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Chapter 166 Chaos

"Although I just killed the remaining middle-level beast masters and a high-level beast master, the black-robed old man and the other high-level beast masters are the real scourge, and what is in front of me is nothing but It’s just a matter of gaining more hatred.” Although the sneak attack was successful this time, Lu Yang couldn’t be happy at all.

In his opinion, the old man in black robe next to Tian Xingjian is the key. If he wants to save Grandpa Xiaoling, he must find a way to injure or kill the old man in black robe. Otherwise, he will kill Tian Xingjian , I am afraid it may not affect the itinerary of the old man in black.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang's speed became faster and faster, and he came to the vicinity of the mummy puppet in a short while. Now he had to think of a way to hide himself nearby without letting the mummy puppet find him.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang suddenly held his breath, and walked step by step towards the mummy puppet not far away.

Under normal circumstances, if he walked to a place less than 300 meters away from the mummy puppets, these mummy puppets would become vigilant, and if they were closer to 200 meters, these mummy puppets would have the intention to attack actively.

But now these mummy puppets still stay there obediently, looking indifferent, it can be seen that they have not found themselves. In this way, Lu Yang had a rough idea in his mind.

Of course, when Tian Xingjian and others approached here, he would be able to make a real move, otherwise, all plans would be in vain.

After making all preparations, Lu Yang hid himself in a passage about 300 meters away from the mummy puppet.

Because this is a part of the entire ancient tomb labyrinth and the only way they must pass, so Lu Yang concluded that they will catch up here soon.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, Lu Yang saw some light gradually appearing in front of him. At first, the light was just sporadic fireflies, but as the footsteps approached, the light became more and more vivid, and the light was already eight or nine hundred meters away from him.

"Okay, they're here, I can lurk near the mummy now!" Lu Yang looked at the mummy not far away, sneered in his heart, turned around and disappeared in the darkness.

At this moment, Tian Xingjian and others gradually came to the vicinity of the place where Lu Yang just hid.

"Huh? Seventh Elder, there is someone in front!" A senior beast master held a lighting device in his hand, and let the light of the lighting device extend as far as possible.

Suddenly there was a blackened person standing there. There was no sign of life in that withered body. With a thin and rotting body, coupled with the empty eyes, it was obvious that this person was already dead.

"Mummy puppets?" Seeing the corpse puppets that looked like dead people, the senior beast master who took the lead in the front recognized them at a glance.

But if he recognized it, he recognized it, but he was not very clear about the ability of this mummy puppet, so when he saw the mummy puppet, he stopped instinctively.

You must know that many mummy puppets look similar in appearance, but their strength may vary greatly. Even some mummy puppets made by Xuan-rank beast masters can easily kill high-level beast masters, and even Huang-rank beast masters are not their opponents.

According to previous guesses, the owner here is very likely to be a beast master of the Xuan rank, so the strength of these mummy puppets is a bit terrifying.

So when Tian Xingjian and others came here, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to move casually.

"Damn it, these cowards are actually scared by such rubbish mummy puppets, let me help them!" Seeing that Tian Xingjian and others' schedules were delayed, Lu Yang narrowed his eyes, and immediately had a more serious bad attention.

"Go to hell!" Lu Yang shook his hands, and dozens of silver needles flew towards Tian Xingjian and the others.

But this time Lu Yang didn't want to kill any of them, his goal was the lighting fixture in the hands of the senior beast master.

At the same time, he also came out of the darkness, preparing to kill these mummified puppets for a while, thus creating even greater chaos.

"Damn it, that little bastard is nearby, rush up and kill him!" Seeing the silver needle coming towards him, the old man in black robe didn't take it seriously at all. He immediately roared, and regardless of paying more attention to observe these mummy puppets, he was the first one to take the lead and rushed up.

Although he was somewhat angered by Lu Yang for doing this, he dared to rush forward not without consideration. Because he knows that the more advanced the mummy puppets are, the stronger their spiritual power is, but now they are only less than 300 meters away from these mummy puppets. If they haven't responded yet, it means that the strength of these mummy puppets is very average. This is why he dared to rush up main reason.

"Hahaha, here we come!" Seeing the old man in black robe rushing up first, Lu Yang was already impatient, but in order to achieve the best sneak attack effect, he endured it.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

The speed of the black-robed old man was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed into the attack range of these mummy puppets, and immediately attracted these mummy puppets to rush forward.

"Dangdangdang..." To meet the silver needle, the black-robed old man just swiped his hands in mid-air, and blocked most of the silver needle, and the rest of the fish that slipped through the net were nothing to worry about.

But at this moment, three or four mummy puppets who were relatively close to the black-robed old man also rushed forward.

"Huh? Why are these mummy puppets so fast?" Originally, the old man in black robe didn't pay much attention to these mummy puppets, but

When he got close to these mummy puppets, he found that things were far from being as simple as he thought.

"No, we've been fooled!" Now it's not just the mummy puppets that are rushing forward, but also dozens of second wave of silver needles that burst out from Lu Yang's hands.

"Damn little bastard, if I catch you, I'll strangle you to death!" If it was just a silver needle or a mummy, it would be impossible for the old man in black to be in such a mess.

But the current situation is that the two are attacking the black-robed old man at the same time. In addition, Lu Yang is likely to be lurking nearby, which makes him worry and affects the display of the black-robed old man's strength. His clothes were torn apart by the sharp nails on the palm of a mummy puppet.

At the same time, this mummy puppet was also sent flying tens of meters away by the black-robed old man's angry blow, and then was smashed to pieces.

"Damn it, cover me!" After all, the black-robed old man is not just a rookie, he immediately understood Lu Yang's intentions, knowing that Lu Yang wanted to take advantage of the chaos and kill them all, so he immediately took himself The people kept retreating, and then formed a certain formation, trying to stabilize their position as soon as possible.

It's a pity how could Lu Yang give them a chance.

"Old man, go to hell!" Although Lu Yang said that he wanted to kill the old man in black robe, he actually rushed towards the weakest senior beast master in the team.


In a few strokes, Lu Yang killed the senior beast master, and then he took advantage of the chaos and moved towards Grandpa Xiaoling.

"Grandpa Xiaoling, I'm Lu Yang, Xiaoling's friend. I'm here to save you. Come with me!" Grandpa rescued.

But just as he was about to take Grandpa Xiaoling away, he heard Grandpa Xiaoling say helplessly: "Young man, I know you are kind, but things are not as simple as you think, and these people have backgrounds. They are not dead, and knowing that you rescued me, the consequences will be very serious, so I must keep them here."

"That's good, but don't worry, old man. Since I promised Xiaoling to rescue you, I will help you to the end, so I'll go first!" Although Lu Yang was very confident in his sneak attack, he was not so confident. degree of blindness.

Now he killed a high-level beast master in the chaos, and severely injured the black-robed old man. Coupled with the attack of the mummy puppets, Tian Xingjian and his party were disgraced. It can be said that he had made a lot of money. When to leave, and when to stay.

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