The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 118: Mid-Rank Yuling Pill

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Chapter 118: Mid-Rank Yuling Pill

Within two hours, one hundred thousand spars were in hand. Holding the spar bag in his hand, Lu Yang once again felt the feeling of a rich man. Millions of crystals have been consumed in just a few days, and this is the first time Lu Yang has harvested a lot of crystals. I began to plan again in my heart, when will there be another wave.

Moreover, Lu Yang still owes a lot of foreign debts. Just after Lu Yang completed this rubbing, the people from Duobao Pavilion also sent the one-star advanced beast control to Lu Yang's hands. As a result, Lu Yang had an additional foreign debt of 300,000 spar.

Including the mortgage, Lu Yang is really in debt now. But the so-called debt is not heavy, so Lu Yang simply went to the third floor of Duobao Pavilion to shop, and asked Xiao Li to see if there were any middle-grade Yuling Pills in such a high-end shopping mall as Duobao Pavilion.

"Yes, there is, but...the price is not ordinary, and it is not cheap at all compared with advanced beast control..." Xiao Li said truthfully.

Although he knew that Lu Yang was extraordinary and good at attracting money, the price of an intermediate Yuling Pill was as high as 300,000, which was not something ordinary people could afford. Moreover, Lu Yang has not been in Duobao Pavilion for a long time, and he must not have accumulated much. He should have been using his family's wealth all the time.

Xiao Li's thinking was right. If Lu Yang were to take out 300,000 crystals now, Lu Yang would definitely not do so. What he wanted was to take another credit and pay back slowly when he had money. .

So Lu Yang said to Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, I already owe 300,000 crystals to Duobao Pavilion, I wonder if I can continue to credit it? If so, please help me pack the intermediate Yuling Pill." Bar."

"This..." Xiao Li's face showed a look of embarrassment, and his speech became hesitant.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Xiao Li nodded, and said softly: "It's a little troublesome, but if you really want the intermediate Yuling Pill, there is no way out."

"What way? Let's talk about it." Lu Yang asked hastily.

"In fact, it's nothing. If you stay in Duobao Pavilion for a long time, you can actually get credit in Duobao Pavilion. It's just that Mr. Lu Yang has just joined Duobao Pavilion, so I'm afraid the higher-ups won't agree to let you borrow money from Duobao Pavilion." too many."

"However, as long as my lord completes this month's tasks as soon as possible, and then has enough performance, there is no problem in crediting another mid-level Yuling Pill here. Moreover, in the system of Duobao Pavilion, performance beyond the mission, the reward Generally higher."

"Eh..." Lu Yang responded softly, but he had already started planning in his heart.

Lu Yang has almost completed the task of 20 rubbings per month, and if he completes a little more now, it can be counted as this month's performance.

"Then I'll go to the elders again and pick up another copy!" Lu Yang pondered and walked up from the second floor of Duobao Pavilion.

"Are you really going?" Xiao Li hurried to catch up, and said to Lu Yang: "But Mr. Lu Yang, you have just completed the rubbing of a book of ten-star intermediate beast control skills. If you go to accept the task now, will it be okay?" A little too anxious? Don't you want to rest?"

Lu Yang shook his head slightly, none of them could understand Lu Yang's mood at this time. That was a promise he owed, which he had never been able to fulfill before.

Now that I know there is hope, I am naturally impatient. What's more, rubbing has no impact on Lu Yang except for consuming a little spar, even if it keeps rubbing for a whole day, there is no problem.

"It's okay, I know what I'm doing."

When receiving the task, the elder who was in charge of distributing the task also looked at Lu Yang in surprise. There are not many people who can complete a rubbing of a complete copy in one day. Those who want to complete two tasks in one day have never done so.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yang waved his hand and said indifferently: "The elder is worrying too much, I still know about my body. In addition, I just brought the task back, and I didn't say that I would start it today. Take a break and start tomorrow. "

"Okay, young man, if it doesn't work, don't force it. If your mental power is damaged, you may become an idiot. After all, mental power is not a joke."

Lu Yang nodded slightly, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. He didn't know what spiritual power was at all, and he never relied on mental power to perform Rubbing Technique, so how could his mental power be damaged?

Smiling and accepting the original of Beast Mastery, Lu Yang went back to Room 14, closed the door, and started tinkering inside alone.

