The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 141 Take over all

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Chapter 141 Take over all

Even in the middle of the night, Lu Yang's room No. 14 was still brightly lit. The six-eyed golden beast had been training against Lu Yang for a long time, and there was still no sign of stopping.

However, after half a day of training, as the intensity of the training continued to increase, Lu Yang gradually got used to it, and the previous screams gradually became weaker, and in the end Lu Yang only hummed.

"Come on, come on, Lao Jin, use more force! Why is it like scratching an itch?"

The six-eyed Jinyi gritted his teeth angrily, swung the hammer in his hand, and threw it at Lu Yang with all his strength, but this time it didn't hit Lu Yang's back, but the sole of his foot.

When the hammer fell, Lu Yang's face suddenly changed, and he turned red instantly, and finally burst into a heart-piercing howl.

"Ah!" Lu Yang stared at the six-eyed Jin Ni with cannibalistic eyes, and grinned and cursed: "Old Jin! You definitely did this on purpose!"

Liumu Jinyi waved his hand, threw the hammer aside, and said with a smile: "Let's stop here today, this has no effect on you, let's continue tomorrow in a different way!"

According to Liumu Jinyi, if you want to make the fit better, but without training the skills of fit, you can only use these stupid methods. However, the principle is the same, that is to open up the meridians in several key parts of the body, so that the power of the beast can be better integrated into the body.

And what the Six-Eyed Jinyi is doing now is training Lu Yang's physical strength, stimulating Lu Yang's meridians through strong blows, in an attempt to open up those key meridians.

"Old Jin, old Jin, I admit it this time..." Lu Yang grumbled as he rubbed his swollen soles like steamed buns.

The six-eyed golden lion threw Lu Yang down and went back to the pet space to rest, but Lu Yang didn't dare to rest. Instead, he took out the original of the beast control technique from his bosom. Originally, he had been busy until late at night, before Lu Yang calmed down, and fell asleep on the big soft bed.

"For the first time, I feel that it feels so good to be able to lie down and sleep!"

For the next few days, Lu Yang spent all his time under the high-intensity training of the Six-Eyed Golden Lion. After each training, before the blood in his body subsided, he took the time to do the rubbing task.

"Hey, Boss Lu Yang hasn't come back for so many days, the 50,000 crystals he left last time will be used up, and more and more people have joined our Tianyi Sect these days, what should we do? ?”

In Tianyi Gate, Wei Qiang looked at the few spars left and frowned.

Er Gouzi was also worried: "Oh, these days are supported by Brother Sun Wu, otherwise, with the little crystals on the two of us, it would have been gone long ago!"

"You don't even think about it. We have two hundred mouths in Tianyimen. Every day, the eaters get crystals from me. It would be no wonder if the few crystals that Boss Lu Yang gave are enough to spend!"

Wei Qiang is now the nanny of Tianyimen, responsible for all the daily expenses of Tianyimen, and Sun Wu, who just broke through as a senior beastmaster, is still adapting to the methods of a senior beastmaster during this period, busy consolidating his realm, there is no Take care of the Tianyi Gate all the time, and only take out some crystals occasionally to maintain the operation of the Tianyi Gate.

But after so many days, there were not many crystals brought by Sun Wu, and now there are not many left.

"Since you know you have no money to spend, why don't you think of a way to earn some spar? Could it be that those big families with hundreds or thousands of people are all maintained by their patriarch alone?"

"It's Boss Lu Yang's voice!"

The two people's eyes lit up, and Lu Yang's figure appeared in front of them without any warning. Before Lu Yang could finish speaking, Er Gouzi jumped on him excitedly.

"Hey, Er Gouzi, don't make trouble! Let's get down to business!"

Lu Yang already knew Er Gouzi's virtue, so he quickly reached out and lifted Er Gouzi up.

Er Gouzi looked at Lu Yang in astonishment, and asked in shock, "Brother did your strength...become so strong all of a sudden?"

"There are still many things you don't know, let's talk about the business now!"

The rise of every power begins with recruiting people, but once the manpower is almost recruited and the power develops to a certain scale, it is necessary to think about how to maintain the development of power.

"With our current strength, we can completely stand alone, not to mention, don't forget that I still have the status of a leader!"

With a big wave of his hand, Lu Yang took out a large spar pocket from his arms, and in this spar pocket was Lu Yang's income for the past few days, which was a full 200,000 spar.

"This is the last time I will give you normal funds. After today, I will develop our own industry in this northern district!" Lu Yang said to Wei Qiang.

Wei Qiang took the spar bag from Lu Yang and said, "Boss, I've wanted to do this for a long time. They all have their own properties in Fengyunhui, but our Tianyimen doesn't!"

"Then take them all over!"

Lu Yang said softly, and immediately pulled out a golden token, not the one from Duobaoge, but the leader token of the Humble Family Alliance. Holding this token, he can command the members of the entire alliance.

"Tomorrow, the Alliance Conference will be held!"

