The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 205: The Distress of Luoyun Mountain

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Chapter 205: The Distress of Luoyun Mountain

Generally speaking, no matter how the second-tier cities develop, the number of yellow-rank beast masters will be the same, and there will not be much change, so they never thought that their Kun family would be above this base number, and would take more risks. out one.

On the contrary, Lu Yang's becoming a yellow-ranked beast master made them feel that something was wrong, because for them, there were two more yellow-ranked beast masters in Donglai City, Lu Yang and Luoyunshan, which meant that Donglai City had more than two yellow-ranked beast masters. Luck has been exhausted, and it is very likely that no one will be promoted to the yellow-rank beast master for a long time in the future, unless Donglai City can advance to the first-level city, and by then the black-rank beast master is likely to appear, and even There may be more than one yellow rank beast master.

In Kun's house, a meeting of elders against Du's house had been held in secret, and it might not be the case in Du's house.

"Du Xian, what can you say about today's events?" In the Du family, although no one wanted to impeach Du Xian, all the elders were skeptical of Du Xian's actions.

Because they are very clear that Du Xian and the Kun family will have more open and secret battles from now on, and even an endless decisive battle in the next year or two, which means that the two of them The family has no room for maneuver.

"Elders, I admit that what I did today was a little too impulsive, but I don't regret it. Besides, I think my Du family has gained a solid ally because Tianyimen has only been established for a short month. There are only two more yellow-rank beast masters, and their achievements will definitely be greater in the future, even surpassing the three major families!" Du Xian actually wanted to say in his heart that Tianyimen might surpass the City Lord's Mansion.

Of course, Du Xian is not a fool. If he said that, he would be against the people of the City Lord's Mansion. The Kun family and the others could still offend them, but the Du family of the City Lord's Mansion would never dare to provoke them...

Apart from the Du family, among the three major families, the Tian family was the most peaceful.

Although Tian Xingren also participated in it today, he was just playing casually.

Of course, another thing happened in the Tian family, that is, another young master of the Tian family, Tian Xingjian, has been missing for almost a week. Not only did Tian Xingjian disappear, but even the confidantes around him could not be seen alive or dead. For the Tian family, this is definitely an extremely serious matter.

It would be fine if Tian Xingjian was an ordinary young master of the Tian family, but he is the most beloved son of the head of the Tian family, so almost the entire Tian family was mobilized to look for Tian Xingjian's whereabouts...

"What? Is this news accurate?" The news that the Tian family was looking for someone quickly reached Lu Yang's ears.

He didn't care much about Tian Xingjian and his group at first, but now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Once the Tian family finds any clues, the situation will be really bad.

"Go and spread the news to me now, so that more people can enter the ancient tomb, and at the same time arrange for someone to bring me back the pair of grandparents and grandchildren." Lu Yang's current plan is obvious, he just tries to muddy the water as much as possible , so that the real situation of Tian Xingjian's killing can be delayed as much as possible.

Fortunately, Tian Xingjian's body had already been thrown into the organ by him, even if someone found him, they would think that he was plotted against, and really wanted to find out the cause of Tian Xingjian's death and find a needle in a haystack.

Even so, Lu Yang had to take precautions, especially if he had to take good care of the grandparents of the ancient tomb family, so there was nothing to fear.

After Lu Yang arranged everything, he came to the living room of Tianyi Gate. At this moment, Luo Yunshan and Luo Wushuang had been chatting inside for a long time, and it could be seen from the extremely relaxed expressions of the two of them. Both their father and daughter have recovered from what happened to the Kun family, and now they have begun to imagine a better life in the future.

On the contrary, when Luo Wushuang saw Lu Yang walking in from the outside, his face was a little red, as if he had thought of something and stopped talking.

"Senior Luo, what are you talking about with Wushuang? You are so happy." Lu Yang just said something casually, and found that Luo Wushuang's face became more and more ruddy, even a bit like a ripe tomato.

This made Lu Yang feel rather strange.

