The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 194 Show strength

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Chapter 194 Show strength

"Lu Yang, where is my father, why didn't he come with you?" Looking at Lu Yang, Luo Wushuang asked eagerly.

Because of participating in Luo Wushuang's engagement ceremony, Lu Yang really didn't have time to stay by Luoyunshan's side all the time, so even he didn't know what was going on with Luoyunshan at this moment.

Now being asked by Luo Wushuang, he could only shake his head and said: "Senior Luo is currently practicing a profound technique, the specific situation can only be seen by himself."

"Hahaha, Luo Wushuang, did you see that your father was probably killed by this kid. Now that you still have hope for him, I think you should obediently be my wife. Come, get this kid I want to see what relationship he has with the devil." Now Kunpeng doesn't care if Lu Yang and the devil are really together, in short, he will kill all those who want to spoil his good deeds .

"Lu Yang, I'm sorry, I can only wrong you until I'm sure you have nothing to do with the devil!" Although the white-bearded old man didn't act as arrogantly as Kunpeng, his attitude towards Lu Yang was very tough.

For him, he is also a pseudo-yellow rank beast master after all, does it need to be so troublesome to deal with a high-level beast master?

"Wronged? Why am I wronged? It's just that you think too highly of yourself!" Lu Yang didn't have the heart to care about the old man with the white beard now. He stared angrily, as if he was going to eat Kunpeng.

"Kunpeng, this is how you treat guests. Let's not talk about whether I have anything to do with those demons, but just talk about you and Luo Wushuang. Senior Luoyunshan is the first one who refuses to marry Luo Wushuang. Here it is. If you hadn't snatched Luo Wushuang over by force, you think she would appear here. Anyway, today's engagement between you and Luo Wushuang is simply wishful thinking!" Lu Yang finished speaking in one breath, listen All the people present looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that Kunpeng's actions were indeed too much.

To put it bluntly, the people of the three major families are all about appearances, and they can do evil behind their backs, but once others reveal it, especially if they are not low-status people, their appearances will not be so good.

However, this is also based on strength, and currently Kunpeng does not think that Lu Yang has the ability to fight against him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought that he could send Lu Yang away with just a few words.

"Hmph, young man, you are really impatient. Even if you are the head of Tianyi Sect, you are not welcome here, let's go!" The white-bearded old man had frost on his face, and grabbed Lu Yang's hand His wrist was ready to forget him on the stairs.

It's a pity that his strength is not at the same level as Lu Yang's. How could he be able to move Lu Yang.

"Huh? Old thing, you are just a dog of Kunpeng. You are not qualified to bark in front of me. Get lost!" The strength of the white-bearded old man can reach up to about 250,000 catties, but Lu Yang, His physical strength is almost one hundred thousand catties more than him.

As long as Lu Yang swung it a little hard, the white-bearded old man fell a somersault, and he almost fell to the ground and ate shit.

"Huh? This Lu Yang is interesting!" Originally, Du Xian and Lu Yang only had some good feelings, but it was not enough to ask Du Xian to help Lu Yang.

But with the strength Lu Yang showed now, even if he hadn't reached the realm of the Huang rank beast master, Du Xian still meant to give Lu Yang a hand.

"Lu Yang, think it over for me. You are provoking our Kun family now. Can you afford the consequences?" Kunpeng looked at Lu Yang coldly, feeling that it was time for him to exert his strength.

Now he is not afraid of inciting the conflict between him and Lu Yang at all, but he is afraid that Lu Yang will suddenly give up. In that case, he will have no chance to kill Tian Yimen.

But judging from the current situation, Lu Yang seemed to be quite cooperative.

"Consequences? Kunpeng, since you took Luo Wushuang away, have you thought about the consequences?" Kunpeng asked this question, but Lu Yang thought it was a little funny and said.

"Consequences? I am a grand son of the Kun family. If I offend you, I offend you. Do I need to think about the consequences?" Kunpeng seemed to hear a big joke, and looked at Lu Yang as if he was looking at a dead person.

