The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 137: The new battle favorite, Liumu Jinyan

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Chapter 137: The new battle favorite, Liumu Jinyan

"Sorry, I can't keep our promise..."

Gently put down the six-eyed golden beast, Lu Yang said guiltily.

After taking out a high-grade crystal nucleus, Lu Yang silently recited the mantra of beast control, a white light erupted from Lu Yang's hand, and finally enveloped the injured six-eyed golden lion in the white light.

"Successful!" Lu Yang murmured softly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

With a big hand move, the white light circulated on the body of the six-eyed golden dragon, and finally disappeared from Lu Yang's eyes, but Lu Yang didn't feel surprised at all, but showed an excited expression.

"Six-eyed Jinyi, I have no choice but to do this, I hope...don't blame me for not keeping my promise when you wake up!"

For the beast, what is the best place to heal its wounds? It is not a deep mountain forest full of aura, nor is it such a remote grove. Lu Yang knew this in his heart, and of course the Six-Eyed Golden Lion also knew that there was only one best place for fierce beasts to heal their wounds, and that was the pet space!

As long as the pet is not killed in battle, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as it returns to the pet space to recuperate, it can recover in the shortest time. Beast masters are able to control all kinds of beasts, which naturally has their advantages, and the pet space is also the most suitable place created by heaven for fierce beasts.

As warm as a mother's embrace, it can provide nourishment to all ferocious beasts.

It's just that Liumu Jinyi has no choice, this grove is the best place he can find so far.

And just now, Lu Yang tried to use the animal control technique on the six-eyed golden lion, and the result went smoothly beyond imagination. He successfully subdued the six-eyed golden lion after only one cast, and Lu Yang himself didn't even think about it. It will be so smooth.

According to Lu Yang's calculations, Liumu Jinyi's injury is too serious, even if he recuperates in the pet space, it will take a long time to fully recover.

"Six-eyed Jinyi has now become my battle pet, but I only have ten days. If I can't recover Liu-eyed Jinni before Yuan Jin fully recovers, then I still have no way to fight Yuan Jin!"

From Lu Yang's understanding, if the war pet wants to heal its wounds, there are other ways besides being in the pet space.

Between the heavens and the earth, not only ferocious beasts can absorb spiritual energy, but also some plants, so there will be spiritual grasses and the like, and the role of spiritual grasses can not only be made into medicines, but also have many magical effects, such as healing!

"Go back to Duobao Pavilion tomorrow! We must find something that can heal Liumu Jinyi!"

Lu Yang still owes a whole lot of debt to Duobao Pavilion, and after offsetting part of it with the spar obtained from completing the missions madly in the past few days, there is still a debt of nearly 500,000. Lu Yang wants to take advantage of this opportunity, just Go back to Duobao Pavilion to earn some extra money.

"Boss! What do you want from me?" Xiao Li said to Lu Yang respectfully.

Lu Yang nodded slightly, and said: "I know you are also from a poor family. The Tianyimen I established has now reached a certain scale. If I have time, I will take you there to report. With your ability, I can give you a report." The hall master is right."

"Okay! Boss, let's go today!" Hearing that he could be directly promoted as hall master, Xiao Li couldn't wait.

But Lu Yang shook his head and said, "Today is not enough. I am here this time because I have important things to do."

"I want to buy some elixir that can heal the beasts. It would be even better if there is a elixir. I wonder if there is such a treasure in our Duobao Pavilion?"

"Of course there is! But..."

Lu Yang knew that it must be because he owed a lot of crystals that Xiao Li felt embarrassed. So he quickly said: "Don't worry, I will buy it directly with spar, and I won't embarrass you. As for the debts I owed last time, I will speed up and make up for them as soon as possible in the next few days."

Seeing Xiao Li turn around and take him to an area on the first floor, Lu Yang quickly said: "Take me directly to the boutique area, don't worry, you boss, I'm not short of money!"

"That's fine, it's much easier to handle this way, boss, come with me! All the elixir and panacea for the beast's wounds are on the third floor."

Those who can enter the third floor of Duobao Pavilion all have noble status, and the things that can appear on the third floor are naturally all high-quality goods. Although there are some spiritual herbs that can heal the beasts on the second and first floors, the quality is not high. Not very good, and was directly ignored by Lu Yang.

"Raw bone grass! Thirty thousand crystals!"

"Boss, if you buy it, you can get a 10% discount. You only need 27,000 crystals." Lu Yang watched in front, while Xiao Li followed behind Lu Yang and acted as Lu Yang's commentator.

Just like the spiritual herb that Lu Yang saw just now, although the price is expensive, worth tens of thousands of crystals, the effect is really worth so many crystals. Raw bone grass is said to have the miraculous effect of the living dead and white bones. Of course, this effect is only for humans. If it is used on ferocious beasts, it may not be so miraculous.

"Boss, this raw bone grass is a genuine mid-level spirit grass. It is the best for life extension. No matter how badly injured you are, as long as you have a breath, you can hang it alive." Xiao Li continued to introduce.

