The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 204: The Du Family Must Disappear

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Chapter 204: The Du Family Must Disappear

"Quack quack, second brother, I didn't expect you to be the first to steal the crowd. But this is unavoidable. The fact that your son has been pulled down from the position of the eldest son, I suggest that my son Kun Ge replace Kun Lun and become the Kun family leader. Eldest son." Kun Yang is the fifth eldest son of the Kun family, and also the Huang rank beast master in the family, so he can be said to be the mainstay of the Kun family.

Hearing his words now, several elders from his faction couldn't help but nodded, thinking that Kunyang's proposal was very feasible.

"Fifth brother, I don't agree with what you say." Kunlan said a little unhappy, "It's true that Kunpeng is ashamed this time, but if he comes down, it doesn't mean that your son Kunge can become the next son. The eldest son of the Kun family. I think my son Kunshan is fine!"

"Okay, who else has a better recommendation?" Kunlun didn't argue with them, but looked at all the elders and continued to ask.

After a while, none of these elders spoke, and Kunlun continued: "Since this is the case, let's first talk about why Kunpeng can't continue to be the eldest son of the Kun family!"

Everyone could see that what Elder Wu said was right. Kunlun didn't intend to let his son give up this position at all. The reason why he held this elder meeting today was just to go through the motions and save himself some It's just face, not to mention that Kunpeng did make a big mistake this time, and it must be brought out for everyone to talk about.

"Quack, it goes without saying that Kunpeng actually found a woman with a fiancé in this engagement ceremony. Doesn't this mean that our eldest son of the Kun family has found a woman who is a 'broken shoe'? Why, a woman that no one else wants , Our Kun family picked it up and used it, which is a great shame!" Among these elders, the fifth elder was the first to grow up and speak.

In the Kun family, his strength is also second only to Kun Lun, so he has long coveted the position of the next Patriarch, but he is not a fool. He knew very well that if he wanted to get rid of Kunlun, he had to start with his son first, otherwise, talking about other things would be nonsense.

"Quack quack..." Hearing Kunyang's words, several other elders also laughed.

But when he smiled like this, Kunpeng's complexion became worse and worse, especially his eyes seemed to eat Kunyang, but these didn't seem to affect Kunyang at all.

Indeed, Kunyang's strength is infinitely close to that of the late Huang-rank Beast Master, and if he wants to keep Kunpeng, he is simply playing the same thing. To him, Kunpeng is just a child with no hair.

"Kunpeng, let you talk about this matter yourself!" Kunlun said a little annoyed as he glanced at his son who had failed to live up to expectations.

However, he seemed very angry, but in fact, he and Kunpeng had already exchanged some key issues in private, and only went to the conference hall after confirming that they were correct, so he was very sure about this matter .

"Reporting to the elders, this matter is like this..." Kunpeng knew that his opportunity had come, so he told the whole story of the matter.

But in his narration, Luo Wushuang turned into a charming, gentle and virtuous girl. Because Xiangyang City was in trouble at the beginning, Luo Wushuang came to Donglai City for help. As a result, Kunpeng met her, and the two developed a beautiful love story. This is how Kunpeng got engaged.

Of course, this is the beginning of the story. Later, Kunpeng asked people to bring a gift to the Luo family. Who knew that the Luo family would open their mouths and not give the Kun family a good face. They forcibly took him away this time.

However, Kunpeng did not give up because of this, and finally held the engagement ceremony hastily after some discussions with Luoyunshan failed.

Presumably Luoyunshan said that Lu Yang was Luo Wushuang's fiancée, and it was also a despicable trick that Luoyunshan came up with to get more benefits for Luojia.

"Hahaha, this story is so beautifully written, it's really touching. But I have a question. I don't know how the Patriarch thinks about it? Let me ask, if Luoyunshan really wants more benefits , then why does Luoyunshan have to tear up his face?" Hearing Kunpeng's words, Kunshan said doubtfully.