Although what Lu Yang said makes sense, but unfortunately, his enemy is the behemoth Kun family in Donglai City, and there are almost very few people who are willing to come forward to help him.

It's not that Du Xian doesn't want to make a move at this time, he just wants to wait for an opportunity to make Lu Yang feel grateful to him. Otherwise, even if he made a move, it would be just icing on the cake, not to mention he wanted to see what Lu Yang's cards were.

"This is the consequence!" Lu Yang's strength increased, and his speed also increased a lot.

Kunpeng didn't laugh for long, when he saw Lu Yang approaching him in a few steps, and slapped him.

With a "slap", Kunpeng's face was slapped by Lu Yang, Lao Gao's face was swollen, and he seemed to have gained a lot of weight in an instant, but his appearance was suddenly lost.

This made Kunpeng very annoyed, he immediately pointed at Lu Yang and shouted: "What are you still doing coldly, take him down!"

The white-bearded old man and another pseudo-yellow rank beast master heard Kunpeng's order, and immediately surrounded him from left to right.

I have to say that these two pseudo-yellow rank beast masters are indeed much stronger than the senior beast masters. Even if they don't fit with their battle pets, they are not comparable to those high-level beast masters.

"Huh!" The first pseudo-yellow rank beast master is obviously cannon fodder, his existence is to attract Lu Yang's attention, and the old man with white beard

Those who are the real backhand.

"Just because you two still want to subdue me, it's still too early!" Lu Yang punched the first fake yellow-rank beast master, and his punch was head-to-head with this fake yellow-rank beast master. fist.

It's a pity that the strength of this pseudo-yellow-rank beast master is inferior to that of the white-bearded old man, and it only looks like 230,000 catties. Although Lu Yang's punch was not strong enough, it was enough to deal with him.

Therefore, even though the pseudo-yellow rank beast master was not disabled by one punch, he must have lost his mobility in a short period of time and could not recover.

The white-bearded old man had already expected this to happen, so without hesitation, he turned around and threw himself at Lu Yang's back, and then punched Lu Yang out with a heavy punch.

I have to admire this white-bearded old man. His strength is about the same as that of the previous pseudo-yellow rank beast master, but he can rely on his own experience to exert 150% of his combat power. If Lu Yang himself is not stronger than him Too many, I'm afraid his punch can really hurt Lu Yang.

It's a pity that Lu Yang is indeed much stronger than him.

"Get out!" Feeling the blowing wind from his back, he turned around and punched, and the two strands of vitality collided with each other directly, and a large spark of vitality explosion was wiped between the two of them in an instant. Even the floor smelled of burning.

"I think the one who should get out is you!" The white-bearded old man thought that Lu Yang had exhausted all his strength, so even though he lost weight and suffered minor injuries, his second and third punches followed suit.

Now, in his opinion, Lu Yang's strength may have reached the level of a yellow-rank beast master. It depends on whether he has a battle pet above the elite level to improve his combat effectiveness.

"Elder Bai, hurry up and use the battle pet fusion skills!" Seeing that the white-bearded old man has retreated in a row, although he is not so embarrassed, he has been suppressed by Lu Yang, so Kunpeng had no choice but to say this in desperation.

In his opinion, although Lu Yang has good potential, compared to his background and the strength of his pets, he may not be as good.

"Third-level fusion!" Bai Peng roared fiercely, and five war pets descended from the sky, forming phantoms on the back of his body, and finally merged into Bai Peng's body.

It can be said that among these pets are pythons, wolf kings, and tiger kings. In short, after these five pets were integrated into Bai Peng's body, his body immediately became strong and lean, and at the same time, his muscles looked like iron lumps. Similarly, his whole body immediately swelled up, and his strength naturally increased a lot.

"Quack quack, kid, I admit that your strength has reached the level of a yellow-ranked beast master, but you are still far behind our Kun family!"

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