The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 136: Six-eyed Jinyi Seriously Injured

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Chapter 136: Six-eyed Jinyi Seriously Injured

"Strange, the one who was clearly here just now, why is there no one there now?"

When they returned to the place where they parted ways before, there was no one. The middle-aged man in the golden robe and the six-eyed golden lion disappeared without a trace, leaving only spots of blood on the ground.

"How long has it been? Is the battle over?"

"No, no, the six-eyed golden beast will not be defeated so easily!" Lu Yang lowered his head, his face full of worry.

Because from these bloodstains on the ground, Lu Yang clearly felt the breath of the six-eyed golden beast. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, Liumu Jinyi must be seriously injured now!

Scenes of the past flashed before Lu Yang's eyes, and Lu Yang's sadness was gradually replaced by grief and anger.

"Yuan Family! I want you to pay in blood!"

"Brother, don't be impulsive! Let's go back first and make a long-term plan!"

Lu Yang's eyes were red, with a murderous gleam, he roared like a beast, "If I don't kill Yuan Jin, I will never give up!"

Hatred has filled Lu Yang's heart, no matter how much Sun Wu persuades him, it will not work.

"Brother Sun Wu, I must avenge this revenge with my own hands! I will go to the Yuan family to settle the score, and you will wait for me at Tianyimen!"

Just as Lu Yang said the words, he was suddenly hit on the back of the head, he groaned, and his eyes suddenly went dark.


Originally, the blood was on the brain, but the back of the head was attacked by Sun Wu, Lu Yang rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

Sun Wu shook his head and sighed, and threw Lu Yang onto his back: "Oh, brother, brother, there is nothing you can do about it. The six-eyed golden lion is already in danger, and I can't let you take any more risks."

At this time, in a corner not far from Sun Wu, the sunlight gradually illuminated the corner of the wall, revealing a figure squatting in the corner, the whole body was shining with golden light.

Yuan Jin slowly opened his eyes, but the haze on his face did not dissipate, and he said gloomyly: "Interesting, this fierce beast really has some skills! It can even hurt me!"

"It's just a pity that I still couldn't catch you this time, but I seem to have discovered where your weakness is!"

"The next time we meet, it will be when I subdue you!"

The sound gradually became louder, like a thunderbolt exploding in the sky, Yuan Jin's voice kept echoing in this small space.


"Sect Master! Sect Master! What's wrong with you!"

When Sun Wu appeared at the gate of Tianyi Gate with Lu Yang on his back, the disciples guarding the gate immediately exclaimed when they saw their current appearance.

The sound attracted Wang Tiezhu, Wei Qiang and others, and before Sun Wu entered the door, they were surrounded by a large group of people.

"Brother Sun Wu, didn't you go to the Fengyun Club for a banquet? How did you come back in this state?" Wei Qiang asked with concern.

Wang Tiezhu's eyes fell on Sun Wu's back, and his eyes were almost straight: "Brother Sun Wu! What's wrong with Brother Yang!"

"Hey, don't worry about your brother Yang, he was just knocked out by me, but something big is going to happen to our Tianyi Sect!"

First became the leader of the poor family alliance, and then the appearance of the head of the Yuan family, no matter what happened, they couldn't think of it even if they thought about it. However, this is not what Sun Wu is most concerned about now. It is not a long-term solution to stun Lu Yang. Once Lu Yang wakes up, they still don't know how to comfort Lu Yang.

"Alas... something happened to the six-eyed golden beast, and this incident hit Lu Yang too hard. As a last resort, I had to knock him out and bring him back, but once Lu Yang wakes up, I really don't know what to do! "

Er Gouzi howled and scolded: "The Yuan family are such idiots! I'm going to settle accounts with them now!"

When Sun Wu heard this, he slapped Er Gouzi on the head, and cursed softly: "Sure enough, I have the same temper as your Yang brother. If you really want to die, then go! I will never stop you !"


"If you don't want to die, come and help me quickly! Take your Yang brother back to the room!"

Lu Yang might be really tired, or it might be that Sun Wu hit too hard, he was knocked unconscious by Sun Wu as if he fell asleep, and he slept from the afternoon until late at night and there was no sign of waking up.

However, even in a dream, I don't know what exactly Lu Yang dreamed about, maybe he saw the six-eyed golden lion, even falling asleep still felt a little painful.

"Lu Yang... Lu Yang..."

The voice was like a dream, and it rang softly in Lu Yang's ears. Lu Yang was still asleep, and he heard the voice vaguely, feeling very familiar, and then woke up leisurely.

"Where is this? I seem to... have returned to Tianyi Gate? What happened?" As if still immersed in a dream, Lu Yang shook his head vigorously, trying to echo everything that happened during the day.

"Lu come with me, I have something to tell you."

It's the voice of Liumu Jinyan! In a daze, Lu Yang hadn't fully woken up yet, but he could already hear from the voice that it was the six-eyed Jinyi who was speaking to him from the air! He was also suddenly recalled by Liumu Jinyi's voice, remembering what happened before he fell into a coma.

Only through the connection with Lu Yang can the Liumu Jinyi be able to communicate with Lu Yang through the air. Since that feeling is still there, it means that the Liumu Jinni is not dead yet, and has not been killed by Yuan Jin. snatch away.

However, since Liumu

Jin Yi escaped, why didn't he come back to meet him, but let him go out to meet him?

