The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 211 Sleeping in the Phoenix Ridge

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Chapter 211 Sleeping in the Phoenix Ridge

The Hongyan bird is red all over, and its body is a bit like a chicken, but its sharp beak is much sharper than that of a chicken, and its wings are at least ten meters wide.

In the sky, I dare not say that it is a king, but within the scope of Phoenix Ridge, it is definitely an existence of the overlord level. But fortunately, it usually haunts alone, even if the caravan encounters it, it only needs to avoid it in time and there will be no major problems.

"Advanced ferocious beast?" Lu Yang has now advanced to the rank of Huang rank beast master, and has not yet tried his own beast master. It would be good if he could catch a few red flame birds here.

As the team moved forward, Phoenix Ridge was getting closer and closer to them, and the scenery in front of them also changed from a little red to a large area of ​​fiery red, and the trees around them were quickly replaced by Phoenix trees.

These trees continued to grow, and finally extended to Fenghuang Ridge, almost dyeing the entire Fenghuang Ridge in a fiery red color. Lazy flame birds flew between Fenghuang Ridge, as if they were patrolling their own territory.

"Cousin, it's getting late, let's rest here!" The team in front of Fenghuang Ridge began to slow down, so as not to scare the flame bird, while Murong Fuye's cheerful voice came from behind.

Now they have been walking for a day, and it is thousands of miles away from Donglai City.

"It's still some time before dark, we should hurry. I know what you think, you can go back, you will be satisfied." Du Xian originally wanted to reject Murong Fuye, but seeing the other party's excitement, He still shook his head.

"What? Was it moved by your little lover?" Seeing Du Xian's pensive look, Lu Yang rode his battle pet to Du Xian's side and said jokingly.

"Well, she's just a child who can't grow up, but that's fine. The weather has gotten a bit cooler recently. The phoenix tree itself is the food of the red-flame bird, and it is nourished by the droppings of the red-flame bird. We set up camp here at night. On the one hand, there is no bonfire, and on the other hand, it is really warm." Du Xian was indeed dizzy by Murong Fuye's toss along the way, and this is indeed a rare spectacle, so he did not refuse Murong Fu Leaf request.

"Lu Yang, Du Xian is just a mortal and may not feel it, but we have to guard against it!" Seeing that the team was moving forward and Du Xian had already arranged for the camping at night, Liumu Jinyi said with some scruples.

"Defense against what?" Lu Yang was slightly taken aback when he heard Liumu Jinyan's words, as if he also felt that something was wrong.

"Of course it's to prevent cannibalism? Of course, I'm just guessing." For some reason, a legend about the Phoenix tree sounded from the six-eyed golden lion.

It turns out that the phoenix tree can gather the light of the sun during the day to form a thing called flame fruit, which is usually the food of flame birds, but at night, these flame fruits will release a kind of magical energy. The fragrance of the illusion effect, once people smell this smell, they will have hallucinations.

If a sane person smells this fragrance, they will only have some slight hallucinations, but when they meet some people with ulterior motives, I'm afraid it's hard to tell.

"Who are you saying that there is such a person in our caravan?" Lu Yang probably understood the meaning of Liumu Jinyi, and asked somewhat puzzled.

Although he didn't know what kind of effect the flame fruit had, but the followers he brought in the caravan this time were all carefully selected, and they were definitely the elite of Tianyi Sect. It would be hard for Lu Yang to believe that there would be any problems with these people.

"It's hard to say, but this matter definitely has nothing to do with Du Xian, and although the flame fruit is powerful, it is not enough to make people become demons. Otherwise, this Phoenix forest may have been burned down by others , the reason why it still exists now means that the flame fruit will never cause such a big impact." Asked by Lu Yang, Liumu Jinyi immediately shook his head and said thoughtfully.

"The reason why I say this is because I always have such a strange feeling. Don't underestimate my feeling, it is a natural ability that I have lived for hundreds of years, and it is my life-saving means One. And I can feel that besides the little girl Murong Fuye, there is another group of people following us outside the caravan." Liumu Jinyi looked around to make sure that no one was stealing nearby. He said in a low voice.

"What, there is such a thing? It seems that this matter is not as simple as we saw. Maybe the Kun family has sent people to lurk in the caravan, or maybe someone else did it. Possibly." Before cooperating with the Du family, Lu Yang sent someone to investigate the details of the Du family in private, only to know that the family history of the Du family is also a bloody legend.

Moreover, the rise of the Du family in these years is absolutely bound to be covered with blood.

If it is said that there are forces other than the Kun family who want to take revenge on the Du family, it is justified.

Moreover, Liumu Jinyi and He He can be said to be grasshoppers on a rope. Lu Yang believes that Liumu Jinni will never deceive himself.

"Lu Yang, let's set up our camp here, let's start early tomorrow morning!" Originally, they could pass through Fenghuang Ridge smoothly, but the addition of Murong Fuye caused a little trouble on the way, causing them to be delayed for a while.

At this moment, although Du Xian felt a little guilty, he still had to do what should be done right now.

"Since it's getting late, let's spend the night here tonight." Hearing Du Xian's words, Lu Yang responded. Then he began to arrange for his men to find the best place to set up camp. The Shi family was about an hour old, and all the items had been prepared.

One advantage of sleeping in the Phoenix Ridge is that you can use the Phoenix tree to make a fire, and the food cooked by burning the Phoenix tree is extraordinarily delicious, and even has a fire-like taste, which makes people feel incomparable after eating. Warm and full of strength.

After the Tianyimen's team was organized, they had already started preparing dinner, and the Du's side seemed to be even faster. The Tianyimen had just started to light a fire, while the food from the Du's had already smelled delicious. , this speed really made Lu Yang envious for a while.

He wasn't envious of how delicious the food Mrs. Du made was, but felt that the servants of the Du family were obviously more than twice as happy as Tian Yimen.

Just when the Tianyimen's people had already started preparing meals, one of Du Xian's confidants trotted all the way to Lu Yang. Without him saying it, Lu Yang knew that Du Xian must have invited him to have dinner with him. Not only that, there must be Murong Fuye, the daughter of the city lord, by his side.

He would never refuse such an invitation. But the six-eyed Jinyi was not by Lu Yang's side, and had already gone out to hunt wild food.

Although it is not yet Lu Yang's battle pet, and has not achieved the substantial benefits given to him by the beast master system, it is after all a high-level beast that was given to Lu Yang as a guardian by Lu Yang's advanced yellow-rank beast master. It also gave it a lot of substantial benefits, even if he hadn't been promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master, it wouldn't be much worse, so if he could meet some single flame birds, he could still kill them silently.

Naturally, Lu Yang would not pay attention to a beast with such a strong ability to survive in the wild, not to mention that it didn't really eat wild food, but had another purpose.

Under the leadership of the servants of the Du family, Lu Yang saw the tents built by the servants of the Du family. Although these tents don't seem to have any peculiarities, but judging from the material of the tents, they are definitely not ordinary things. Not only can they shelter from the wind and rain, but they can also play a certain defensive role in the event of a sneak attack.

This is many times stronger than the simple tent built by Tian Yimen.

"Sure enough, it's a big family. It can kill people just by spending money! When will the Tianyi Sect be able to get so mixed up!" Lu Yang did the math, and there are hundreds of people from the Du family this time, one for every ten people. Each tent costs about 1,000 gold coins. These tents alone cost 10,000 gold coins, not counting other items in the caravan. The Du family still spends money like running water!

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