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Chapter 195 Surprise

Although these five battle pets are only high-level fierce beasts, they are of elite bloodline and have the power to leapfrog challenges, allowing these pseudo-yellow-rank beast masters to reach the threshold of yellow-rank.

"Bang Feng Po!" Not only Lu Yang can use the innate supernatural powers of ferocious beasts, but also if he is a yellow rank beast master, even senior beast masters can use the innate supernatural powers of ferocious beasts by coincidence, and The white-bearded old man was one of these beast masters.


Bai Peng punched out a white air wave, which turned faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a wind barrier enclosing Lu Yang inside, and the wind barrier was still shrinking rapidly, It seems that if the wind is stronger, it can twist Lu Yang into pieces.

"Boy, this is my innate supernatural power, just bear it to me obediently!" The white-bearded old man laughed ferociously, looking very confident, as if he could absolutely kill Lu Yang in an instant.

Unfortunately, he not only miscalculated his own strength, but also miscalculated Lu Yang's strength.

"Break it for me!" The so-called breaking ten times with one force, Lu Yang's strength is stronger than that of ordinary yellow-ranked beast masters, not to mention that Bai Peng didn't pay much attention to him, so naturally he didn't use his full strength.

Now that Lu Yang's fist hit the wind barrier, he knew the result almost without thinking.


With the bombardment of this force, the wind barrier was quickly broken, a result that even Lu Yang himself did not expect.

But since the other party despised him so much, he had to pay the price.

"Old man, since you look down on me so much, then get the hell out of here!" Feeling the other party's contempt for him, Lu Yang's eyes froze suddenly, and the second punch hit Bai Bai at a faster speed. Peng's chest exploded.

"No, why does this guy have such great power." Up to now, Bai Peng still didn't believe that Lu Yang had been promoted to the Yellow Rank Beastmaster.

But because he didn't believe it, it didn't mean that others didn't believe it, especially Du Xian, who had been watching Lu Yang and Bai Peng fight. He had already started to arrange his confidants to go back to the family to find someone.

In his opinion, it is definitely a genius that Lu Yang can be promoted from senior beast master to yellow rank beast master in such a short period of time. Even if such a person cannot be won over, he should try his best to make friends, and an enemy's enemy is a friend, no matter what the reason is, he must do his best to help Lu Yang.

"Hmph, little thing, since you won't let me get better, I won't let you get better either! Air barrier! Blast wind break!" What Lu Yang didn't expect was that this old man with white beard had another kind of talent Supernatural powers, although he didn't know the reason for the latter, and he didn't fully master these two kinds of innate supernatural powers, but these two innate supernatural powers, one offensive and one defensive, were indeed dexterously used by him.

"Hmph, the Immortal Golden Bell!" Lu Yang sent out his second fist, which was stronger than before. At the same time, his Immortal Golden Bell also opened at this moment.

In front of everyone, the two finally met like a comet hitting the earth.

"How is it possible, this kid was a high-level beast master before, and now he is able to fight against the fake yellow-rank beast master. Although such a character can't pose a threat to my Kun family in a short time, I'm afraid it will be different after a long time. I have to kill this kid as soon as possible!" Seeing the battle between Bai Peng and Lu Yang, Kunpeng became more and more surprised, and even turned into an unnecessary shock.

So at this moment, he also gave Lu Yang a death notice in his heart.

"This Lu Yang must not stay!" Not only Kunpeng thought so, but even Baipeng thought so at the moment.

But in the next breath, Bai Peng's thoughts changed too much in an instant.

Because he found that his fist hit Lu Yang, although it caused some damage to the opponent, but compared to the opponent's punch on himself, the impact on him was nothing.


Bai Peng felt his chest tighten, and a huge fist hit him. This punch broke his defense, and the force directly blasted into his internal organs.


As Bai Peng's body flew upside down, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Boy, you really want to seek death!" Seeing that Bai Peng was seriously injured, four or five fake yellow beast masters surrounded him from all directions.

In addition, there is also a Huang-rank beast master from the Kun family, ready to go.

"Hahaha, this is the so-called Kun family. Once they can't beat others, they will attack them together. What big family is nothing more than that!" Lu Yang raised his eyes to the three-eyed eagle king while speaking.

Now it is standing behind its master, Kunpeng, looking ready to attack. It seems that as long as Lu Yang dares to get close to Kunpeng, it will attack Lu Yang without hesitation.

Kunpeng, who has always been used to big scenes, doesn't seem to care. Anyway, he already knows Lu Yang's true strength. It may be difficult to cause substantial damage to Lu Yang just by relying on these fake yellow-ranked beast masters. It also felt that a bigger boost from Lu Yang was getting closer and closer to them.

"Hmph, Lu Yang, you made a big fuss about my engagement ceremony today, and I've tolerated you enough. Now that you still hurt my subordinates, do you think I will tolerate you infinitely? Just dream!" Kunpeng said. Having made up his mind to keep Lu Yang in this restaurant, he has already begun to arrange manpower to try to seal off Lu Yang's back road.

"Hahaha, you are so arrogant to ruin your engagement ceremony! Kunpeng, have you forgotten that Luo Wushuang was captured by you, and you still say such things in a grand manner, aren't you afraid? Offend the Luo family, offend Xiangyang City, offend the other families in Donglai City? Is there no kingly law in this world?" Seeing the arrogant and domineering Kunpeng, Lu Yang put his big hat on and gave his mouth blocked.

However, being able to sit on the sixth floor of these people represented his identity, but no one was willing to stand up and speak to Lu Yang, which gave Kunpeng a lot of confidence in dealing with Lu Yang.

So what if Lu Yang is a genius, at most he is just a genius with some talent, he is still young if he wants to fight the Kun family!

"Okay, okay, you confuse black and white, come and take him down!" Kunpeng noticed that the guests present were looking at him more and more strangely, as if they were watching a joke of the Kun family.

The fact is exactly the same, even though the families in Donglai City seem to be harmonious on the surface, there are quite a few open and secret fights among them. After all, it is still for resources, to compete for some of the only interests in Donglai City.

"Young master, let me do it." Seeing that Kunpeng was a little annoyed, an elder Kunpeng who had been silent all this time stood up from his seat.

He was originally an old man who looked harmless to humans and animals. Even when he was sitting there, Lu Yang didn't look at him seriously. Some redness.

It can be seen that the strength of this old man may already be regarded as the strongest among the yellow rank beast masters!

"Great Elder, I have really troubled you!" Seeing the old man, Kunpeng felt that he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. In front of the Great Elder, even if Lu Yang had all kinds of means, it would be useless.

"It's okay!" Kun Qiang waved his hand, and then walked up to Lu Yang, "Young man, just turn your head and leave now, and I will pretend that what happened today never happened. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Kunqiang seems to be giving Lu Yang a chance, but in fact he has evil intentions!

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