The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 171 The Arrogant Tian Xingjian

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Chapter 171 The Arrogant Tian Xingjian

"Oh? Then you have to listen carefully. I work in Duobao Pavilion, and I'm a senior rubbing master there!" Lu Yang revealed one of his identities without even thinking about it.

"What? You work in Duobao Pavilion?" Although Tian Xingjian knew about Duobao Pavilion, he didn't have much contact with Duobao Pavilion, and the relationship between their family and Duobao Pavilion seemed not very friendly. So after hearing Duobao Pavilion, his face changed slightly.

"What? You haven't heard of Duobao Pavilion?" Seeing that Tian Xingjian didn't have the slightest surprise on his face, but instead had some doubts, Lu Yang could feel that the other party was not very interested in Duobao Pavilion.

There are two possibilities here. The first is that he doesn't know about Duobao Pavilion at all, or he doesn't know much about Duobao Pavilion. The second possibility is that his power or family is much larger than Duobao Pavilion.

In short, these two possibilities are of no benefit to Lu Yang.

But Lu Yang doesn't care, because today he and this good-for-nothing young master are already in an endless situation, and the other party wants to recruit him in a whimsical way. It's no wonder.

"Of course I've heard that Duobao Pavilion is still a relatively large force, but compared to our Tianfeng Trading Company, it is nothing!" Tian Xingjian immediately showed a very proud smile on his face, which shows that Tianfeng Trading Company is in his heart. position.

"Tianfeng Commercial Bank, I seem to have some impressions." Originally, Lu Yang wanted to continue to inquire about the situation of Tianfeng Commercial Bank, but he suddenly thought that the enemy of Duobao Pavilion was Tianfeng Commercial Bank, and Tianfeng Commercial Bank was far stronger than Duobao Pavilion. It is much bigger, otherwise, the contacts of Duobao Pavilion will definitely not be limited to only a few cities, and the reason why Duobao Pavilion has not formed a larger scale is also because it has been suppressed by Tianfeng Commercial Bank for many years.

"If this Tian Xingjian is the young master of Tianfeng Commercial Company, then if I bring him back alive, will I be able to gain the attention of Duobao Pavilion?" After knowing the other party's identity, Lu Yang probably had a plan in mind.

"What, you are the young master of Tiantianfeng Trading Company? You have admired him for a long time." How did Lu Yang know people from Tianfeng Trading Company? He said this only politely, and more importantly, he was expressing his attitude so that the other party could relax their vigilance.

"Hahaha, young man, you are smart. Since you know the name of our Tianfeng Trading Company, you also know that compared to Duobao Pavilion, our Tianfeng Trading Company is simply a giant. Now I will give you a chance to surrender White Tiger King, and then dedicate all the treasures on your body to me, I can save you from death, and even absorb you as my confidant, how about it?" Although Lu Yang is smart, Tian Xingjian is not a fool, at most He thinks a little too highly of himself.

"Okay, but it's too difficult to subdue the white tiger. Why don't I dedicate my treasure to the young master now, and let the young master go and subdue the white tiger himself." The battle of the White Tiger King.

Although the White Tiger King's combat prowess is impressive, the Six-eyed Jinni is also an old monster that has lived for more than hundreds of years. When Lu Yang and Tian Xingjian were negotiating, they were also inextricably fighting each other.

Seeing this, Lu Yang suddenly had an extremely vicious plan in his heart.

"Okay, okay, you're pretty smart, come here. I want to see how many treasures you have on you?" Tian Xingjian was pampered and spoiled in the family, and he was always flattered and flattered by others. How could he go to see others? Face, especially under his powerful force, no one will not submit to him. Now Lu Yang's expression seemed normal to him.

"Of order, the villain will immediately offer the treasure with both hands." While sending a signal to the six-eyed golden lion, Lu Yang pretended to hand over his dragon-slaying sword and a storage pocket that he carried with him.

This storage pocket contained a lot of crystals obtained from Tian Xingjian and his party, all of which were considered by Lu Yang as tributes to be handed over to Tian Xingjian.

