original. However, these rubbing masters couldn't see anything, they only thought that when Lu Yang performed the rubbing technique, he would be different from other people.

Lu Yang had already taken out the purple shirt book when his palm brushed across the book. I only saw brilliant white light falling on the purple shirt book one after another, and the color of the purple shirt book began to change. From the initial light purple to the color of the yellow book, at this time, the original content of the beast control technique should appear on the purple shirt book, all of which are imprinted with spiritual power.

It's just that Lu Yang's speed was too fast, as fast as flipping through a book. After Lu Yang finished flipping through the purple shirt book in his hand, a rubbing of the "Beast Control Technique" was almost completed. It only took ten minutes from start to finish.

"God, it's really too fast..."

"I thought that the speed of Master Lu's rubbing was exaggerated in the rumors, but I didn't expect it to be so fast..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, all of this was under his control, he had long expected these people to react like this.

His rubbing speed was amazing enough, but today he increased the speed a little bit, the shock of these rubbing masters is completely reasonable.

"As long as your mental strength is strong enough, when rubbing, you only need to complete the entire rubbing process in one go. It will be done in one go, without muddling, so that the rubbing effect will be better!"

The thirty rubbing masters below were stunned by Lu Yang's hand. They either opened their mouths wide, or lowered their heads to record what Lu Yang said.

The work completed in one go not only saves a lot of time, but also has better effects. As for those young rubbing masters, they admired Lu Yang even more.

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