"So that's how it is..." Lu Yang touched his chin and nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that the six-eyed golden beast hadn't woken up after entering the battle pet space for so long because of his heavy injury, maybe this raw bone grass could have some effect .

Thinking of this, Lu Yang picked up the raw bone grass and said, "Pack it up for me, I'll take it away later."

In the entire third floor, there is an area where all the treasures are filled with spiritual grasses and panacea, and they are all at least mid-level elixir. Not only are they used for healing, but also for stimulating potential. Even in these elixir, Lu Yang saw the dragon's blood grass, and he almost didn't dazzle Lu Yang.

"If it wasn't for a dragon's blood grass, I wouldn't have embarked on this path, but I didn't know until now that the elixir that changed my destiny was just an intermediate elixir."

The original experience is still replaying in Lu Yang's mind until now. He was just a carefree young man, but because of a dragon's blood grass, his destiny has changed since then, and it is precisely because of this that he has a brand new life. Lu Yang appeared.

The old vengeance has now been avenged. In the final analysis, Lu Yang has to thank the kid for taking the dragon's blood grass away, otherwise he would not have the chance to be reborn.

Through Xiao Li's introduction, Lu Yang gradually got acquainted with the elixir.

Almost the same level as beast masters and fierce beasts, elixir also has its own grade division. Those elixir that contain a little bit of aura, but have broken away from the category of ordinary medicinal materials, are also the most common and lowest-level elixir. On top of that are mid-level elixir, and even high-level elixir.

It's just that intermediate-level and above elixirs are already hard to come by. Some rare elixirs are even more precious than intermediate-level elixirs because they contain miraculous effects, just like dragon blood grass.

Picking up another elixir casually, Xiao Li immediately introduced: "Boss, this is a high-level elixir! It is the best for healing injuries! No matter how serious the injury is, whether it is a human or a beast, it will Recover in the shortest possible time!"

"Oh? The effect of this panacea is so good?" Lu Yang asked in disbelief.

Xiao Li quickly patted his chest and said: "That's right! This Wanling grass is more than a hundred times more precious than dragon's blood grass! Even among high-level elixir, it is a top-level existence, and the effect is of course extraordinary!"

"So that's it! Then pack it up for me!" Lu Yang waved his hand when he heard the effect was so good, and immediately decided to buy it.

But Xiao Li said with a bitter face: "It's just... Boss, although the effect of this high-level elixir is good, the price is not usually expensive. This Ten Thousand Spirits Grass... needs a full 200,000 spar What! Would you like to think about it again?"

In the previous two times, as long as the price was more than 100,000 yuan, Lu Yang chose to pay on credit. This time, Xiao Li was afraid that Lu Yang would not have any crystals to pay, so he kindly reminded him.

Lu Yang let out a long sigh, and said, "The price is really expensive, but pack it up for me, this time I'll go all out."

Hundreds of thousands of crystals were smashed down, and every time he heard a price, Lu Yang's little heart would beat violently, and his flesh hurt unceasingly, as if being cut by a knife, but thinking of saving the six-eyed golden lion, Lu Yang would be ruined I don't hesitate.

It was because of him that the six-eyed golden beast was injured so badly, and now he has become Lu Yang's favorite in battle. Lu Yang also has the responsibility and obligation to rescue the six-eyed golden beast. What's more, in the upcoming battle, if Without the help of Liumu Jinji, Lu Yang really couldn't resist by himself.

They picked out some elixir one after another, and under the leadership of Xiao Li, the two of them looked at almost all the elixir on the entire third floor. But there are not many high-level elixir, and there are even fewer high-level elixir for healing, so the two of them basically chose some intermediate-level elixir. Together, the value has exceeded 400,000 spar.

At the end, even Lu Yang was about to stop and go home, but his eyes fell on a scarlet elixir again.

Lu Yangshen's eyes sparkled, and he asked quickly, "Xiao Li! Tell me quickly, what is this elixir used for?"

"This... this elixir is a high-grade elixir, but it is not used for healing. The price of high-grade elixir is not generally high, it is much higher than that plant of Wanlingcao just now, boss, otherwise we should pay more attention to it. Forget it..." Xiao Li said in embarrassment.

Lu Yang's face darkened, and he said, "If I want you to introduce you, introduce yourself quickly, so there's so much nonsense!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

This pill is called Blood Spirit Pill, and it is a precious high-level pill. Even in Duobao Pavilion, there is only one such pill, and it is the treasure of all the pills in Duobao Pavilion. .

However, the effect of the Blood Spirit Pill is not for healing, but for the blood of the beast.

The refining materials are also not based on elixir, but are refined with the blood essence of various ferocious beasts, which even contain the blood essence of many ancient mythical beasts, including the blood essence of the dragon. Even so, the amount contained must be very small, otherwise it wouldn't just be of high quality, it should be higher.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder I felt something special the first time I saw it..."

Through the eyes of God, he can see many things that others cannot see. When he saw the Blood Spirit Pill for the first time, he felt that this pill was extraordinary, like a mass of burning blood, so powerful that it even Far surpassed the average beast.

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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