The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 196: Golden Warlord

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Chapter 196: Golden Warlord

Yes, this Kun Qiang is sixty years old. He is almost three times as old as Lu Yang. He is already considered Lu Yang's grandpa. Now that he is attacking Lu Yang, he is clearly bullying the younger.

But when Kun Qiang said these words, the meaning changed. If Lu Yang still doesn't leave, it's not that he bullies the small with the big, but that Lu Yang doesn't know how to flatter and is going to hit the stone with the egg.

"Hahaha, it's as if nothing happened. Your eldest son of the Kun family robbed someone else's fiancée, and even said that nothing happened. It's so ridiculous!" Just when Kun Qiang wanted to say something At that time, a white shadow gradually approached, and finally landed on the terrace on the sixth floor.

Then a man in white jumped off the flying pet, and came to Lu Yang in two or three steps.

"Father!" Luo Wushuang was about to shed tears after seeing the man in white.

His father was fine, and she could finally feel at ease.

"Luoyunshan, what are you talking about? Luo Wushuang is already engaged to someone else? Who is that person?" Hearing Luoyunshan's words, Kunpeng's hair was about to stand on end.

After meeting Luo Wushuang, he used his family's power to investigate the situation of Luo Wushuang and her family, and the news he got was that Luo Wushuang was extremely talented, and he still had no sweetheart. This is also the reason why he was eager to get Luo Wushuang, otherwise, why he made the engagement ceremony so grand, he was definitely optimistic about Luo Wushuang.

But today, Luoyunshan hurried over to tell him that Luo Wushuang was engaged, which made Kunpeng feel as if someone had stabbed him in the back. He stared angrily at Luoyun Mountain, trying to force him to give the answer.

But looking around, he suddenly looked at Lu Yang: "Could it be him who you're talking about!"

"Kunpeng, my fiancé is Lu Yang, so it's impossible between us!" At this time, Luo Wushuang also ran over to add insult to injury, saying that Kunpeng's face was pale.

In fact, for him, it doesn't matter if there is no woman, but he absolutely does not allow him to be hit in the face in front of so many people, and these guests are all famous figures in Donglai City. If he doesn't handle it well, he may lose his position as the eldest son of the Kun family, and may even shake his father's prestige as the head of the family. This is something he cannot tolerate.

"It's the other way around, fuck them all, and kill them both!" Kunpeng was really crazy at this moment, and more importantly, his engagement ceremony has already shamed the Kun family, so he must Wash away these shames with blood.

"I see who dares you!" Seeing the fake yellow-rank beast masters trying to deal with Lu Yang, Luo Yunshan stood in front of Lu Yang without saying a word, and at the same time he had the powerful yellow-rank beast master aura on him. After it was released completely, an elite pet also appeared behind Luoyunshan.

Although this battle pet looks a little weak, it is an elite beast after all, and its aura is far stronger than those pseudo-yellow rank beast masters.

"Black-skinned wolf king?" Seeing this elite battle pet, Kun Qiang, who had been standing beside him, squinted his eyes. He could feel the murderous aura emanating from the black-skinned wolf king.

Although this black-skinned wolf king looks old and weak, in fact, the strength of this black-skinned wolf king is somewhat stronger than the three-eyed eagle king behind Kunpeng. If you want to deal with this black-skinned wolf king The wolf king, I'm afraid he can only dispatch his own one-horned python!

"Hahaha, Luoyun Mountain is indeed a Huang-rank beast master who has been famous for many years. It is a pity that you were seriously injured back then. Otherwise, today you are very likely to be promoted to Xuan-rank beast master!" Kunqiang said. What seemed to be a compliment was actually sarcasm.

"Kunpeng, my relationship with you was not good back then, what? Do you want to take this opportunity to take revenge on me?" Seeing Kunqiang, Luoyunshan said without fear.

