The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 206: The Du Family's Olive Branch

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Chapter 206: The Du Family's Olive Branch

After chatting with Luoyunshan for a while, Lu Yang left Tianyi Gate to meet Sun Wu and the others. After confirming that everything was handled correctly, he sent someone to secretly send the grandpa and grandson of the Ancient Tomb Clan back to Tianyi Gate , while he himself stayed in the deserted town and did some more detailed processing.

After making sure that everything was handled properly, he left Rehuang Town completely, and at this moment, four or five groups of people had obtained the position of Rehuang Ancient Tomb and entered the ancient tomb.

One of the couple was still followed by Lu Yang, they were led into the trap, and were all killed by the hidden weapons of the mechanism. Although some of these things existed in the ancient tomb, some of them were newly installed by Mr. Jin and Xiaoling recently. of. However, in order to prevent outsiders from discovering, they have done some processing to these institutions, which can make these institutions appear more ancient.

In this way, people from the Tian family who came here to investigate could have more associations.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Yang left, the members of the Tian family also followed the clues to find the ancient tomb of Rehuang. At this moment, there are already three or four teams of people hunting for treasures in the ancient tomb. However, these people not only failed to find the treasure, but some of the treasure-hunting teams suffered slight casualties, which surprised the Tian family members. They even confirmed that their young master died in the mechanism of the ancient tomb.

Of course, Lu Yang thought that he had done everything seamlessly, and even if the Tian family would find out, it would definitely not be now, so he was very sure that the Tian family would not find any trouble on him in a short time. In this way, he can spare a lot of time to deal with the Kun family's revenge.

Instead of Lu Yang looking for Du Xian, Du Xian came to Lu Yang. However, Du Xian did not do it in the name of his family, but in his personal capacity, and it was a sneaky way, which made Lu Yang feel very strange.

And this feeling is like two people having an affair, very ambiguous.

"Master Lu, you have given us a little more life in the muddy lake in Donglai City. But this also means that starting today, the entire Donglai City has undergone some new changes!" Lu Yang The things that he thought in his heart would naturally not happen, and the purpose of Du Xian's coming to find Lu Yang was also very pure, just to find someone to chat with.

But what they were talking about wasn't the nonsense, or that Du Xian came to Lu Yang this time because he wanted to talk about Lu Yang's plan.

"Oh? So the Du family is ready to go to war with the Kun family?" Hearing Du Xian's words, Lu Yang asked tentatively.

Although it was said that the Du family had done him a great favor today, it did not mean that Tianyimen was going to fight the Kun family desperately for the Du family. Lu Yang is not stupid, so naturally he would not do such a stupid thing.

Of course, if Du Xian proposed such a win-win thing, he, Lu Yang, would naturally be the first to stand up and support it.

"Because of the existence of the City Lord's Mansion, there is no need for a full-scale war, but I am afraid that there will be more small actions in private. Moreover, the Kun family not only raised the dog of the Yuan family in Donglai City, but also raised a dog outside Donglai City. A group of bandits. If I don't expect it, our Du family may have to be careful when entering and leaving the city, and your Tianyimen will be the first target of the Kun family." Said it Go, Du Xian's real intention is self-evident.

Of course, what Du Xian said was definitely not to provoke the war between Tianyimen and the Kun family. On the contrary, he was thinking of Tianyimen and hoped that Tianyimen could reduce some losses.

After all, in today's situation, as long as they are not fools, they will understand that the Kun family will definitely attack Tianyi first.

"I've already expected this, but thank you, Young Master Du, for reminding me!" Lu Yang said modestly, cupping his fists.

"Hehe, Master Lu, you don't have to be polite to me. I'm older than you. From now on, you can call me Brother Du, and I'll just call you Lu Yang. How about it?" Du Xian nodded, then smiled again said.

"Oh? That's the best. Thank you, Brother Du, for your suggestion. Another day, my younger brother will set up a banquet in the mansion to thank Brother Du." Lu Yang was not a rigid person in his previous life. In this life, he has the strength and naturally becomes Much smoother.

It's just that his tact is not a blind retreat, but based on a certain strength, otherwise, he would not be so close to Du Xian.

More importantly, in this life, he not only has his own mother who needs to be protected, but also Luoyunshan and Luo Wushuang, father and daughter, and many brothers who trust him with their lives. I will no longer focus on myself, but focus on the overall situation.

"Brother Lu Yang, from now on we will make a decision like this. By the way, here is a batch of goods. In two days, our Du family will deliver to a first-tier city thousands of kilometers away from Donglai City. This batch of goods It is very important to our Du family, I would like to ask brother Lu Yang to escort him with me." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Du Xian's face seemed to be full of joy, and finally he said cautiously.

"Oh? Since Brother Du believes in me so much, then I'm bound to do it!" Lu Yang thought that Du Xian was here to find out what he had to say, but he didn't expect that the other party was here to benefit him.

Of course, this benefit is not for nothing, but a price must be paid.

"Lu Yang, Du Xian definitely didn't come up with this matter. How old he is, he definitely doesn't have this kind of city. If nothing else, just say that the Du family gave you the benefit of 100,000 intermediate spirit stones. It's not difficult to judge. How valuable are the items you escorted this time." After Du Xian left, Lu Yang told Luo Yunshan about this matter, and then he realized that this matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"If I'm not wrong, the Kun family will definitely do something to this batch of goods, and the Du family will do so

They want to tie you to the warship of the Du family. I think the Du family wants to use you on the one hand, and it is also a way to win you over! "After some analysis, Luoyunshan said with a sigh.

If he were the Patriarch of the Du family, he might think that he does not have the capacity of Du Qian.

After all, this transaction is not a small business for the Du family, and the Du family and Tianyimen are far from reaching the level of mutual trust.

There are many unpredictable risks in this, but it is also possible that the two companies will truly join forces.

"Uncle Luo, what should we do?" Now that Lu Yang has accepted Luoyunshan's entry into Tianyimen, he naturally regards him as his absolute confidant, not to mention that the latter is kind to him, he is even more I want to know how to repay my kindness.

"It's very simple, that is, to be a favor, to help the Du family make this deal, and then Tianyimen and the Du family will naturally become allies. If you need anything in the future, you can go to Du Xian directly! "Luoyunshan said at the end, not without emotion.

In fact, the Du family also offered an olive branch to him at the beginning, but Luo Yunshan wanted to develop Xiangyang City at the beginning, and did not pay attention to the Du family, so Luo Yunshan said these words out of feeling.

When Lu Yang returned to his courtyard, it was already close to midnight. He told Luoyunshan a lot about the Du family, and also talked about Luoyunshan's past, all about his youth. What Lu Yang didn't expect was that Luoyun Mountain in the past was still a passionate seed.

It's just that Luo Wushuang's mother was killed later because of certain things, and Luo Yunshan didn't have that concubine so far in memory of his lover, so he can be regarded as an infatuated man.

Afterwards, Lu Yang drank a few more drinks with Luoyunshan, and sent him back to his room to rest.

I don't know why, but Lu Yang always feels that Luoyunshan is a bit strange. When talking to Luoyunshan, he seems to regard himself as a friend, or as a junior. I no longer know.

"Could it be because Luoyun Mountain has regained its strength that it makes me feel so emotional?" Lu Yang shook his head, then stopped thinking about it, and turned back directly to his courtyard.

After this day's battle, although he also suffered a lot of trauma, but in general, he also gained a lot of combat experience, especially through the beast control system, he actually got a yellow-rank beast. That's where he's happiest.

After all, as his strength increased, the number of ferocious beasts was no longer his goal.

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