The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 202: The Patriarchs of the Two Great Families

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Chapter 202: The Patriarchs of the Two Great Families

"Zi la la..."

As Kunpeng's attack power became stronger and stronger, the golden armor on Lu Yang's body became more and more fragile.

The golden armor began to crumble, and at this moment Kunpeng finally found an outlet.

"Black Phantom!" Kunpeng shouted frantically, shaking his hands.

At this moment, he almost poured most of his vitality into the black army sword. With the trembling of the sword, a black light unexpectedly entered Lu Yang's body like a black poisonous snake.

In an instant, Lu Yang felt as if his brain was about to be hollowed out. Thousands of poisonous snakes appeared in his mind. These poisonous snakes tore his body at the same time, making him feel like being pierced by thousands of arrows. pain.

However, with the experience of last time, Lu Yang is much calmer now.

He is very clear that he can have such a big reaction, on the one hand, because he has not been able to grasp the growth of mental power after promotion, but Kunpeng has stayed at this level for almost four or five years, and his control over mental power Far from what I can do, at least now I am not Kunpeng's opponent.

But he is not without advantages, his advantage is that his mental power is far stronger than Kunpeng several times. This is like a bull, although it can't beat a tiger, but as long as it grows big enough, the tiger will not dare to provoke it easily.

And now Lu Yang's mental strength is like such a bull. It is nearly four or five times bigger than a tiger, almost as big as an elephant. If it hadn't been very weak now, the tiger might come back and take advantage of it, so what Lu Yang has to do now is to let the bull stand up The sharp horn of the tiger gave this overwhelmed tiger a severe blow.

Of course, Lu Yang still needs to improve his strength as soon as possible. When the bull evolves into an elephant king again, let alone a tiger, even a stone tiger may not be his opponent.

"Master, your mental power is several times stronger than that of the intruder. You can use the system to digest his mental power, so that you can achieve the purpose of severely injuring him!" Sensing the discomfort of the host, the system prompt immediately reminded.

Hearing Xiaomei's words, Lu Yang asked a little depressed: "Since you know why you didn't remind me just now?"

"Master, although I am an intelligent system, I also need the master's spiritual power to maintain consumption, so without the support of the master's spiritual power, I am completely a display." Being reprimanded by the master, Xiaomei immediately said aggrieved.

"Well, this is indeed my negligence. I don't blame you. Help me digest the external mental power as soon as possible." Lu Yang was slightly stunned and soon understood, and immediately ordered the little girl to fight back.

The communication between Lu Yang and Xiaomei is only 1% of the breathing time, and has almost no influence on the outside world. But in the next moment, Kunpeng felt that something was wrong with him.

Because he could clearly feel that the spiritual power he injected into the Black Army sword was getting less and less, and the Black Army sword turned out to be like a bottomless abyss, which could never be satisfied. For a while, Kunpeng felt dizzy in his brain. If it wasn't for his own foundation, he would have passed out by now.

"Get out!" Lu Yang finally stopped absorbing Kunpeng's mental power, he opened his eyes suddenly, and punched out, directly hitting Kunpeng's abdomen.

Although Kunpeng was also protected by spirit armor, he couldn't withstand Lu Yang's repeated attacks.

With a "plop", Kunpeng fell to the ground, and finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. It seemed that he had suffered serious internal injuries.

"Hmph, the little bastard actually hurt my son. I think you are looking for death!" Lu Yang had just severely injured Kunpeng when suddenly a thunderous roar came from not far away. The middle-aged man has already rushed towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

This middle-aged man was extremely fast, and his whole body was like a shooting star, with a raging flame, it turned into a strange arc and went straight to the terrace on the sixth floor of Xuande Building.

"No, Kunlun, the Patriarch of the Kun Family, is here!" Seeing this middle-aged man, even Du Xian, who had always been calm and composed, showed a frightened expression, which shows how terrifying this middle-aged man's strength is.

Fortunately, after Kunlun appeared, another aura that made Du Xian extremely kind also appeared above his head.

"Brother Kunlun, why are you making things difficult for these children! Since my nephew is wrong about this matter, then he should be returned to Luoyun Mountain, and there is no need for us to intervene." Obviously, the person who came was Du Xian's father, Du Qian.

"Hahaha, what you said sounds nice. When will it be your turn to take action on our Kun family's affairs! Du Qian, don't give me a hand here!" .

"Brother Kunlun, you are wrong to say that. We are both human races, so there is no need to kill each other. What's more, it is indeed your fault in this matter, and the other party can kill you Kunlun with just two yellow rank beast masters. The family has been defeated, and I have to say that they also have some capital." Du Qian had no intention of giving in at all. Now he can also see Lu Yang's potential, and this is also his son's face, he must support it.

"Well, since you don't give in, I have nothing to say, but today our Kun family lost face, you have to give me an explanation. Otherwise, anyone can step on our Kun family in the future Shit on the top of your head." After speaking, Kunlun's whole body burst into flames, and the raging flames had covered his whole body, making him feel like he was wearing a flaming battle robe.

Before he finished speaking, he punched Lu Lu who was not far away.


Although Kunlun used Yuan Qi to separate the body, as a top master among the Huang rank beast masters, the power of his punch is not something that Lu Yang can underestimate.

And above the yellow rank, the level of the beast master has been clearly divided into four small realms: early stage, middle stage, late stage, and even Dzogchen. These four small realms not only affect the promotion of a beast master's beast master star level, but also affect the division of a beast master's strength. To put it simply, although Lu Yang is now at the peak of the early stage of the yellow-rank beast master, his strength has reached 350,000 catties, but once he breaks through the early stage of the yellow-rank beast master, his strength will increase in the middle stage.

And now the middle-aged man in front of him, that is, Kun Lun, the head of the Kun family, is already at the late stage of the Yellow Rank Beast Master, and his strength has reached 450,000 catties, which is 100,000 catties more than Lu Yang's. strength. Therefore, there is no comparison between the two in terms of combat experience or strength.

If Lu Yang and Kunpeng still have the power to fight, then he can only parry in front of Kunlun, and he has no power to fight back. What's more, he is still covered with scars, and he will be killed almost as soon as they meet each other. Kunlun was seriously injured and even crippled.

In particular, Kunlun's sure-fire punch had almost no intention of leaving Lu Yang with the slightest chance of survival.

"Hehe, it's wrong for young people, but it's not good for you to be so aggressive. If you say it out, it's as if we in Donglai City will only bully the small with the big." Seeing that Kunlun had already killed him, How could Du Qian refuse to save him?

So when Kun Lun's punch was about to hit Lu Yang, Du Qian greeted him lightly, and he actually stopped Kun Lun's punch. This surprised Kunlun.

"What? Your smoothness has also improved?" At this moment, Kunlun's interest has been attracted by his old opponent, Du Xian. Because for him, no matter how quickly Lu Yang's strength improves, he still has a way to kill him, but on the contrary, Du Qian and him have been fighting for decades, and now that Du Qian's strength has improved again, he can't help but feel a little itchy.

"Hehe, Brother Kunlun, now that you have successfully refined the collar of your flame battle suit, why can't I have some small gains!" After Kunlun saw through, Du Qian no longer concealed it, but said with a smile.

But everyone knows that Du Qian has always been humble and polite. The small gains he said may not be true, and may even be of great benefit.

In this way, Kunlun, who originally wanted to kill Lu Yang, wanted to fight Du Qian even more.

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