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Chapter 165 Trouble

Of course, Lu Yang was still very worried about one thing, that is, the other party threatened him with Xiaoling's grandfather. In that case, he really didn't know what to do, so he couldn't rush to a decisive battle with the other party. The time had not yet come. Lu Yang knew this very well.

"Here we come, hey, it turned out that the two strongest people came to the front, so it's going to be troublesome now."

Lu Yang suddenly felt that the pedestrian who was less than a hundred meters away from him was a little surprised when he found that the other party had changed his formation, but he just smiled at this. Changed tactics.

"Do you think it's enough for the strongest to go to the front? If so, then I'll attack from the rear of you!"

A slight arc was drawn at the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, and then the whole person disappeared in place, turning into a black shadow and rushing through the passage...

A black shadow flashed out of one passage, and then flashed into another passage like a ghost. This flashing figure was naturally Lu Yang. At this time, he was only tens of meters away from the pedestrian, but the other party was also very vigilant. When Lu Yang approached quickly, they also immediately noticed that they immediately entered a state of defense.

In the next second, Lu Yang appeared in front of the pedestrians, but he did not stop his fast-moving body, but continued to move forward rapidly while attacking fiercely.

"咻咻咻咱咔叮叮叮叮..." Summoned the Immortal Golden Bell to protect his body first, then took out the spiritual weapon Zhanlongjian and poured spiritual power into the Dragon Zhanjian, the sky full of sword energy directly rushed towards the opponent shoot away.

While the sword energy was rushing away, Lu Yang's eyes flashed coldly, and the hundred silver needles in his hand were also shot out quickly. In this narrow passage, not everyone wants to dodge all these attacks. able to do.

"Hmph, little tricks, do you think you can hurt me with these!" The middle-aged man walking in the first row snorted coldly, and immediately slapped his palms forward with luck, facing the oncoming sword energy.

And the black-robed old man dodged Lu Yang's silver needle attacks flexibly with a strange figure. This scene surprised Lu Yang, obviously the black-robed old man was a terrifyingly strong man. But other people were not so sensitive. Many of them were pierced in the cheek by Lu Yang's hundred silver needles, pierced through the head, and died on the spot.

However, the second young master Tian Xingjian did not suffer too much damage. After all, he is a high-level beast master, so he can naturally escape this kind of attack, but none of the middle-level beast masters behind him survived, and all of them died. It seems that Lu Yang just now The attack was aimed at those intermediate beast masters, because they couldn't see Lu Yang's attack from behind, and it was too late to react after the people in front dodged.

In fact, that's what Lu Yang planned. First wipe out all the opponent's mid-level beast masters, and then quickly evacuate before making plans. Everything seems to be in Lu Yang's plan.

"Hmph, boy, you still want to leave after killing someone. You really have a good plan!" The black-robed old man suddenly sneered, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and then he said to the middle-aged man beside him: Yu, you go and take this kid, don't kill him, and leave it to the second young master."

"No problem, leave this kid to me." The middle-aged man, who was Shi Yu as the old man said, immediately agreed.

After the previous sword energy was blocked by this person, Lu Yang planned to retreat temporarily, and was not in a hurry to fight the opponent, after all, the opponent still had a great advantage.

However, the other party did not give Lu Yang a chance to leave. The middle-aged man named Shi Yu was wrapped in the spiritual power of a powerful senior beast master, and rushed towards Lu Yang.

"Boy, it's not that easy to run away after killing someone!" The middle-aged man suddenly rushed in front of Lu Yang and slapped Lu Yang hard on the chest. Fortunately, Lu Yang's reaction was not slow, and he immediately Using her talent and supernatural power, Hurricane Dance, received the opponent's powerful palm.

However, this person's strength has reached the peak of a high-level beast master, and Lu Yang felt tremendous pressure from that majestic spiritual power, and was shocked by this palm and took a few steps back.

Lu Yang's eyes became more and more cold, he jumped off the stone wall, and landed firmly on the ground. When the opponent was about to attack again, Lu Yang sneered, then raised his left hand, and pulled hard.



"Shigure, be careful!"

The hundred silver needles that pierced through the middle-level beast master immediately hung in the air as if they were ordered, and shot towards the middle-aged man in the next second.

The old man in black robe noticed these silver needles at the first time, and with his sharp eyes, he could tell at a glance that the silver needles could hurt middle-aged men, so he sternly yelled at them, reminding the latter of the danger.

"Hmph, brat, don't you just do sneak attacks!"

The middle-aged man was reminded by the black-robed old man, and when he looked back, he saw hundreds of silver needles shooting towards him rapidly with traces of silver light, and his face was a little dignified at the moment.

"Hmph, the same trick didn't work the first time, and it won't work the second time either!"

The middle-aged man roared angrily, and immediately took out a sharp white machete. His body shape is as heavy as a man's. It seems that this middle-aged man is of strength, so his speed is not very important. The advantage, of course, is that it is faster than Lu Yang.

