The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 172: The Spirit of the Ancient Tomb

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Chapter 172: The Spirit of the Ancient Tomb

"The Gate of Hell" Lu Yang didn't even think about it this time, so he integrated this talent into the Purple Blood Blade.

Firstly, both are of the dark attribute, and secondly, the purple blood blade is stained with a lot of resentment, which is also suitable for the gate of hell to digest.

"The Gate of Hell!" As soon as Lu Yang integrated the Gate of Hell into the Purple Blood Blade, Lu Yang immediately displayed this innate supernatural power. The fit is so high.

After using this innate supernatural power, he saw the four gates of hell trapping Tian Xingjian in them all at once. Although the gate of hell can't hurt Tian Xingjian, it can affect his mind. For a while, Tian Xingjian only felt dizzy in his brain, and he fell to the ground and couldn't move.


Seeing that Tian Xingjian had lost his combat effectiveness, the White Tiger King immediately pointed his finger at Lu Yang again.

"That's right, you're pretty smart. Come on, I want to see whether you are the best, or me and the Six-eyed Golden Lion are stronger." Lu Yang stretched out his hand and called the Six-eyed Golden Lion over.

"Lu Yang, this guy is not easy to deal with. Not only is he very defensive, but he is also very cunning, especially because he can spew out cold air, which can easily freeze people into ice cubes!" Tian Xingjian on the side said not without fear.

"Oh? It looks like this White Tiger King is really tricky!" Lu Yang nodded, signaling the Six-Eyed Jinyi to be more careful when he makes a move, otherwise the White Tiger King will take advantage of it for no reason, then it's not good alright.


The White Tiger King seemed to understand what Lu Yang said, and without saying a word, he opened his bloody mouth and spewed out a large amount of cold air. Just now when Tian Xingjian was frozen into ice cubes by the cold, Lu Yang didn't feel anything, but when he experienced it for himself, he found that it wasn't cold at all, it was just a small cold current.

These cold airs are not only extremely fast, but also extremely low in temperature. As long as Lu Yang is slightly touched by these cold airs, he will definitely be frozen into ice cubes.

"Six-eyed golden beast, hurry up and cover me!" Lu Yang knew that the cold air must not touch the slightest bit, otherwise he would be frozen into ice cubes, and he would be in great trouble.


Seeing that the cold air was about to spray on Lu Yang's body, he saw a golden light suddenly shot out from the head of the six-eyed golden beast, rushing towards the cold air.


The golden light clashed with the cold air, and the golden light was as powerful as a broken bamboo, and the cold air retreated repeatedly. The White Tiger King was instantly sent flying hundreds of meters away, and his body hit a giant ice statue, making a miserable cry.

"What, the golden light of the six-eyed golden lion can restrain the white tiger king, it seems that God helped me!" Seeing that the six-eyed golden lion was able to firmly suppress the white tiger king, a smile appeared on Lu Yang's face.

But the White Tiger King is not a fool, since he can't beat the Six-Eyed Golden Lion, there is no need to waste time here. Before Lu Yang could catch up with the Six-eyed Golden Lion, he saw that the White Tiger King had rushed into the white ice fog in front of him. Disappeared without a trace.

"Forget it, although the White Tiger King didn't catch it, I caught a big fish." Looking at Tian Xingjian who had already been unconscious, Lu Yang immediately showed a meaningful expression on his face.

Let Liumu Jinyi drag Tian Xingjian out of the ice and snow palace, and pull off the armor and helmet he was wearing, and soon Lu Yang found another golden storage bag from him.

After opening the storage bag, Lu Yang immediately showed an excited smile on his face.

"Not bad, there are a million intermediate crystals in it, and several thousand high-grade crystals. Now it's really paid off." Seeing such a large amount of wealth, how could Lu Yang be unhappy.

In addition, there is a token in the golden storage bag that can prove Tian Xing's fitness status. With this token, he can claim credit from Duobao Pavilion.

But that's another story.

