The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 203 Contradictions of the Kun Family

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Chapter 203 Contradictions of the Kun Family

Kunlun and Du Qian represent the interests of their respective families. Even if they actually fight, it's just to learn from each other, and they won't really fight to the death like Lu Yang and Kunpeng.

Of course, this is only the behavior between them on the surface, but in private, I am afraid that as long as they do not shake the foundation of the family, they will even do some more excessive things.

"Then I won't be polite!" Kunlun suddenly laughed wildly. Instead of targeting Lu Yang, he stepped on the void with his legs, twisted his upper body violently, and with one arm facing forward, he punched out. His whole body was like a flame , and hit Du Qian with a bang.

Kun Lun and Du Qian have different fighting states. Kun Lun has always used open and close moves, punching anyone who doesn't like it, while Du Xian is Huairou, who usually pays attention to retreat as advance.

When these two fight each other, Kunlun usually chases Du Qian at the beginning, and then Du Qian keeps looking for Kunpeng's weakness, and then counterattacks. In short, Kunlun's attack power is extremely strong, while Du Qian's defense power is much stronger than Kunlun's. In this way, as long as the two of them do not fight to the death, the lives of both parties will not be harmed.


Kun Lun punched in front of Du Qian, but was blocked by a water-based shield. After that, Du Qian stepped back continuously, and unexpectedly followed Kun Lun's punch.

It can be said that in just a few breaths, the two fought dozens of times, and they both seemed to find what they wanted before slowly separating.

Although few people could clearly see the situation of the two of them fighting, but from the extremely dignified expression on Kunlun's face, it could be seen that Du Xian was probably trying to stabilize Kunlun, but today Kunpeng's engagement ceremony was completely abolished.

"That's right, that's right, Du Qian, your strength has indeed improved a lot. I won't bother with you about today's incident, but I will find this kid to get it back sooner or later for the face that our Kun family lost due to today's incident. Be careful with me. Take the young master, let's go!" Kunlun looked at Du Qian coldly, turned around and beckoned him to leave Xuande Building with his son and other beast masters.

"I've already helped you as much as I can, so let's do it myself." Du Xian didn't expect that even his own father would come. Although his heart felt hot, he still said something to Lu Yang calmly, and left Xuande Building .

Don't look at what Kunlun said on the surface is very easy, but the Kun family will inevitably face a series of retaliation afterwards. It is impossible for the Du family to maintain that kind of ambiguous relationship with the Kun family in the future.

"Don't worry, you helped me this time, if you have anything to do in the future, just come to me for help." I didn't say anything to Du Xianduo, this kindness is not only an investment, but also a great favor.

Although the other party decided to help him after seeing his potential, it is undeniable that he was indeed right.

After the Du family left, the banquet hall on the sixth floor was almost deserted. In fact, when the head of the Kun family, Kun Lun, arrived, the people in the banquet hall had already left one after another. When the head of the Du family arrived, even more people left the banquet hall.

None of the guests who came here today are human beings. Seeing that the Patriarchs of the two major families have arrived, this seemingly endless battle is coming to an end. The difference is that when they go back, they have to think about whether they want to have more contact with the Kun family or stay away from the Du family as much as possible.

In the past, the Du family and the Kun family were just fighting in secret, but starting today, the two families have officially entered the stage of the cold war, and even the two families may fight each other, so some small forces decided to temporarily fight against each other. No contact, so that you can protect yourself wisely and not be involved in the wave of destruction.

"Father!" Luo Wushuang had already been frightened into a fool when he was fighting, but now that he saw the danger was lifted, the stone hanging in his heart was considered to have landed. After everyone left, Luo Wushuang finally couldn't help but rushed up, hugged her father and burst into tears.

Fortunately, the Golden Warrior King has already entered the pet space and stopped making a sound, and the six-eyed Jinyi is not yet Lu Yang's battle pet, so he can only stay outside. Although he is freer, he also lacks a A space where you can rest in peace.

"Daughter, don't worry, thanks to Lu Yang's help, father has regained the strength of the Huang rank beast master, and there is still a lot of room for advancement in the future, so our Luo family is destined to rise strongly." After thinking about it for a while, he seemed to have an astonishing decision that he didn't say.

I'm afraid that after this incident, Luojia will also carry out a series of reforms.

"Lu Yang, thanks to your help in my matter this time, otherwise, if my father has any troubles, I..." Luo Wushuang wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by Lu Yang.

"Okay, stop haggling like this, this is not a place to talk!" Lu Yang saw Luo Yunshan and Luo Wushuang reunited again, his face was full of joy, he felt that his work was not in vain .

But this is the territory of the Kun family after all, so it is definitely not acceptable for them to celebrate in such an open and aboveboard manner, it is better to return to Tianyimen...

Just when Lu Yang and the others were thinking about how to celebrate, Kunlun's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and his eyes were even more severe as if spouting fire.

"Look, this is the good thing you did for me. For a woman, our Kun family has lost such a big face. Do you think you are qualified to continue doing it? I think you should do it as soon as possible." Hand over the Three-Eyed Eagle King, and be your fake yellow rank beast master honestly!" Back at Kun's house, although Kunpeng did not kneel in front of Kunlun in front of his family, Kunlun

He didn't give him a good face either, a cup of tea fell on him and Kunpeng was stunned.

Father has never been so angry before!

"Father, didn't I do this for the good of our Kun family? If our Kun family can take this opportunity to win the Tianyi Sect, then our status among the three major families will definitely be even more detached. And this time the Yuan family was defeated by the Tianyi Sect." It's gone, and it's time for us to seek justice for the Yuan family!" Kunpeng stood in front of Kunlun with his head bowed, not daring to say a word, but he still tried his best to say good things to himself.

"Ming Yi, what do you have to say." Kunlun also had no choice but to deal with his own son. After all, among his many sons, he was the only one who was more up-to-date. If he didn't train him, who would he train?

And this Ming Yi is his absolute confidant, the strongest master around Kunlun, and a yellow rank beast master.

And Kunlun also relied on his super strength and Mingyi's assistance to live in the Kun family for decades. Otherwise, how could the two old guys in the family keep their own way!

"Master, it is obvious that the Du family has made it clear that they want to fight us this time. Since it is going to tear our face, there is no need for us to be perfunctory like in the past. But for the present plan, we should first get rid of the elders. Let’s deal with the impeachment first. As for the reason, let’s do it that day!” How could Ming Yi not understand his master’s thoughts, so as soon as Kun Lun let him speak, he understood what Kun Lun meant.

"Oh? That's a good idea. Come here, go and gather all the elders in the family. The patriarch wants to hold a meeting of elders to discuss the matter of impeaching Kunpeng as the eldest son." Kunlun knew that his other brothers would definitely not Just let Kunlun go, since you have to come sooner or later, why don't you take the initiative yourself, maybe you can still take the lead.

After a stick of incense, in the meeting hall of the Kun family, there were more than a dozen elders of the Kun family sitting. Most of these people have the strength of pseudo-yellow rank beast masters, but some of them are yellow rank beast masters. Counting Kunpeng, there are five Huang-rank beast masters in the entire Kun family, one of which is Kunlun, the other two are Kunlun's two brothers, and the other is an elder of Kunlun's previous generation.

Now that all the top Kun family members are sitting here, their meeting can begin.

"Elders, today is my son's engagement ceremony. It was supposed to be a good thing, but unexpectedly, it was self-defeating. I lost face by buying Kun's house, so I invite all the elders to discuss whether Kunpeng is suitable to continue. Sit on the position of the eldest son..."

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