"Hehe, Kunshan, don't forget that our Kun family's name itself is a huge fortune. If the Luo family can become associated with our Kun family, then their family's status will inevitably rise. But your sixth brother, yes The Yuan family is negligent in management, and the Yuan family is becoming more and more disobedient to management. Otherwise, I would not allow the Yuan family to be wiped out by Tianyimen. Now Lu Yang is taking the lead for the Luo family, disrupting the engagement ceremony of our Kun family Why can't our Kun family follow the vine and wipe out the Tianyi Gate?" Kunlun looked at Kunshan, which seemed to be well-founded, and said with a sigh.

Indeed, the Yuan family was able to grow rapidly in Donglai City. Although there are reasons for the Yuan family itself, it is inseparable from the support of the three major families, especially the Kun family is the boss behind the Yuan family. Now the Yuan family has been destroyed. Yes, the Kun family is more or less affected.

"Patriarch, do you mean that you want to take the opportunity to destroy Tianyimen and take back the power that originally belonged to our Kun family?" Kunshan hesitated when Kunlun said this.

It is true that the Yuan family is out of the control of the Kun family, and he is fully responsible. If this matter is pursued personally, Kunyang may not be affected, but he will definitely be punished in Kunshan, so after a short hesitation, he chose to remain silent.

"Yes, you are very smart, now let's talk about your son, fifth brother!" Seeing that Kun Shan had stopped talking, Kun Lun looked at Kun Yang again and couldn't help but said, "Although your son is also a little clever, in There are some achievements in business, but it is not enough to be a prince with a little cleverness. What's more, he

He was just a pseudo-yellow rank beast master! "

"Fifth brother, don't you know how much effort you have spent on your son? Do you want your son to compete with Kunpeng? If he wins, I will split and ask Kunpeng to hand over Huang Jieji Beast!" The more Kunlun talked, the more angry he became, because of Kunyang's son, the family has already provided too many resources, but unfortunately his useless son still can't do it. If it wasn't for enough resources, how could it have taken his son seven years of hard work to be promoted to the pseudo-yellow rank beast master.

If these resources were all used on Kunpeng, I am afraid that Kunpeng would have already reached the middle stage of the Huang rank beast master.

It can be said that in cultivating the next generation, as the head of the family, he did not treat Kunyang's son badly.

"Patriarch, I understand, it's just that our Kun family has lost such a big face this time, so we can't just let it go?" Kun Yang knew he was wrong, but for himself and his son, he insisted on asking .

"You're a good question, and that's the question I'm going to talk about next!" Kunlun sneered, knowing that the highlight of the day was coming, "It's true that the Tianyimen destroyed the Yuan family, but his Tianyimen and our Kunlun Compared with our family, it is just a slightly bigger prey."

"Since it is the prey, we must accept the risk of being hunted. It is a bit troublesome for the Du family to deal with it, but there is no need to worry about this. We have already contacted the Tian family. When the time comes, after we destroy the Tianyi Gate, we will continue to weaken the Tian family together." With the influence of the Du family in Donglai City, the entire Donglai City will naturally fall into the pockets of our Kun and Tian families."

"As for the Tian family in the end, let's wait until the Du family disappears. Is there anything else you need to add?" I have to say that Kunyang's last few words are very convincing.

Both the Kun family and the Du family have a history of hundreds of years in Donglai City, and the Kun family and the Du family have always been rivals.

Although it is definitely beneficial for the Tian family to join forces with the Tian family to deal with the Du family this time, but as long as the Du family is eliminated, the Kun family will be equivalent to one less burden, and they will naturally be familiar with what they do in the future. As for the Tian family, he is confident that the City Lord's Mansion will not watch their two families fight to the death, and will definitely mediate from it.

After all, there are three big families in a second-tier city is too much, but if there are only two big families, it is just right.

"I have supplements!"

"I also have something to add..."

These elders here are not fools, they all understand the path.

After all, there are only those resources in a second-tier city, and the Du family has one less yellow-rank beast master, so they have one more possibility, so the Du family must disappear in Donglai City...

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