The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 212 Flying Phoenix

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Chapter 212 Flying Phoenix

As soon as he walked past the low tents, Lu Yang took another look forward and thought that there was something wrong with his eyes, because what appeared in front of him was no longer a so-called tent, but a tent made entirely of centuries-old wood. gazebo.

There are four maids waiting on the side of the gazebo. A few lights are like faint candles. Coupled with the fiery red smoke that is gradually heating up from the phoenix tree, the scene in front of you is extraordinarily weird, as if a large piece of fiery red smoke suddenly appeared Like such an abrupt building.

Although it looks extraordinarily weird, I have to say that Du Xian's idea can really trick the little girl's mind.

"Brother, I'm just waiting for you! This time, this place, this scene, and this person, it's such a rare beauty!" Murong Fuye got up to greet him, but he didn't walk out of the gazebo, while Du Xian came out laughing with big strides. meet each other.

Indeed, Lu Yang has the capital to let him come out to greet him in person.

"Brother Du, I didn't expect you to be arty. I don't know if I'm disturbing the two of you by coming here!" Although Lu Yang said so, his walking pace did not slow down.

"Hahaha, brother, it's strange for you to say that. Although Ye'er was my childhood sweetheart growing up, and she is very likely to become your sister-in-law, but such a beautiful day requires a beautiful woman to accompany her, but a good brother is absolutely indispensable. Come and sit down!" Du Xian didn't stick to some etiquette, but gave Lu Yang a seat and asked him to pour drinks.

"Haha, then I won't be polite!" Lu Yang didn't talk nonsense, took the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, looked at Du Xian with a smile and put down the wine glass in his hand.

Although Du Xian didn't say anything, Lu Yang could tell that Du Xian invited him here today, with Murong Fuye as his company, it must not be as simple as eating like it seems on the surface.

Sure enough, after they drank some wine and chatted casually, they saw Murong Fuye holding up the wine glass and said with a smile: "This time I asked Du Xian to invite Master Lu to come here, on the one hand, I want to get to know Lu Clan For a hero like Master, on the one hand, he also wants to take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery with Master Lu."

For some reason, Murong Fuye, who had shown the attitude of a little daughter before, became extremely dignified and virtuous at the moment. Compared with the weirdness before, it seemed like a different person, which made Lu Yang amazed.

"That's right, this time we stayed overnight at Fenghuangling, because we actually wanted to appreciate a spectacle in Fenghuangling, that is, Phoenix flying at night." Hearing Murong Fuye's words, Du Xian also added beside him.

"Flying Phoenix at night?" Lu Yang was a little hesitant. Why didn't Liumu Jinyi mention this matter to him, and why did he go out?

Although Lu Yang knew that the Liumu Jinyan was acting alone, he must have something to do, so he didn't ask, but after hearing Du Xian's words, he always felt that the disappearance of the Liumu Jinyan must be inseparable from the flying phoenix. relation.

That being the case, then if he doesn't let go, just stop still.

"Hehe, brother, I'm afraid you haven't heard of Feifenghuang. After all, this is more a matter of legend, but according to the notes of some seniors of our Du family, we can deduce some information about Feifenghuang's real existence, and Today there is a treasure brought by Ye'er, so it will certainly feast our eyes!" Du Xian looked at the beautiful woman beside him and said with a smile.

But since he didn't point it out directly, Lu Yang naturally couldn't interrupt, and this matter has a lot to do with Murong Fuye, so she will definitely explain it clearly in person.

Sure enough, as soon as Du Xian finished speaking, Murong Fuye took out a treasure from his pocket. Although this treasure is only a low-grade spiritual weapon, and it is also a small bell, the patterns on it are carved vividly, and even a fire phoenix flying in the sky can be seen vividly carved on it.

"Master Lu, this is a treasure in my little sister's house. Although it's not a surprise, and it's something that my little sister accidentally found in the warehouse at home, it is inextricably linked with Fei Fenghuang." Murong Fu Although Ye claimed to be a little girl, the other party was undoubtedly more modest, but Lu Yang didn't dare to treat her like a child.

Now she took out such a low-grade spiritual weapon, and it also had a picture of a flying phoenix, which made Lu Yang a little whimsical.

"However, this treasure is very miraculous, and it requires our sincerity. Once our spiritual power is strong enough, we can induce this spiritual weapon to resonate with the energy of this phoenix tree, and then make it ascend to heaven, turn into a fire phoenix, and roam around From the sky, there will be a lot of benefits, and it can even form a flame spar, so this is an adventure and a chance." Murong Fuye seemed to sense the doubts in Lu Yang's heart, and explained the truth to the former. suddenly see the light.

"Oh? If that's the case, wouldn't I have taken advantage of Brother Du and Miss Murong inviting me here?" Hearing what Murong Fuye said, Lu Yang's heart was shocked, and he knew that this was indeed the case. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Master Lu, don't speak in such a hurry. In fact, besides the benefits, there are also unknown risks, so please wait for a while, Master Lu, before making a decision." Seeing the expression on Lu Yang's face With a surprised expression, Murong Fuye seemed very satisfied, so he smiled and said.

After seeing Lu Yang nodding, Murong Fuye continued: "This low-grade spiritual weapon is called the Phoenix Bell. In fact, it has no effect on its own. It is a treasure handed down from our Murong family ancestors. But according to the records of our family ancestors, Although this treasure has little effect, it can trigger a condensation of special energy in Phoenix Ridge, and even form a special energy storm, making

A large amount of energy forms the flame spar. "

"However, I also learned about these things from the notes of my ancestors, and I don't know much about its dangers, so I can imagine the possible dedication to them." After Murong Fuye finished speaking, he couldn't help but She was a little nervous, but after she drank the wine in her glass, she calmed down somewhat.

Although Lu Yang rarely saw girls drinking, he had never seen one as bold as Murong Fuye.

"So that's the case, it doesn't matter, since there are such great benefits, I can accept a little risk." Lu Yang nodded and said no more.

"Well, since Brother Lu has no objections, let's start." Du Xian is indeed worthy of being a disciple of a big family, and he has no habit of procrastinating in doing things. The banquet was removed, and the top of the gazebo was removed, and replaced with some white spar used to carry energy.

These crystals are not real crystals, but an empty shell made with special techniques. Du Xian took out thirty in total, ten for himself, ten for Lu Yang, and ten for Murong Fuye.

"Master Lu, these crystals are actually just empty shells, but after forming a flying phoenix for a while, this low-grade spiritual weapon will stay in the sky above the pavilion, with less than a hundred breaths at most. You can communicate with it with your own spiritual power, let the energy in it be injected into these spar shells, and you can make it form flame spar, and the more you collect, the higher the quality of the spar."

"Besides, Master Lu can also run exercises to absorb the powerful energy contained in Feifenghuang. Whether it is made into runes or collected somewhere, there is no problem." Murong Fuye introduced to Lu Yang After finishing all this, she began to pack her things.

It can be seen that Murong Fuye came out to play with Du Xian this time, and it was not completely without purpose.

And judging from Du Xian's attitude towards Murong Fuye, although he knows that this matter is very dangerous, he still indulges Murong Fuye. yearning.

It is true that the reason why he and Kunpeng have been at a stalemate is mainly because his strength cannot absolutely crush Kunpeng, and as the eldest son of the Du family, he is under great pressure. I am afraid that Murong Fuye is because of this As a breakthrough point, persuade Du Xian to keep her.

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