The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 193 I will never marry you even if I die!

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Chapter 193 I will never marry you even if I die!

"Damn it, Bai Peng, you immediately arrange someone for me to kill these annoying things! And those mobs below!" Kunpeng didn't care about the demons in the sky at all.

There are nearly 20 yellow rank beast masters in the entire Donglai City, and their Kun family alone accounts for nearly a quarter of them. In addition, their Kun family also has a large number of fake yellow rank royal beast master. This time for the engagement ceremony, although not all of them were mobilized, at least half of them were mobilized, especially the pseudo-yellow rank beast masters mobilized seven or eight at a time. With these demons alone, there is nothing to fear .

What's more, even if he didn't make a move, the yellow rank beast masters present would not sit idly by, after all, demons are the sworn enemies of all races.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

In addition to the Huang rank beast masters, the Kun family dispatched more than a dozen senior beast masters. Although senior beast masters are masters in the third-tier cities, they are almost everywhere in the second-tier cities, and they can be regarded as the backbone of a relatively large number.

As soon as these senior beast masters appeared, they immediately rushed towards the demon in the sky with their pets.

"Who are you?" Just as the devil appeared, a strange young man also appeared in the passage on the fifth and sixth floors. But these guards were killed by several disguised demons before they could finish speaking.

Then these demons turned into young princes and followed Bi An up to the sixth floor.

At this moment, Lu Yang had already sensed the arrival of the devil through the beast control system. But the target of these demons was not him, but Kunpeng standing in the stands, so he didn't mean to remind them.

"Hahaha, don't worry, everyone. I have already arranged people to deal with these demons, so the current situation is within my control." He won one by one, but he didn't expect his plan to be disrupted by the devil, which made him very upset.

But in front of so many people, he couldn't express it directly, so he could only force a smile.

But what he didn't expect was that Bi An had brought a few demons slowly approaching him.

"No, these demons will definitely hurt Wushuang if they want to deal with Kunpeng. I can't just sit idly by!" Lu Yang found that Luo Wushuang was beside Kunpeng, and was held tightly by Kunpeng. Kunpeng's disgust grew a little more.

"Young Master Kun, you are so majestic. You are so dangerous, and you are still hiding behind women. This is your strength?" Lu Yang found that the devil had come in through the back door, and he was getting closer and closer to Kunpeng. He hurried Stand up and curse at Kunpeng.

Hearing Lu Yang's words, Kunpeng was finally happy. He was waiting for Lu Yang to trouble him, and now he finally had a chance.

Kunpeng threw Luo Wushuang aside, deliberately provoked Lu Yang and said, "Now Miss Wushuang and I are engaged, and she is my woman. Can you control what I want?"

"Hehe, I don't care about it, but these demons are coming for you. Come, take these demons down!" Seeing that the demons were approaching Kunpeng, Lu Yang didn't want to continue with Kunpeng Moji, and pointed his finger at the demons shouted.

I don't know whether Kunpeng believed Lu Yang's words or was really afraid. He turned his head to look at Bi An and the other demons, and immediately saw the inappropriateness of these people, and immediately asked in a deep voice: "Where are you going?" Who are you, this is simply not the place for you inferior people to come, get out of here!"

This was the tone that Kunpeng should have, but these words were heard in the devil's ears, and they were a naked threat. How could they bear it. So after what Kunpeng said, Bi An, who originally wanted to see Kunpeng and Lu Yang fight to the death, couldn't bear it any longer.

Suddenly a rich middle-aged man appeared in front of Kunpeng. This person seemed to be the lord-level high-level demon Bi An who was killed by Kunpeng before, but now his strength is probably even more terrifying, because just now, Lu Yang Receiving the reminder from the Beast Familiar System, Bi An in front of him is already a yellow rank demon.

