The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 208 Entering Luoyang City

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Chapter 208 Entering Luoyang City

In fact, it's not that Lu Yang deliberately ignored Xiaomei's existence, but because the artificial intelligence Xiaomei suddenly added to the Beast Familiar System is a bit too passive.

If Lu Yang didn't take the initiative to provide him with mental power, then Xiaomei, the artificial intelligence, would be like a dead person, staying in the beast control system without saying a word.

Although it is good for her to do this, it can save a lot of system resources, but it is also obvious that Lu Yang often forgets her existence.

"Xiaomei, tell me, what can I do if I want to improve my strength as soon as possible?" Since Xiaomei is in charge of the beast control system, he should know some information about the beast control system, and these questions should not be difficult her.

"Master has just been promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master and should be steady, so as your servant, I will not give you any advice for the time being." Although Xiaomei's expression changed somewhat when answering Lu Yang's question, but Apart from being able to see that she is a woman, there is nothing special about it, which is actually no different from a simple pixel.

"Forget it, it's superfluous for me to ask you." Thinking that asking for others is better than asking for oneself, Lu Yang gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask Xiaomei.

"Of course, if the master has enough mid-level crystals, he can also use the actual combat simulation system provided by the Beast Familiar System. Because of my limited authority, the master can only simulate some simple actual combat scenarios, such as practicing some battles. Beloved is gifted with supernatural powers."

Just when Lu Yang was about to give up, Xiaomei finally brought Lu Yang a piece of news, but the price was a thousand intermediate crystals at a time, and she could only practice for one day.

"Isn't it a bit deceitful to charge one thousand pieces of intermediate spar for only one day of cultivation?" Lu Yang's jaw almost dropped when he heard the outrageously high fee standard.

"Master, your training in the system is actually only one-twelfth of the time outside, that is to say, you have practiced for twelve hours, which is only one day, and you only spent one day outside. This harvest It is definitely not something that can be bought with money. Xiaomei seemed to be aware of the extreme imbalance deep in her master's heart, so she hurriedly said with trepidation.

Indeed, since Lu Yang got the Beast Familiar System, he has benefited too much. The Beast Familiar System has never treated him badly, so now he thinks this way somewhat like a villain.

"Okay, let's talk about it when I have the resources." Lu Yang was still interested at first, but when he heard the thousand pieces of intermediate spar, he immediately turned off the fire.

Although a thousand pieces of intermediate spar is not much, but his expenses during this period are too high, and there are at least a thousand people waiting to eat in Tianyimen, so he has to hold back , at least not like his elder brother, who can do whatever he wants when he is alone.

"It looks like you're still too poor!" Lu Yang knew that he couldn't do anything today, so he washed up and went to sleep.

On the one hand, he did consume a lot of mental power today, on the other hand, he was indeed tired, and being able to sleep peacefully was also very helpful for his cultivation.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Yang sent someone to deliver a letter to Du Xian, informing him of his plan. In the end, he learned that their team would leave in about three days, but it may also be during these three days. any time.

Lu Yang asked people to transport them to Du's house quietly, so that they would not attract more attention when they were in their infancy, while Lu Yang himself was recuperating at home and ready to leave at any time.

Sure enough, in the early morning two days later, people from the Du family arrived at Tianyi Gate early in the morning and told Lu Yang the news. Knowing the news that he was going to leave, Lu Yang didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to the place agreed by Du's family to leave the city.

The entire Donglaicheng is divided into four city gates. The east is the Tian family, the west is the Du family, the north is naturally the Kun family, and the last side is the Tianyi gate.

On the one hand, the arrangement of Donglai City is to allow these four major forces to share the management of entering the city every day for the city lord's mansion. More importantly, when a large number of beasts attack Donglai City, these four gates are the responsibility of these four major forces. Region, no matter which region has a problem, the corresponding force will be held responsible.

The city gate they walked through today was the west gate that the Du family was in charge of.

"Brother, you must have never been to Luoyang City. It is several times larger than our Donglai City, and Luoyang City has developed businesses, and there are many kinds of restaurants and shops emerging in endlessly. After you arrive in Luoyang City, I'm afraid I don't want to go back to Donglai City!" After the caravan was organized, Du Xian and Lu Yang sat on the battle pets and chatted.

"Really, then are senior rubbing masters very popular there?" Lu Yang became interested when he thought of Duobao Pavilion.

Because as long as there are big cities, there will definitely be ways to make money. With money and resources, he can become stronger and stronger. What's more, he is now a pauper.

"Of course there are ways to make money. For example, the headquarters of Duobao Pavilion is in Luoyang City, and several secondary cities around Luoyang City have branches of Duobao Pavilion. The Duobao Pavilion in Donglai City is distributed in Among the seven or eight second-tier cities, they can only be ranked in the middle class." It is a rare opportunity to show off, and Du Xian naturally will not let it go so easily, and he can talk about many things in his mouth It was so vivid and interesting that it was rare for Lu Yang to listen to it with fascination, which aroused his desire even more.

"Why, are you short of money now?" Seeing the hesitation on Lu Yang's face, Du Xian immediately understood what was going on, and immediately looked at Lu Yang and asked with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, Brother Du, I have really

In fact, resources are scarce, and you also know that Tianyimen promoted two yellow-ranked beast masters at the same time, and the price is definitely not something I can afford now..." Although Lu Yang was a little exaggerated, what he said was all Fact. However, he didn't say that he killed Tian Xingjian or the ancient tomb.

"Hahaha, brother, although I, Du Xian, am not a rich and powerful person, I still understand the word loyalty. What's more, our Du family and your Tianyimen caravan are traveling together this time, and we have taken your place. It's cheap, here is one hundred thousand intermediate crystal stones, it's my kindness." Du Xian's words made Lu Yang slightly stunned, and the other party's words were so smooth and smooth, there was no hypocrisy at all, if it wasn't for the other party's identity and the reason to win him over If the intention is there, Lu Yang will probably feel that the other party just happened to ask about this matter and did as he pleased.

But Lu Yang knew very well in his heart that this was definitely a way for Du Xian to win him over. Even if Du Xian didn't help him with this matter, he would definitely find another opportunity to give him the 100,000 intermediate crystals. of.

But this is also just right, what he lacks, someone will give it to him, and he is willing to accept Du Xian's love, so he accepts the intermediate spar.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Du Xian say: "This time we have a long journey to Luoyang City. I am afraid it will take four or five days to go back and forth, about ten days. Especially if we encounter some troubles on the way, there may be great danger. Brother Wei, let me tell you about the situations that we are likely to encounter along the way!"

It turns out that there are three most dangerous places on the road from Donglai City to Luoyang City. One of them is Jiuyou Ridge, which is usually the territory where fierce beasts haunt, and it is an extremely dark canyon. The area where bandits often haunt, one is called Flea Ridge, and the other is called Fuwei Forest.

Of course, bandits and even killers sent by the Kun family are also likely to appear in other places, but those places are far less dangerous than these three places, and they must focus on being careful.

Besides, the Kun family lost face this time, they must want to get back their lost face as soon as possible, and this time their caravan trip is probably the biggest opportunity.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

While they were talking, there was a burst of screams from the front, and the caravan seemed to be in trouble ahead.

"Report to the young master, the beasts that appeared in front have been beheaded, and there is no danger at present." A servant of the Du family quickly ran over from the front of the team.

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