"So what, it's useless to talk more, Luoyunshan, don't be too complacent, don't think that you can keep this kid by advancing to the yellow-rank beast master, it's just a dream!" Kun Qiang looked at Luoyunshan, a Said arrogantly.

"Who said that? I protect him? You think highly of me too. In other words, his strength is still higher than mine. Come on, let us have a showdown today! Fit together!" Luoyunshan also Without being wordy, he directly integrated the black-skinned wolf king into his body.

In an instant, Luoyunshan's body suddenly swelled up, his originally dark skin became rough and uneven, and at the same time pieces of soft leather armor like wolf skin stretched out from his body, dark black hair All of a sudden, it quickly spread out from his body like weeds.

It can be said that in an instant, Luoyunshan changed from a normal person to a hairy werewolf, and it was still a werewolf with soft leather armor.

"Quack, quack, Luoyunshan, you are still the same. Now that you have recovered your strength, let's have fun! Fit together!" With Kun Qiang's roar, a seven-eight-meter-long purple-black python It turned into a purple-black light and entered Kun Qiang's body.

With the changes in Kun Qiang's body, scales grew on the originally white and fat Kun Qiang, and his eyes became like snake eyes, which looked weird and terrifying.


After Kun Qiang finished changing, his body suddenly bounced, and Kun Qiang, who was standing on the ground, shot towards Luoyun Mountain like a spring.

At the same time, a spear appeared in his hand.


Like a silver spear, it pierced Luo Yunshan's body without any fanfare. The speed was incredible.


"Hmph, Kunqiang, you are still so insidious and cunning, but it's okay, I can play with you slowly!" Although the speed of this spear is extremely fast, Luoyunshan's speed is not slow.

As soon as he turned around, the long spear brushed against his body and stabbed past him.

"How is it possible!" Kun Qiang didn't expect Luoyun Mountain's speed to be so fast, and was secretly surprised.

What he didn't know was that since Luoyun Mountain was washed and cut by the thousand-year-old ice marrow, the potential contained in his body had more than doubled, and it was no small matter to suddenly erupt now.

"Come here, take Miss Wushuang away. I want to see who can snatch her away from me!" Seeing Luoyunshan and Kun Qiang fighting, he looked at the fake Huang Jieyu around him. Beast master, Kunpeng suddenly became confident, and at the same time, he looked at Lu Yang with a provocative look.

At this time, the pseudo-yellow-rank beast masters had already completed their fusion with their battle pets, and they were gathering from all directions to surround Lu Yang.

"Hahaha, Kunpeng, you think too highly of yourself. Since you want to force me, I want to see if you have the strength! The melting pot of all beasts merges immediately!" Calm, but in fact, he knew very well in his heart that his strength was not enough in front of so many fake yellow beast masters and Kunpeng, the real yellow beast master.

So in an instant, he made a choice.

At the same time, he also put the reservation right on the Golden Battle Lion, Hell Three-Headed Dog, and Blue Feather Bird King, so in an instant the system changed and selected a battle pet with a purer bloodline to improve his strength. It can be said that in an instant, all the other battle pets became experience and were absorbed into the body by the Golden Warrior Lion.

Then Lu Yang heard the system prompt.

"Battle Pet: Golden Battle King"

"Level: Yellow rank fierce beast."

"Bloodline: Lord-level bloodline (contains less than one-tenth of the bloodline of the holy beast)."

"Innate supernatural power: golden shield body protection (make the golden bell indestructible more substantive, and even appear four golden materialized shields rotating around the body, thus forming a defensive power several times that of the admiralty indestructible.)"

"Growth value: 108/1000000."


When the Golden Battle King appeared in front of everyone with a brand-new attitude, not only the people around were frightened by Lu Yang's elite battle pet, but even the six-eyed Jinyi who had been following Lu Yang was also shocked by the scene in front of him. I was stunned.

If the Golden Warrior Lion is a majestic lion, then the current Golden Warrior King is basically an invincible king wearing a golden battle armor.

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