Of course, Lu Yang didn't know that during the day he was away, the Sun family also underwent earth-shaking changes.

Under the command of Er Gouzi and Wei Qiang, the Sun family's garden was almost restored within a day. As for arranging those newcomers, Wei Qiang is quite good at it. After all, he has also been a gangster, and he has managed many people under his command.

I bought a lot of furniture and supplies from Donglai City, successfully settled those guys down, and bought a new gate from Donglai City to install it.

It is also made of bronze, and it looks stronger than the previous door. Just looking at it gives people a heavy and thick feeling.

"Although it doesn't feel tasteful at all, it should be stronger than the previous one." Looking at the completely new Sun Mansion, Wei Qiang said quite satisfied.

It cost Wei Qiang a lot of crystals to renovate the inside and outside of the Sun Mansion. The total cost of buying such a house is only 50,000 crystals, but it has been renovated three times. It's already tens of thousands.

"Sure enough, only the rich can afford to live in a mansion. If I put this on me, I don't know when I will be able to afford it!"

After those new disciples cleaned up all the destroyed things in the Sun Mansion, Wei Qiang moved out the highlight of the day.

"Everyone look this way! Quickly look over here!"

After a whole day of work, Er Gouzi and those new disciples almost collapsed from exhaustion. Wei Qiang was fine, he just ran errands and bought some things all day long. Who would make him more familiar with this area? There was nothing he could do.

"If it's okay, let me rest for a while, don't keep jumping around in front of my eyes, and don't help with work, be careful I'll beat you!"

Wei Qiang hurriedly apologized, and said, "Brother Tie Zhu! Don't be like this! We are all working for Brother Yang! You guys should save face and just take a look at this thing, just take a look!"

In front of Wei Qiang, a piece of red silk covered a huge thing.

"What is this thing? Don't waste the money that big brother gave you, it's our Tianyimen's future expenses!" Er Gouzi reprimanded quickly.

"Hey, these are all explained by Brother Yang, Brother Tie Zhu, you can trust my ability to handle things!"

Er Gouzi glanced at this kid. Since following them, this kid has indeed become much more honest. At this time, he was winking at Er Gouzi and said: "Brother Tie Zhu, Brother Lu Yang is not here, why don't you uncover it first and see what it is?"

Er Gouzi was dubious, and stepped forward to pull the red silk and pulled it hard, as if the curtain of the stage was pulled away, and a strong golden light burst out from the inside of the red silk.

"This is……"

When all the red silk fell down, a few large golden characters suddenly appeared in front of Er Gouzi.

All of them are gilt fonts, and the strokes of the pen are even more domineering, written in an extremely domineering way.

"Tianyi Gate!"

"Is this the plaque of our Tianyi Gate?"

"Yeah! It feels good just looking at it!"

Those newcomers who joined Tianyi Sect looked at the plaques of their own sect, and they all felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. Wei Qiang enjoyed their current performance very much, and felt proud of his vision in his heart.

"Just this plaque, among other things, even the one from the Crazy Sword Gate may not be comparable!" Wei Qiang said proudly.

"Not bad! Really good! No wonder Brother Yang asked you to take charge of this matter. Your vision is indeed much better than mine!" Er Gouzi said with a big laugh.

Although Wei Qiang kept calling him brother, it was only because Er Gouzi was closer to Lu Yang, and Er Gouzi was stronger than Wei Qiang now.

It's just that the age gap between the two people is there. He can call Er Gouzi Big Brother, but Er Gouzi absolutely cannot call him a boy. This is a basic matter of principle.

"Hey, that's not true! This is the face of our Tianyi Sect, how dare I be sloppy? With this, our Tianyi Sect is officially established!"

Er Gouzi nodded: "We finally have our own sect. Brother Yang will be very happy to know the news!"

And those newcomers were even happier. They were all happy with their choices, and said proudly: "Yes, when I came with you, I really did not follow the wrong person! When we go out in the future, we can also loudly say to others that we are heaven. A person!"

Just when he was having fun in the courtyard, Sun Wu didn't know when he had left the customs. Successfully digested all the experience learned in the previous two wars.

At this time, Sun Wu's aura is restrained. Although it looks more ordinary on the surface, it gives people a deeper feeling than before.

"Tianyimen... the power that really belongs to our brothers, our own Tianyimen!"

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