"Six-eyed Jinyi will never harm me! Maybe he really has something to hide!"

Lu Yang turned over swiftly, jumped up from the bed, carefully avoided the disciples standing guard at the door, and ran in the direction of the six-eyed golden dragon's sound transmission.

In the dark, Lu Yang could feel the current location of the six-eyed golden beast. Through that invisible induction, Lu Yang rushed all the way towards the location in the induction, and walked to the outskirts of Donglai City .

Although it is still within the range of Donglai City, this place is considered a wilderness. There are only large forests and some wild animals. It is said that there are some low-level beasts living in it, so no one usually comes here. here.

"Why did Liumu Jinyi choose to meet me here?" Lu Yang felt a little puzzled.

Under the bright moonlight, a black shadow flashed behind Lu Yang, but what Lu Yang saw in his divine eyes was a golden light.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Lu Yang finally saw clearly the appearance of the shadow in front of him.

"Six-eyed golden beast! Is that you?"

"We have telepathy, who else do you think besides me?"

Of course Lu Yang knew that the six-eyed golden beast was in front of him, but there was a sense of extreme weakness in the latter's voice.

"Six-eyed Jinyi, are you injured? Why didn't you go back to Tianyimen to find me?" Lu Yang asked with concern.

Six-eyed Jinyi gradually walked in front of Lu Yang, but shook his head, and said softly: "The environment of Tianyimen is too complicated, and I was injured too badly this time, so I can only escape here to recuperate. And the environment here It's not bad, people from the Yuan family probably wouldn't have thought that I would be here."

After all, it is still a ferocious beast. Before it has its own master, it is still difficult to integrate into the human group. If it is normal, it is fine, but for healing, the environment here is indeed more suitable.

With the help of the moonlight, Lu Yang finally saw the injury on Liumu Jinrong's body clearly. An opening almost penetrated Liumu Jinni's entire chest, almost splitting Liumu Jinni into two halves. Although the wound had stopped bleeding, the open flesh and blood still made people feel horrible.

"Damn it! Yuan Jin's old bastard is too harsh!" Lu Yang roared angrily.

If it weren't for the six-eyed golden lion's strength and tenacious vitality, if such an injury were placed on other fierce beasts, it would have been enough to die several times. But even so, Lu Yang felt from Liumu Jinyi that the latter was in a very bad state.

The six-eyed golden lion seems to be fine now, but it is actually trying to hold on. His body was almost split open alive. Lu Yang couldn't imagine that he could escape after suffering such a serious injury. What a bloody battle.

"Fortunately, I won't die for a while, but that old guy didn't really want to kill me, and if he hurt me, I wouldn't let him feel better."

Six-eyed Jinyi's voice became lower and lower, and she told Lu Yang what happened during the day. Although the battle didn't last long, when Lu Yang came back to look for Liumu Jinyi, the battle was over.

Moreover, although Liumu Jinyi was seriously injured, Yuan Jin was also injured. According to Liumu Jinyi, Yuan Jin would not be able to recover within ten days and a half months.

"Lu Yang, I can no longer protect you now, I can only buy you ten days and half a month. During this time, I will be here to heal your wounds, and you should take advantage of this time to quickly think of a countermeasure. Otherwise... …Ten days later, if that guy comes again, no one will really be able to help you."

Within ten days, Yuan Jin's injuries were not completely healed, and he didn't care about Lu Yang and Tian Yimen at all. This is also the only time they can buffer, but once Yuan Jin's injury recovers, I'm afraid the first one will find trouble with Tian Yimen.

At that time, don't say anything about the alliance, what leader, the only one who can save Lu Yang is yourself, only if Lu Yang's strength becomes stronger, so that he can resist the Yuan family!

"Six-eyed Jinyi, I have wronged you..."

Even at such a time, the Liumu Jinyi is most concerned about the safety of Lu Yang. Originally, it should continue to be his king of all beasts in the Luoshen Mountains. There is no need to follow him to places like Donglai City to take risks. But now he almost lost his life because of Lu Yang's matter.

The six-eyed Jinyi's voice became weaker and weaker, and at the end, she fell asleep directly in Lu Yang's arms.

Lu Yang stretched out his palm, gently stroked Liumu Jinyi's wound, and said, "Liumu Jinyi, take a good rest, let me heal your wound!"

Dots of green light erupted from Lu Yang's palm, like a small spring flowing slowly, and then entered the wound of Liumu Jinyi.

This is from the self-healing ability of the Shenmu Ape King. After the awakening of the blood, the Giant Wood Beast King has become the Shenmu Ape King. Not only the power of the innate supernatural power has become greater, but the self-healing ability has also been greatly enhanced. It couldn't be better.

Countless green lights entered the wound of the Six-eyed Golden Lion and were all absorbed by the Six-eyed Golden Lion. However, the physical body of the Six-eyed Golden Lion was too strong. Even if Lu Yang tried his best, the effect was still negligible, except for making the hideous and terrifying His wound improved a little, but there was no sign of healing at all.

"Could it be that the wood attribute healing ability of the Shenmu Ape King has no effect?" Lu Yang whispered to himself, feeling a little helpless.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, and soon there was a trace of firmness in Lu Yang's eyes: "There is still a way to make the six-eyed golden lion recover quickly! I have no choice but to do this until now. I only hope...the six-eyed golden lion wakes up Don't blame me when..."

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