"My dear brother, as soon as you come out, the whole north of the city will not be able to think about peace." Sun Wu just heard this sentence and said to Lu Yang with a smile.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Our time is running out. It is estimated that in another seven days, the Yuan family will make some moves."

In the past, the Kun family was pressing on Lu Yang's shoulders like a mountain.

Later, with the Yuan family pressing harder and harder, Lu Yang also wanted to relax, but the reality did not allow it. Lu Yang could relax only on the day when the Tianyi Sect was able to be completely independent.

"Haha, leave tomorrow's affairs to me."

Sun Wu happily took over the task. When Lu Yang handed over the lord's token to Sun Wu, it meant that from now on, the Tianyi Gate would be officially handed over to Sun Wu. And what Lu Yang will face next is not only the Yuan family, but also the even more powerful Kun family.

"There are still ten days until my seventeenth birthday. Before that, we must get rid of the Yuan family!"

"I'll just wait for your words!" Sun Wu laughed loudly. Regarding the thorn in the Yuan family's heart, Sun Wu had long wanted to get rid of it. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Tianyimen to develop in the north of the city.

In the early morning of the next day, people from Tianyi Sect came one after another, all of them were big and small forces from the third and fourth districts.

Originally the largest gang in the fourth district was Fengyunhui, but Luo Ping was killed by Lu Yang, and the disciples of Fengyunhui either ran away or joined other gangs. As for their territory and property, they were all divided up by other forces.

The remaining two major gangs have no opponents in the north of the city, one is Ding Yimen, and the other is Daoyuanhui. The disciples of these two major gangs usually have their eyes on the top. Therefore, these people are stepping into Tianyimen When they saw the compound of Tianyimen, none of them took Tianyimen seriously.

Some people even laughed directly: "Is Fengyun Society wiped out by such a gang? It's really useless!"

"Compared with our Daoyuanhui, this kind of gang is like a kennel! They asked us to come to such a place for a meeting!" The disciples of Daoyuanhui said disdainfully.

On the side, the disciples of Ding Yimen obviously had to be more disciplined, Song Qing had made a special explanation before leaving the house, how dare they mess around? Hearing wild words from Dao Yuanhui's mouth, he couldn't help persuading: "Brother, don't dare to say such words, be careful that our sect master will hear you."

"So what if I hear it? What I said is the truth!"


Before the members of Dao Yuanhui could finish their words, a slap fell from the sky and landed directly on his face.

"Who dares to beat my Daoyuanhui disciple!"

With a roar, Chu Yuan saw the disciple in the door being beaten, and jumped in front of the disciple, full of anger, like a lion trying to show off.

Lu Yang glanced at Chu Yuan indifferently, and snorted coldly: "You must abide by the rules here! If President Chu can't discipline his subordinates well, Lu will have to do it for him!"

The man was beaten, his face was burning hot, and seeing the righteous master and Chu Yuan beside him, he said angrily: "Who are you! How dare you hit me? Do you know that I am Dao Yuanhui..."

"It's the people from your Dao Yuan Club who hit you!"

Before the man could finish speaking, Lu Yang raised his hand and slapped him down again. Chu Yuan stared at this scene in a daze, feeling as if the slap had been slapped on his face, and his expression suddenly changed. There is a burst of blue and a burst of white.

"Lu Yang, although our Daoyuanhui disciples have broken the rules, it's too much for you to teach my disciples in front of me, right?"

"Oh." Lu Yang's face turned cold, and he said lightly: "I'm just reminding President Chu, don't forget the rules and follow in the footsteps of Fengyunhui!"

Immediately, he flicked his sleeves, and no matter how ugly Chu Yuan's face was, Lu Yang said loudly: "Since everyone has come, it means that you still take me as the leader seriously! There are a few things I have to tell you today. say clearly!"

"First, Fengyun will be destroyed. That is the credit of our Tianyimen. I said at the beginning that the follow-up matters will be handled by our Tianyimen. Therefore, any territory that once belonged to Fengyunhui will be destroyed from now on. My Tianyi Sect will take over all of them!"

As soon as the voice fell, the big and small gangs below immediately exploded, discussing a lot, and some even made insulting remarks.

Chu Yuan stood up from the crowd with a dark face, looked directly at Lu Yang and said, "Master Lu, the territory of Fengyunhui is jointly owned by our poor family. Now that Fengyunhui is gone, whoever has the ability to manage it will belong to it." Who. If you want to take away everything you say, and don’t even leave us a mouthful, isn’t it unreasonable?”

"That's right, we have worked so hard for so long, so we must give us some benefits, right?"

Some people even said directly: "To be honest, apart from you alone, what else can Tianyimen compare with us? We respect you as the leader of the alliance, and we already think highly of you. If you don't respect you, then you Tianyimen are in Nothing in our eyes!"


Lu Yang stood up and slapped the desk in front of him, causing the wine on the table to spill all over the floor.

"What a respect for me as the leader of the alliance! Then Lu Mou put his words here today! Tianyi Sect has me, Lu Mou, enough! If you have any objections, just bring it up!"

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