Besides the token, Lu Yang also found some precious medicines that could heal Grandpa Xiaoling's injuries. Without thinking about it, he applied these herbs to Grandpa Xiaoling, and then sent Grandpa Xiaoling to Xiaoling, and let them wait for him in the secret room. In addition, Lu Yang also arranged for a war pet to guard Tian Xingjian.

In this way, he will have no worries, and can enter the ice and snow palace again to find out the truth.

With the previous experience, Lu Yang once again entered the Ice and Snow Palace, no longer surprised before, and somewhat adapted to the cold here.

However, his goal this time is not to enter the ice and snow palace, but to find the treasure left by the owner of the ice and snow palace, the magic weapon that is said to allow him to leapfrog in battle.

"Lu Yang, I think it's very cold here. Even if there are treasures, they are likely to be some medicinal materials. As far as I know, the thousand-year-old ice and snow lotus can increase the potential of the beast master, and it may make your combat power infinite. Close to a strong man of the yellow rank." Although the six-eyed Jinyi is not sure, but in his memory, such a thing is not completely impossible.

"I hope so." Lu Yang shook his head, but he was very clear in his heart that the thousand-year-old snow lotus was likely to raise his personal combat power to the same level as that of a yellow-ranked beast master, but if he really wanted to become a yellow-ranked beast master , he must find a copy of the Yellow Rank Beast Master, so it is a rare thing for him to be promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master.

Even so, he still wants to give it a try, what if there is such a treasure in this ancient tomb?

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

As Lu Yang gradually deepened, the cold air in front became heavier and heavier, and the large areas of cold

Qi blocked the road ahead, forming a large ice fog that could not be seen.

Lu Yang sat on the six-eyed golden lion and walked slowly forward. Every step he stepped on the ground would make a creaking sound, causing the six-eyed golden lion to look around. Obviously, after entering the ice fog, even the six-eyed golden lion There was also a sense of vigilance that I had never had before.

"Lu Yang, the ice fog here is not ordinary! If I'm not wrong, there may be a piece of ice essence of ten thousand years in it." Six-eyed Jinyi said to Lu Yang while looking around nervously.

"The Essence of Ten Thousand Years of Ice? What is that?" Lu Yang frowned and asked a little strangely.

"Ice marrow is generally produced in snow-covered places, and it is formed by the purification and condensation of cold air. Generally speaking, a century-old ice marrow the size of a finger is formed by the cold air ten thousand times that of the same size ice cube. Similarly, a thousand-year ice marrow The ice marrow is formed by the cold air of an ice cube that is one million times the same volume. If it is the ten thousand year ice marrow, the cold air contained in it will be immeasurable."

"However, once the Ten Thousand Years Ice Essence is produced, the cold air emitted will naturally be extraordinary, and the formed cold air will be extremely cold and cannot be dissipated for a long time." Liumu Jinyi said solemnly.

"This thing is really amazing, that means there will be at least one thousand-year-old snow lotus here." Lu Yang thought for a while, and he could think that since the owner here has the ability to get ten-thousand-year ice marrow, it is not a good idea to get a few thousand-year-old snow lotus easy.

"That's not necessarily the case. First of all, the age of the ice marrow cannot be judged by the ice fog alone, but the formation of the thousand-year-old snow lotus did not happen overnight. If this is the case, then the owner of this ancient tomb is really a big deal. Here’s the story.” Of course, all of this is just speculation, and everything can only be completely confirmed after seeing the spirit of the ancient tomb.

After all, there is such a legendary existence as the spirit of the ancient tomb in this ancient tomb.

"Ho Ho..."

Lu Yang rode on the back of the six-eyed golden lion, the deeper he went into the ancient tomb, the more he could hear the deep roar.

Although it is impossible to judge whether this is the roar of the white tiger just now, but as the cold here is getting colder, it is certain that they should have arrived at the lair of the White Tiger King.

However, although this is the lair of the White Tiger King, there is another more powerful coercion. Even the six-eyed golden lion is overwhelmed by this coercion, especially with Lu Yang's current mental strength. , It's hard to move an inch here.

"Outsider, who are you? Why can I see the shadow of our ancient tomb clan in you?" Just when Lu Yang was about to move on, a very gloomy voice suddenly sounded at the end of the ice fog .

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