"Ding, ding, ding..." The middle-aged man tried his best to dance the scimitar in his hand non-stop, and bounced off the hundred silver needles that came in a hurry. Every time they collided, there was a piercing sound.

Seeing that the other party dared to turn his back on him and put all his attention on those silver needles,

Lu Yang also thought it was funny for a while, but he still manipulated the Dragon Slaying Sword extremely quickly, and shot it out with a menacing momentum. This time, the Dragon Slaying Sword's power seemed to be much stronger than before.

"Shiyu, be careful, that kid is sneaking up again!"

Feeling the aura of the Dragon Slaying Sword, the black-robed old man's expression changed slightly, and he quickly shouted at the middle-aged man, telling him to deal with it carefully and not to be fooled.

"Hmph, does this brat only know how to engage in sneak attacks? How ridiculous!"

"go to hell!"

The middle-aged man roared wildly, and then all the hundred silver needles were bounced away. The next moment, the man turned around and swung the white scimitar again, slashing down at the oncoming Dragon Slaying Sword, as if he didn't pay attention to the opponent's moves at all. in the eyes.

"Ding!" The big white scimitar and Lu Yang's dragon-slaying sword collided head-on, and the violent vibration caused even the stone walls on both sides trembled, but it was only for a moment, and then calm was restored.

The middle-aged man sneered, and with his hands clenched tightly on the broadsword, he sharpened his strength, and directly bounced the Dragon Slaying Sword away, scattering it to the side.

At this time, under the extremely arrogant and contemptuous gaze of the other party, Lu Yang's fist mercilessly punched.

Seeing that Lu Yang dared to fight him head-on at close range, the other party couldn't help feeling a little funny, but he moved very quickly, and immediately swung the white scimitar towards Lu Yang's fist. He seemed to think that his scimitar was better. Therefore, he didn't think about what would happen at all, but simply thought that the opponent's fist would be split in half by his machete in the next moment.

However, the result was not as he expected.

"Ding!" There was a crisp sound of metal shattering in the passage, except for Lu Yang, everyone present was stunned by the scene in front of them.

The middle-aged man holding a white scimitar was punched to the head by the other party. Scarlet blood immediately flowed in the not very wide passage, and the disgusting smell of blood also emitted in an instant.

The other party didn't understand how he died at the hands of an unknown kid until his death. This is really a shame, but no matter what the shame is, it doesn't matter anymore, because he is already dead.

"This... how is this possible, Shi Yu is a high-level beast master, just like me, how could his head be blasted by the other party's punch, am I dreaming? Impossible, this is impossible!"

Tian Xingjian, who was watching the battle from behind, had an unbelievable expression on his face, and murmured that all the changes in front of him were too sudden, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

Not only him, but even the black old man who had some relationship with this middle-aged man had a look of disbelief, and there was a trace of sadness in it, and then the sadness turned into anger and hatred. Fortunately, The moment Lu Yang cut off the opponent's head, he quickly ran away holding the Dragon Slaying Sword.

This style of play may be a bit of a rogue, but the opponent is superior to him in terms of numbers and strength. A rogue is a rogue. It is better than death, Lu Yang thought as he retreated quickly.

"Bastard, boy, I will never let you go, I will kill you to pieces and never die!"

When the black-robed old man came to his senses, Lu Yang had already disappeared in place, and then he couldn't help roaring. The roaring sound oscillated back and forth in the passage for a long time, and Lu Yang, who ran far away, heard the old man's voice. An angry roar, just pouted disapprovingly.

"Little ghost, don't let me see you again, or I will cut your body into pieces and die a terrible death!" The roar of the black-robed old man resounded in the passage of the ancient tomb, and it took a long time before he calmed down.

At this time, Lu Yang had already evacuated to other channels to prepare for the next plan.

"Now my strength has basically been completely exposed. If I confront that old man later, it may be very dangerous. It seems that I still have to rely on those mummy corpses."

Lu Yang was thinking secretly in the dark and dull passage, now that he wanted to kill all the remaining opponents, it was almost impossible to use a sneak attack.

The other party was a high-level beast master who was infinitely close to the yellow-rank beast master. A direct confrontation would be death. Lu Yang couldn't think of a better way to deal with them other than using mummified puppets to create chaos and carry out sneak attacks.

"Forget it, let that kid be proud first. If he dares to come later, he will cut off the old man's hand and see what that kid will look like!"

Tian Xingjian said with a sinister smile, his eyes were full of sternness, obviously this old man was only leading the way for them, if they found the ancient tomb treasure, they would kill this old man mercilessly. It is Xiaoling's grandfather.

It's just that the old man is still useful to them now, so they didn't kill him, but breaking his arm has no effect on leading the way. As long as they can lead them to find the treasure of the ancient tomb, they don't know what the old man has become. care.

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