The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 142 Shocking the audience

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Chapter 142 Shocking the audience

"If you have any dissatisfaction, just bring it up!"

Lu Yang's voice was like a thunderbolt, which exploded in the courtyard of Tianyimen, making the ears of those people buzzing, and some weak ears even bled bloodshot, only those who were strong enough could still Barely resist.

Chu Yuan's complexion became even more gloomy, and he said in a muffled voice, "Although you are the leader of the alliance, your actions are a bit too domineering, right?"

"If you are not overbearing, how can you be intimidated?" Lu Yang said, staring at Chu Yuan.

"I, Lu Yang, took down Fengyunhui alone, but in the end it was divided up by you all. Your speed is really fast!" Lu Yang's eyes became colder and colder, and Senhan's killing intent made everyone present They couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Now Tianyimen has just started, whether it is land or industry, it is what Tianyimen needs most. Now that Fengyunhui has been shattered, if Fengyunhui's industry and territory can be taken over, it will be a huge improvement for Tianyi's goalkeeper.

And those gangs, especially the Daoyuan Club, obviously took a fancy to this, thinking that the Tianyi Sect was weak and Lu Yang alone would not be able to become a master, so they acted so recklessly, but they didn't know what Lu Yang was doing. Overbearing beyond their imagination.

As soon as he made a move, he took Chu Yuan and Dao Yuanhui first. Only when he was suppressed, could other small gangs be deterred.

It's just that Chu Yuan can be regarded as a tyrant in the three districts anyway, how could he be convinced in the face of Lu Yang who is also domineering!

"Master Lu, although what you said is reasonable, what if we don't want to!" Chu Yuan said disapprovingly.

"Then I don't mind making your Dao Yuanhui the next Fengyunhui!" Lu Yang said coldly.

When there was a disagreement, Lu Yang shot directly, stepped on the sole of his foot, and his body rose into the air, suddenly appearing in front of Chu Yuan.

The divine power of 190,000 jin turned into a fierce punch and hit Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan's expression changed drastically. He never thought that Lu Yang would strike so decisively, and in front of so many people.

"Lu Yang, how dare you!"

"Why don't you dare!"

Chu Yuan rushed to resist, but his strength was not comparable to that of Lu Yang. The two collided, and it was Chu Yuan who was knocked into the air.

Chu Yuan flipped a few somersaults in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, covered in dust all over his body. He was in such a mess, it didn't look like it would last for a while.

"Lu Yang! You're bullying too much!" Chu Yuan was furious at being so embarrassed in front of so many disciples under his sect.

But Lu Yang said lightly: "This is just a lesson for you. If you dare to provoke me again, I guarantee that you won't even have a chance to regret it!"

"Lu Yang! You are so domineering just now as the leader! I am not the only one who has opinions on you!"

"Even if you can kill me, I don't believe you can kill all the people who oppose you here!"

Although Chu Yuan was defeated by Lu Yang, he was still dissatisfied. With a roll of his eyes, he immediately spoke out to incite the anger of the people present. Then, as expected, many people began to point fingers at Lu Yang: "We can make you the leader of the alliance!" , can also make you nothing!"

"Since you are the leader, you have to think about us. You even want to carve up our territory and property, so what's the use of you as the leader?"

Lu Yang's eyes swept over those clamoring people, and finally fell on Chu Yuan, and found that this guy was smiling proudly watching Lu Yang being condemned by so many people.

"Huh? It seems that I have not taught you enough lessons!"

"Lu Yang! How dare you!"

"If you commit evil yourself, you cannot live!"

Lu Yang didn't want to say the same thing a second time, so he poured all his strength into his fist and slammed it down on Chu Yuan's face.

He had suffered a loss in front of Lu Yang before, but Chu Yuan was not so stupid as to fight Lu Yang again, so he got short and avoided it.

"How dare you hide?" Lu Yang frowned, then sneered, "Then let you try this!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge phantom of a ferocious beast appeared out of thin air behind Lu Yang, accompanied by a golden light entering Lu Yang's body.

Punching out, the wild lion roared, the power of the golden war lion and Lu Yang's power merged together, forming a golden lion claw in the sky, bursts of mad lion coercion came from the roar of the lion, and the huge lion claw suppressed And down.

"This is……"

With a bang, the golden lion's claw fell, and the whole courtyard was shaken under the claw, stirring up billowing smoke and dust.


A cold snort came from the sky. At this time, Lu Yang had changed back to his previous appearance, his black sleeves fluttered, and gusts of wind were blown up, blowing away all the smoke and dust billowing below.

The golden lion's claw disappeared, but left a huge pit on the ground, and the edge of the pit was in the shape of a lion's claw.

Moans came from the bottom of the pit, and everyone rushed to the edge of the pit to check the situation inside.

All I saw was a figure covered in blood lying flat on the bottom of the pit, bloody and bloody, already out of shape.

"This is……"

"President Chu Yuan!"

"How could this be? Could it be that he couldn't even resist Lu Yang's move?"

Lu Yang's attack was aimed at Chu Yuan. Who could the person lying at the bottom of the pit be if not Chu Yuan? Everyone sighed at Chu Yuan's current appearance, but for a while, no one dared to speak out, let alone rescue Chu Yuan.