But before Lu Yang handed over the things to Tian Xingjian, a sudden change occurred.

"Ho Ho!"

Sensing Lu Yang's instruction, the six-eyed golden beast rushed to Tian Xingjian first, and the White Tiger King followed closely behind.

You must know that although the Liumu Jinji and the White Tiger King are currently in a hostile relationship, it does not mean that the White Tiger King has a good impression of Tian Xingjian, so when the Liumu Jinyi leads it to Tian Xingjian, it is equivalent to attracting Tian Xingjian a formidable enemy.

"Damn bastard, you came to sabotage my good deed!" Because the six-eyed golden beast was extremely fast, even if Tian Xingjian felt that something was wrong, he couldn't connect with Lu Yang's next move in a short time.

For Tian Xingjian at this moment, how to avoid the attack of these two fierce beasts in front of him is the key.

"Die to me!" Facing the attack of the six-eyed golden lion, Tian Xingjian violently swung the purple blood blade, and then a purple-black half-moon-shaped light was released from the purple blood blade.


The six-eyed golden beast shattered the blade light fiercely, and rushed towards Tian Xingjian again.

It's just that at this moment Tian Xingjian has the fusion of five flying pythons, plus the blessing of three spiritual weapons, even the six-eyed golden lion dare not really fight Tian Xingjian head-on, it just met Tian Xingjian briefly, then Rolled in mid-air, dodging Tian Xingjian's attack.

Even so, its claws still slapped Tian Xingjian's body, and the purple blood blade in Tian Xingjian's hand also left a deep scar on Liumu Jinyi's body.

"Damn it!" The six-eyed golden beast was scratched, and Tian Xingjian was also having a hard time, especially when

When the white tiger pounced on Tian Xingjian again, he could only be beaten passively.


Compared with the six-eyed golden lion who was bound in the severe cold, the White Tiger King had no worries about this at all. A gust of cold air gushed out, and Tian Xingjian's body was frozen into ice in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Lu Yang hurriedly stepped forward to bandage the wound of Liumu Jinyi to prevent the White Tiger King from sneaking in and putting him and Liumu Jinni in danger again.

"Zi La!"

Although Tian Xingjian was frozen, the compound eye on his helmet immediately took effect, and a black light burst out from it, like a piece of black venom, instantly melting the ice.

However, after the black venom was released, the originally pitch-black helmet became much darker, even inferior to ordinary middle-grade spirit weapons.

"I didn't expect him to have a high-grade spiritual weapon, but this high-grade spiritual weapon is just an ordinary treasure, what a pity!" Lu Yang sighed slightly in his heart, and then sneaked up on Tian Xingjian from behind.


Although Lu Yang's sword couldn't seriously injure Tian Xingjian, it could send him flying in an instant.

"Little bastard, you really dare to hit me, I think you don't want to live anymore!" At first, Tian Xingjian still didn't believe that Lu Yang dared to deal with him under his coercion and lure. But what happened in front of him made him accept the fact, and what made him even more angry was yet to come.

"Haha, I'm not only sneaking up on you, but I'm going to kill you completely, die for me!" Lu Yang succeeded in the sneak attack, and then he rushed up again, with the second and third swords, holding the purple sword at Tian Xingjian non-stop. Blood Blade greeted the past on his arm.

Although Tian Xingjian's body was protected by a medium-grade spiritual weapon, it didn't mean that his arm would not be injured.


After the three sword strikes, Tian Xingjian actually threw the Purple Blood Blade down. Lu Yang took the opportunity to rush forward and grabbed the Purple Blood Blade.

Lu Yang took Zixueren and used the system to forcibly possess him, and at the same time dripped a drop of blood to force Zixueren to recognize him as the master.

Of course, the Purple Blood Blade is one of the best middle-grade spirit weapons after all. If it were any other place, it would be absolutely impossible for another beastmaster to take possession of it so easily. The connection between them, coupled with the fact that Tian Xingjian was beaten by Lu Yang again, and that he had already lost control of the Purple Blood Blade, made Lu Yang succeed so easily.

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