"Hehe, it's nothing. By the way, Lu Yang, you don't need to call me senior anymore. You have alienated our relationship. You can just call me Uncle Luo in the future!" Luo Yunshan said to Lu Yang pretending to be angry.

"Uncle Luo?" Hearing Luoyunshan's words, Lu Yang said on the spot that he couldn't understand Luoyunshan.

Nima, this senior's name is quite good, why did he suddenly change it, and it became so ambiguous. No, there must be something tricky in it!

Lu Yang obviously felt that this matter was beyond his control, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous. No, compared to Luo Wushuang's embarrassment, his performance is still normal.

"Uncle Luo, it's good for me to call you senior Luo, but I suddenly changed, and I seem to be a little unaccustomed to it, did something happen?" Lu Yang didn't seem to notice the anger on Luo Wushuang's face, Still asked shamelessly.

"Uh, this, it's like this!" At some point, Luo Wushuang had come to Luoyunshan's back, and a pair of small hands pinched Luoyunshan's back. Although the strength was not great, it was enough to make Luoyunshan Yun Shan felt that a piece of his flesh and blood was about to be bitten off. It is conceivable that this man, who can withstand the pressure of non-human beings, was so painful that he almost called his mother just by his daughter's pinch. What a sad thing this is.

Besides, because Luoyunshan was in unbearable pain, his wisdom also froze.

All of a sudden, it was raised several levels, "This time, our Luo family rejected the Kun family's marriage. I don't think they can continue to live in Xiangyang City. Why don't we move our family to Tianyimen, and our Luojia will be Tianyimen in the future. disciple!"

After Luo Yunshan said all he wanted to say in one breath, he felt that the little devil behind him was no longer pinching so hard, and he felt much more relaxed.

In fact, his psychological pressure just now was far greater than the physical pain.

"It turns out that this is the case. Our Tianyi Sect is absolutely welcome. But now is not the time to talk. I guess the two of you didn't eat today. I have already arranged for my disciples to cook a sumptuous dinner. Let's go and taste it together." Lu Yang looked at it. He kept flirting between Luoyun Mountain and Luo Wushuang, and he was also puzzled for a while.

In his previous life, he was just a porter, and he had little contact with men and women. In this life, he is even more of a cultivator, so he has no time to think about women. What's more, for Lu Yang, he is only seventeen years old, and it's a bit early to think about that now.

But what he doesn't know is that people in this world can talk about marriage when they reach the age of sixteen, and they are still a good age to get married, so even if Luo Wushuang doesn't say anything, Luoyunshan will arrange for her.

This is what Luo Yunshan said to Luo Wushuang just now.

"Brother Lu Yang, although I didn't cook today's dishes, since I'm going to live here in the future, the task of cooking will be entrusted to me. This dish is fat but not greasy. Not only does it taste just right, but it also It's rich in nutrition, let me pick it up for you!" Luo Wushuang became enthusiastic as soon as he ate.

At first Lu Yang ate some politely, but he found that today Luo Wushuang was just politely picking up some dishes for Luoyunshan, but when it came to him, it was almost indiscriminate bombardment, almost in the blink of an eye, His bowl was filled with the fruit of Luo Wushuang's labor.

Afterwards, Lu Yang kept saying that he didn't want it, but he couldn't avoid the tragedy of being stuffed, especially the way Luo Yunshan looked at him, which was basically the expression of an old man looking at his uncle.

"Could it be that I was sold by Luoyun Mountain?" At some point, Lu Yang had such an illusion.

"Hehe, Lu Yang, don't be offended. After all, you saved my daughter today. It is understandable for her to be so enthusiastic. By the way, what are your plans for the Kun family?" After eating, Luoyunshan was also a little helpless towards his daughter.

Although he really wanted his daughter to marry Lu Yang, Luo Wushuang would not use such extreme actions to protest.

No, since Luo Wushuang is so enthusiastic, did she agree in disguise?

Now that things were going on, even Luoyunshan was a little uncertain.

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