"Knife Club

Do you really want to watch your president die? Hurry up and get him up! "Sun Wu shouted angrily, and those Daoyuanhui disciples who were still in a daze reacted, jumped down to the bottom of the pit, and stuffed a lot of pills into Chu Yuan's mouth.

"After tomorrow, Tianyimen will take control of the fourth district, and everything in the former Fengyunhui will now belong to Tianyimen! Does anyone have any opinions?"

The voice rolled down, and with Chu Yuan's lessons learned, finally no one dared to speak out against Lu Yang's words.

Song Qing stood up from the crowd and said to Lu Yang: "Leader Lu is right, and I, Ding Taimen, express my support."

Immediately he smiled again, and said, "So... let's start drinking now? After all, everyone has come from afar, and many of them came naked."

Sun Wu waved his hand and said boldly: "Enough wine and water! Everyone open up and drink! Drink to your heart's content!"

That day, both Lu Yang and Sun Wu were drunk, and those members of the small gang were honest. After the banquet was over, everyone returned to their respective sites full of wine and food, and vacated all the sites and industries designated by Lu Yang as quickly as possible.

Even the hall before Fengyunhui was originally occupied by members of Daoyuanhui, but now that Chu Yuan was injured, the people of Daoyuanhui couldn't withstand Lu Yang's coercion, so they obediently handed over the hall to Lu Yang.

"Boss Lu Yang, this Fengyunhui's hall is really big! It's much more beautiful than our Tianyimen's facade!"

"Okay, our Tianyimen's small courtyard is really not enough now. It's okay to live in, but it's really not grand enough to be used as our hall." Wei Qiang stood at the door of Fengyunhui and pointed Said.

Lu Yang just shook his head and smiled wryly, but his eyes kept scanning the gate of Fengyunhui, and finally with a big wave of his hand, the plaque with Fengyunhui on it was smashed into pieces by the strong wind blown by Lu Yang.

"This place should be replaced with the plaque of our Tianyi Gate."

Lu Yang not only wants to set up the church of Tianyimen here, but also turns the entire four districts into the territory of Tianyimen.

The original place was the second district, which was the closest to the Yuan family. It was not easy to develop there, and one had to be on guard against sneak attacks from the Yuan family and the Crazy Sword Gate at all times.

And if the church and power can be developed to the four districts, then of course it would be great. The Fengyun Society had been entrenched here for a hundred years, now everything in the Fengyun Society has been taken over by the Tianyi Sect, and this is the Tianyi Sect's world.

As for the second district, although it is tasteless and tasteless, it is a pity to discard it. After all, Tianyimen rose from there. Now if you say give up, you will give up. The entire second district will no longer have any power to compete with the mad knife gate. , which means that the poor disciples there will fall into dire straits again.

"Don't worry, even if the Tianyimen moved here, we will not give up the second district!" As if seeing Wei Qiang's worry, Sun Wu patted Wei Qiang's shoulder and said.

"From now on, this is our Tianyimen's new church! As for the second district, it will be our branch, and Er Gouzi will take care of it from now on! Don't embarrass our brothers!"

Such a heavy responsibility suddenly fell on Er Gouzi's shoulders, but the latter was still in the fog and his head was bewildered, so he could only cast a look of help to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang said to Er Gouzi: "One day you will be separated from us and stand alone. You must have the confidence to be the right arm of me and Brother Sun Wu!"

The weakness in Er Gouzi's eyes gradually turned into strength, and he said with a vow: "Brother Yang! You can rest assured that I will manage the second district! I will definitely not let you down!"

That night, Sun Wu and the others were so busy that they stayed up all night, and re-stated Fengyunhui's original properties and sites.

Dao Yuanhui and those troublesome little gangs were quite honest. Under Lu Yang's domineering oppression, they vomited out all the things of Fengyunhui, which was not bad at all.

The site alone is more than three times that of the Tianyi Sect. As for the industry, it has already developed relatively maturely. It can not only maintain the daily expenses of the guild, but also earn a monthly income of 100,000 crystals.

"With such a scale, He Choutian's family can't grow!" Sun Wu sighed.

However, after reviewing Fengyunhui's previous accounts, Sun Wu frowned: "There seems to be something wrong..."

"What's the matter, boss?" Wei Qiang asked hastily.

Sun Wu pointed at the end of the account, and said: "When Fengyunhui manages these industries, there is a balance of 200,000 spar every month, and...according to the accounts of Fengyunhui, there should be There is still a lot of inventory, but now..."

"It's gone!" Wei Qiang stared at the last big zero with wide eyes in astonishment!

Sun Wu finally understood why these people handed over Fengyunhui's property so honestly. It turned out that they had dug a big hole and were waiting for Tianyimen to jump.

As long as Tianyimen takes over these industries, not only will it not be able to make a profit in a short period of time, but it will even need to spend a large sum of money to fill the original deficit, so that it can operate normally. And although they didn't get any property, they took away all the benefits that could be taken from these industries.

"Damn it, you dare to play dirty tricks with me!" Sun Wu showed a hint of ruthlessness at the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Wei Qiang, Er Gouzi, integrate all the disciples of Tianyi Sect, let's go collect debts tomorrow!"

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