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Chapter 209 Murong Fuye

I don't know why Lu Yang always felt that the appearance of these fierce beasts was a bit strange.

It stands to reason that this place is still near Donglai City, so there shouldn't be any ferocious beasts who would dare to intercept the caravan's carriage, but now some of them were sent to death, which made Lu Yang somewhat suspicious.

"Brother Lu Yang, do you also find this strange?" Seeing Lu Yang's frown, Du Xian immediately understood his thoughts.

It seems that the heroes mentioned in the sample book see the same thing, and there is indeed such a thing.

"Well, if it's not that these beasts are full and have nothing to do, someone must be playing tricks." Lu Yang thought for a while, but couldn't help but say.

"Someone is causing trouble, so who could it be? Could it be the enemy of our Du family?" Du Xian's expression became serious when he heard Lu Yang's judgment.

Although he has such a judgment, it is only a judgment after all.

The two chatted about other things, and walked side by side again, but this time they didn't say much, but walked forward.

After leaving Donglai City, there is a forest in front of it. Although there are many beasts here, but because of the perennial siege of Donglai City, the number of beasts here has become less and less, and even the strength of these beasts has surpassed ordinary people. people pose a threat. That's the beauty of big cities.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yang and Du Xian feel a little strange that several fierce beasts suddenly appeared to attack the caravan.


Sure enough, not long after they left, they heard a few more roars of ferocious beasts. This time, the beasts were even stronger than before.

"No, there must be something weird in it." Even if Lu Yang didn't say anything this time, Du Xian already realized that the situation was not good.

Not to mention that being harassed repeatedly would delay the caravan's itinerary, let's say that the caravan was followed all the way, and they couldn't afford it.

If the other party wants to play a joke on them, it's better, if they want to assassinate, the entire caravan may be killed by the other party if they are not careful. This is no small problem.

"Brother, I will trouble you with this matter. You pay attention to the movement on the left side of the caravan, and I pay attention to the movement on the right side of the caravan. Let's split up." Du Xian didn't talk nonsense, and disappeared in the woods after leaving the battle pet among.

"If I fight Du Xian now, who among us is more sure of winning?" Lu Yang seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact he was talking to Xiaomei again.

"The master's potential is extraordinary, but the combat experience and accumulation are relatively small, and the opponent has a lot of treasures. Once the two of you really fight, I'm afraid the master will have a hard time even if you win." Pixel Xiaomei didn't seem to care about her appearance. Said very nicely.

"Although what you said is a bit of a compliment to him, I have to say that it sounds quite pleasant. Then tell me now, did someone release those beasts on purpose?" Lu Yang continued to ask without giving up.

"Master, although I can also perceive the surroundings through the master's spiritual power, my perception is based on the master's perception after all, so I may be able to understand things that the master does not know, but it is a limited part after all. For example, there is a person standing behind the master." Xiaomei was about to cry, she is only a first-level artificial intelligence, and she was so tortured by the master when she was born, does she still have the spirit of compassion.

"What, there is someone behind me, why didn't you say it earlier!" Hearing Xiaomei's reminder, Lu Yang turned around suddenly, and saw a small and exquisite figure standing about a thousand or hundreds of meters behind him. This figure was extremely fast, and he fled immediately after being spotted.

"Oh, it's interesting." Although Lu Yang didn't know this person, he could feel that the other party had no ill intentions towards him. He even always felt that this girl wanted to get close to the caravan on purpose.

"Miss, we have been discovered, do you want to go back?" There was an old slave standing beside Murong Fuye, obviously her substitute bodyguard. The top strength among the beast masters.

"Go back, why do you want to go back, don't forget, we are here to go to Luoyang City with the caravan!" Murong Fu looked young and cute, with a pair of round dimples on her face, it was perfect , especially her slender long legs, she is almost the goddess in the dreams of all singles in Donglai City.

"Then miss, I'm afraid it's not good for us to keep harassing them like this?" The old slave watched Murong Fuye from childhood to adulthood, so he was most appreciated by the miss, and it was precisely because of this that the old slave dared not say anything.

He is well aware of his young lady's temper, the more he wants to do something, the more patient he is.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I have plenty of time." Murong Fuye looked at the beasts brought by a large number of servants not far away, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Miss, it's not good for you to do this." At some time, Lu Yang, who was riding a six-eyed golden lion, had quietly approached them.

"Miss, I..." It's not that the old slave didn't feel Lu Yang, but he felt that since the lady wanted to attract the other party's attention, it would be natural for the other party to find her.

"You should be the Lu Yang who defeated Kunpeng, the master of Tianyi Sect." Murong Fuye didn't panic at all when he saw Lu Yang. Judging from the aura she showed with her gestures, she definitely has a lot of background , I can't make it the daughter of the city lord.

And her imposing manner is like a rainbow, a bit stronger than the old man next to her pillow. Although she is not very calm, she is definitely a bit higher than the fake Huang rank beast master. she has

The yellow-rank beast master of the yellow-rank battle pet.

"Hahaha, Young City Master, do you want to go to Luoyang City with the caravan?" Lu Yang didn't hear the conversation between Murong Fuye and Lao Nu, but he really guessed so.

"You don't need to worry about it, I'm following the Du family's caravan, not you!" Murong Fuye stared, as if he wanted to kill Lu Yang with his eyes.

"Of course I can ignore it, but when you go to see Du Xian later, don't blame me for not speaking well to you." Lu Yang could see that this little girl was very afraid of Du Xian, otherwise, with her identity, she would You can go forward and threaten the opponent directly.

Or if he rode a ferocious beast to Luoyang City by himself, why would he need to go with Du Xian.

Sure enough, being threatened by Lu Yang like this, Murong Fuye was scared, "You are cruel, but it is impossible for you to get any benefits from me, but I promise not to bully you after I go to the caravan!"

Murong Fuye heard Lu Yang's words, thought for a long time, and finally said a condition.

"Don't bully me? The two of us can't decide who is bullying whom! Well, stop talking nonsense, since you want to follow, go!" Lu Yang didn't have time to waste words with her, so he led the way.

It didn't take long to see the caravan in front of them appearing in front of them.

"Murong Fuye, why are you here?" Just as Lu Yang thought, Du Xian saw that the smile on Murong Fuye's face disappeared and changed into an extremely serious expression.

Seeing this, Lu Yang knew that Du Xian and Murong Fuye definitely had a story.

"Our young lady has been suffering from a strange disease since she was a child. Only the Du family's heirloom can save her, so my young lady grew up in the Du family's family. After some good intentions, I got engaged to the Du family." After hearing what the old slave said, Lu Yang finally understood.

In love, Murong Fuye and Du Xian are a young couple, no wonder Murong Fuye left Donglai City without permission, his father didn't care, after all they were engaged, they were approaching their age, marriage was inevitable.

"Since this is the case, then let's not get in the way here!" Seeing Murong Fuye and Du Xian's shyness, Lu Yang knew that they must have something to whisper, so he dragged the old slave away.

At the beginning, the old slave was still slightly taken aback, and then looked at Lu Yang with grateful eyes.

If it wasn't for Lu Yang's reminder, I'm afraid the lady would lose her temper again in a while.

"Young master Lu can be said to be young and promising. What Master Lu did a while ago was really eye-opening!" The old slave did not mean to compliment Lu Yang, but meant it from the bottom of his heart.

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