The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 207 Shenlong Mountain Range

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Chapter 207 Shenlong Mountain Range

Although he didn't say it, Lu Yang knew it best in his heart. Now with the growth of his strength, every ferocious beast needs to spend a lot of resources to cultivate, and the more advanced ferocious beasts are wanted, the more resources will be spent, and more often, even if there are resources, It may not be possible to pile up a powerful beast that one wants in a short period of time.

Otherwise, Donglai City would not have such a large number of fake yellow-rank beast masters, but the real yellow-rank beast masters are less than one-fifth of the fake yellow-rank beast masters.

This shows that the beast master of the human race is rare, but it is even more difficult to obtain, or even cultivate a yellow-rank beast that recognizes oneself.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the Beast Familiar System obtained by Lu Yang is not included in this list. Because his beast furnace can absorb a large number of low-level beasts to increase the strength of one of them, so that he can get a higher-level beast.

This process seems to be very simple, but it is very complicated when you study it carefully.

Not to mention how much painstaking efforts he had spent on the twenty or so pets in Lu Yang's pet space, let's say that almost seventeen high-level beasts were spent just to cultivate yellow-rank beasts, which made him feel like vomiting blood. If he wanted to train another yellow-rank beast, wouldn't he need to find more high-level beasts, and even yellow-rank beasts to provide experience?

Lu Yang shook his head. Although there are many such dangerous places within the scope of the royal city where he is located, there are not only a large number of yellow-rank beasts, but even black-rank beasts are not rare. There are all kinds of ferocious beasts on the ground, so if he had no choice, he would not go to that kind of place to seek death.

Of course, apart from these places, Lu Yang can actually find some places near Donglai City where he can catch fierce beasts.

The first is the terrifying forest closest to Donglai City. Although this forest is not as large as the Luoshen Mountains, its degree of danger is definitely not comparable to that of the Luoshen Mountains. You must know that it is the most dangerous natural forest that separates the two royal cities. Barrier, without this natural barrier, the consequences would be unpredictable.

In addition to the horror forest, there is a wider Shenlong mountain range to the east of Donglai city. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, an ancient dragon lived in this mountain range.

It is said that the dragon is over a million kilometers long, and its body is thousands of kilometers thick. Even if the smallest scale on its body fell off, it would be the size of a mountain peak. It was not something that the human race at that time could compete with. of.

But for some reason, that divine dragon landed on the mainland, died not long after, and finally became the current Shenlong Mountain Range.

Although many legends are untrue, every time Lu Yang went to the extreme that he could achieve in the sky and looked at a mountain range, he always felt that the direction of the criss-crossing mountain range was very similar to the trajectory of a dragon, even if it wasn't for the death of the dragon. After the body, but absolutely has an inseparable relationship with Shenlong.

Moreover, this mountain range is the biggest barrier between the human race world and the beast world. It is said that on the other side of the barrier, it can almost be said that the entire world of beasts. Here it is humans who drive the ferocious beasts, but on the other side it is the opposite, the ferocious beasts keep humans in captivity.

Of course, so far, apart from some god-like existences in the ancestral city of humans, it is possible to look at the other side of the Shenlong Mountain Range. These existences who almost live at the bottom of the human race will never even think about stepping through the Shenlong Mountain Range in their entire lives. It is a top existence that has been promoted to the Heavenly Rank Beast Master, and it is not guaranteed that it can exist safely in the depths of the Shenlong Mountain Range. One can imagine how dangerous it is there.

In addition to these dangerous places, there are also peripheral areas for him to venture into, and within several secondary cities near Donglai City, there are also some branches of these forests or mountains. Although there are no powerful yellow-rank beasts inside, there are not a few high-level beasts.

If Lu Yang could enter such a place, he might be able to find what he needed.

Of course, the premise is that he can escape from the task of escorting the Du family in a few days.

Of course, Du Xian's intention to find him is very obvious, that is to let Lu Yang help them tide over the difficulties, not to hire him, or even a relatively fair means of cooperation, so the benefits that the Du family can give Lu Yang during this trip come from this The value of a batch of goods is actually not much, but the advantage is that Tianyimen can deliver its own goods.

Because Donglai City is a second-tier city surrounded by mountains, the resources here are not lacking. It is even richer in some resources than some first-tier cities. The reason why Donglai City is in the second-tier city Among them, they are not considered rich. On the one hand, it is because the owner of Donglai City has no intention of doing business, and on the other hand, it is also because the location of Donglai City is dangerous.

It can be said that even if the Du family did not encounter the Kun family's interception on this trip, there would inevitably be a lot of prying eyes along the way. Coupled with the Kun family's interception, they might even encounter some bandits of unknown origin. So it's not uncommon for this trip to deliver the goods, even if it earns ten times the profit.

Because of this, Lu Yang was eager to return to his courtyard to study a method that could quickly improve his strength in a short period of time.

Of course, among the many ways to improve his strength, the first one he gave up was to capture high-level ferocious beasts through the beast control technique. Although his beast control skill has reached the level of the yellow rank and is still five-star, it still cannot change the process of him capturing a large number of beasts and needing to increase their experience points.

Even if there are enough ferocious beasts, every time the Furnace of Beasts is used, a large amount of resources are needed as energy supplements, of which

It costs no less than a million intermediate crystals, and the reason why the Golden Lion King was able to be promoted to the Golden Battle King is because he consumed a lot of intermediate crystals and even high-level crystals in the process of being promoted to the yellow rank beast master. stone.

So the system returned the remaining energy to him, but now that this part of energy is getting less and less, I am afraid it is not enough to support his idea of ​​being promoted to a yellow rank beast master.

In this way, Lu Yang had to get more resources.

Of course, working for some big families, or organizing a caravan to deliver some goods to some big cities, is indeed a good way to get money, and Sun Wu and Er Gouzi also earned a lot of resources and gold coins because of this.

But after all, this is a long-term work, and it is not just a caravan that really supports a sect or a large family, but more because this family or sect has mastered a spar vein with good potential. Although the spar veins will be exhausted one day, at least in the tens, hundreds, or even hundreds of years, this family will definitely not be in too much risk.

And in Donglai City, only the City Lord's Mansion has such qualifications.

According to some Xiao Dao information, almost all the three major families in Donglai City sent people to search for the spar veins of the City Lord's Mansion, but without exception, none of the people who went there came back, so the three families in the past few decades The big family no longer dared to send people to inquire about the mine veins.

Although they didn't have the guts to search for the mineral veins of the City Lord's Mansion, they have never stopped searching for new mineral veins in private, but the mineral veins are scarce. It can't come out, and these hundreds of years are likely to be a process in which a family changes from a province to a decline. This is also an important reason why the head of the Du family wants to win over Lu Yang.

After all, with Du Qian's status, he will naturally support an ally who has great potential and is beneficial to him. What's more, Donglai City is still in such a strange state, which makes Du Qian eager to give The Du family found a way out.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Yang denied his first idea, and he began to change his mind to find another way out.

"Increase fighting skills?" Lu Yang finally thought of another way.

As he was promoted to the rank of Yellow Beastmaster, the Beastmaster system opened up to him not only some new functions, but more importantly, he had a little assistant.

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