"Hahaha, damn Huang-rank Beast Master. I'm afraid you don't know. Although I was chopped into pieces by you last time, I didn't really die, but left the last trace of life. Now I have By accident, you got the favor of the Demon King and regained your physical body, so today you will definitely die, kill me!" Bi An and Kunpeng have a grudge, so naturally they will not show mercy.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, five or six demons rushed towards Kunpeng at the same time, the speed far exceeded Kunpeng's ability.

"Three-eyed Eagle King, come and save me!" Sensing a huge crisis, Kunpeng retreated violently, and the white-bearded old man stepped forward fiercely, and at the same time, the Three-eyed Eagle King followed the steps of the white-bearded old man come over.

However, their speed was still a bit slower. Although Bi An did not hit Kunpeng hard, the punch did hit Kunpeng firmly. Then the other five demons fought against the Three-Eyed Eagle King and the white-bearded old man, and they all backed away.

Bi An had no intention of killing Kunpeng at first, but when he saw that his goal had been achieved, he immediately laughed and said, "Kunpeng, you are just a clown in front of us demons, this time I just teach you a lesson, next time you Not so lucky!"

After finishing speaking, Bi An immediately jumped down from the restaurant with several other demons and disappeared among the crowd.

Fortunately, they escaped quickly. If they didn't leave, the yellow rank beast masters at the banquet might really attack them.


Kunpeng was punched by Bi An. Although he was not seriously injured, a mouthful of blood was inevitable.

However, he didn't attribute this hatred to the devil, instead he blamed it on Lu Yang.

"Hahaha, Master of Tianyi Sect, I didn't expect you to collude with demons to attack me. It's a heinous crime!" Kunpeng looked at the disappearing demon, and pointed to Luo Wushuang who had just helped Luo Wushuang up. Lu Yang said viciously.

"Sect master of Tianyi Sect, right? I want to ask you why so many people didn't notice the devil just now, but you just discovered it. If you are not with the devil, why did you discover the devil in advance? ?" Seeing Kunpeng making things difficult for Lu Yang, Tian Xingren, who had been idling by the side, stood up and said leisurely as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Yeah, I always feel that Tianyimen's recent rise is too sudden. If there is no support, how can they have so many resources and have such courage to dare to deal with the Yuan family? Tianyimen must be related to the devil. They belong to the same group." At some point, another rich man suddenly stood up from the side and pointed at Lu Yang and said.

At first, Lu Yang wondered why there were so many leaders and gang leaders of wealthy and small gangs present, but now he realized that these people were all recruited by Kunpeng to pour dirty water on him.

"Hahaha, there is nothing wrong with committing a crime. The reason why I remind you is not because of you, but because of the woman beside you, Luo Wushuang. I am here today to protect her, and I have nothing to do with you " Pushed to the extreme by Kunpeng, Lu Yang not only didn't get angry, but laughed out loud.

Hearing Lu Yang's words, the people who were sitting in the seats were slightly taken aback, and then looked at Kunpeng. Obviously, they all realized that the real highlight of today's engagement ceremony has just begun.

"Luo Wushuang, tell me, do you want to marry Kunpeng?" After Lu Yang finished speaking, he ignored Kunpeng, but took off the curtain on Luo Wushuang's head, and said softly asked.

"I..." Luo Wushuang had hoped that her father would come to save her, and the worst thing was that Lu Yang would come to save her, so when she heard Lu Yang's voice just now, she felt a little happy in her heart. But for some reason, seeing Lu Yang now, she was speechless instead.

But Luo Wushuang's hesitation fell into Kunpeng's eyes, and it was a kind of affirmation of him at all, so Kunpeng stepped forward and pushed Lu Yang away, and said to Luo Wushuang: "Don't worry, your future Husband is here, let this kind of annoying person go away! And you, Lu Yang, as the head of the Tianyi Sect, colluded with the devil, and it is a death penalty. Today, my Kun family is the first one to be at odds with you!"

"No, beast, I will not marry you even if I die!" After hesitating for a moment, Luo Wushuang seemed to think of something, directly pushed Kunpeng away, and said to all the guests who were about to watch the show.

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