The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 217 Fighting against the Red Flame Birds

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Chapter 217 Fighting against the Red Flame Birds


As the fire phoenix flew into the sky, the large fiery red light that originally covered the gazebo stretched out infinitely, almost covering most of the entire Phoenix Ridge, and then hundreds of red flame birds unexpectedly gathered here.

Most of them came for the fire phoenix. After all, for them, the fire phoenix is ​​the god in their hearts, an inviolable existence.

Now that the fire phoenix was being harassed, they naturally would not let it go, and even pointed their finger at those few existences who dared to harass the fire phoenix.

One, two, three, or even hundreds of Red Flame Birds were ready to attack Lu Yang and the others.

"No, these red flame birds have already regarded us as enemies. If we don't fight back, our lives may be in danger." Seeing this scene, Murong Fuye no longer cared about the identity of the eldest lady, and suddenly shouted.

If ten red flame birds should be regarded as a powerful attack force, but a hundred red flame birds can be regarded as terrifying.

Now suddenly there are so many flame birds rushing towards them together, as if a red sword fell from the sky, if they are really stabbed by this sword, then their end will be very terrible, even sad.

The high-level fierce beasts such as red flame birds not only have an extremely sharp point, but also contain extremely powerful flame energy in their bodies. When these energies are released from their bodies, they will turn into a ball The raging fire, the raging fire spewed out by hundreds of red flame birds is enough to crush their bones and turn them into ashes.

"What to do, what to do, we don't want to die!" Although Du Xian faced many dangerous situations, he had never encountered such a situation that could absolutely crush his life, let alone this In an emergency, if he had to choose again, he would rather not choose than face such a dangerous situation.

Because in the face of absolute power, everything he can do is futile.


At the most critical moment, the Flame King King suddenly rushed over from not far away. Before the red flame birds rushed over, the Flame King had already spewed out a large stream of flames. The powerful flames were like a red ray of light Going out, he just blocked the attack of these flame birds.

Seeing this, not only did Du Xian and the others see hope, but even Lu Yang himself was frightened to death by the power of the Flaming Jinyi King. The strength has increased so much.

Of course, this was also because more red flame birds were attracted by the fire phoenix.

"Lu Yang, you must pack up your things as soon as possible, otherwise, I can't guarantee whether they will come again!" The six-eyed golden lion blocked this wave of red flame birds, but more and more red flame birds had already passed away. started to regroup.

"Come on, pack up the necessary items immediately, and leave Fenghuang Ridge immediately." Knowing that this time is really playing with fire, Du Xian didn't want to delay any longer, so he immediately summoned people to pack up the items, and even some items that were too late to pack up were thrown away. They abandon.

Fortunately, the things that Tianyimen brought were simple. Originally, Lu Yang did it to save money, but now it seems that he did it for the convenience of traveling, so after careful calculation, they lost a lot less than the Du family. property.

"Toothless, toothless..."

Because of the flaming golden king in the sky, these red flame birds dare not make trouble for a while, but when the number of red flame birds exceeds a certain level, they can't guarantee it.

"Pick up your things!" Not only are the people in the Du family in a hurry, but even the people in Tianyimen have shrunk on a large scale, and some things have been discarded, but the number of red flame birds in the sky has obviously more than doubled. The second wave of Red Flame Bird's attack will probably come soon.

"Hurry up and help the Du family pack up." Tianyimen had already packed up, and they could have left first, but Lu Yang still made a decision to advance and retreat with the Du family.

"King Jinyi, how long can you resist?" Lu Yang ordered his men to go to help the Du family pack things, and he came to the side of King Flaming Jinyi immediately and asked with great concern.

"With the speed of adding one hundred Red Flame Birds each time, I can resist two waves at most. When the number of Red Flame Birds reaches five hundred, I'm afraid I will have to pay a certain price to stop these glowing red things. "The King of Flaming Jinyan looked at the Red Flame Bird in mid-air, and said with certainty.

"Okay, there are still about two hundred breaths left before we can finish cleaning up, so after these two hundred breaths, I will stick to it with you!" The two hundred breaths happened to be Hong Yan. The birds organized the third wave of attack, reaching 500.

"Toothless, toothless..." Sure enough, when the number of red flame birds reached more than two hundred, they launched an attack again.

"Swish, swish..." The red flame birds speeded up, and finally joined together, like a fiery red sword light descending from the sky, and waves of flames also gushed out from their mouths, turning into a sea of ​​flames. So these red flame birds have not yet struck down, and this sea of ​​flames has already come into the air. In comparison, this wave of red flame birds' attack is not known to be much more ferocious than before.

"Toothless, Toothless..." These red flame birds were getting faster and faster, almost hitting the ground in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the six-eyed golden lion had also arrived in front of them.


With a flash of golden light, a large piece of golden light came from the six-eyed golden beast.

The forehead sprayed out, and it turned out that among the six eyes of the flame golden king, there was another eye that was golden, and this golden light burst out from this eye.

With the appearance of this golden light, a piece of golden light like an ocean instantly enveloped all the red flame birds inside. After the golden light passed, all the red flame birds were blown away, their teams were disrupted, and they became So loose.

This time, the Hongyan Birds were frightened again. Of course, the Hongyan Birds would not let them go easily. As more and more Red Flame Birds gather, their third wave of attacks will soon start again, and this is probably the limit that the Flaming Golden King can do.

Of course, if the King of Flaming Jinyi made a full attack, he would naturally be able to resist for a longer time, but in this way, once the red flame bird dies, then this battle will become an endless ending. This is not what Lu Yang wants have witnessed.

So to avoid casualties, try to solve the problem in a gentle way.

"Lu Yang, we're packed and we can go on the road!" Just as Lu Yang and Liumu Jinyan were still waiting for the battle, that is, when the time passed and less than a hundred breaths passed, the people from the Du family had already put everything away. After packing up ahead of time, the caravan has already marched towards the entrance of Phoenix Ridge at full speed as fast as possible.

"Brother Du, you go first, I'll support you here for a while, and then we'll catch up." Lu Yang could have left now, but he could clearly feel the desire to fight in the heart of King Flame Jinyi , if it wasn't for covering these ordinary people, I'm afraid it would have killed a lot at this moment, so the reason why Lu Yang said this was because he wanted to stay with the Flaming Jinyi King and fight with it.

"Then be more careful!" Du Xian could see that Lu Yang had another high-level beast that had advanced, and his strength would probably be promoted to the middle stage of the Huang rank beast master soon. The gap between him and Lu Yang was getting bigger and bigger. bigger.

"Brother Xian, don't be discouraged. Master Lu has his own advantages, but Brother Xian also has his own strengths. What's more, each of us got a lot of flame spar this time. As long as I hand over all these spar Let Brother Xian practice, then Brother Xian will reach the late stage of Huang Rank Beastmaster in the future."

"Besides, I can see that Master Lu wants to cultivate as much relationship with his beast as possible. At this time, we can't hold him back. This can be regarded as helping him, and also helping ourselves!" Murong Fu Ye looked at Lu Yang and Liumu Jinyi who were ready to face the battle in mid-air and sighed, so he had no choice but to continue persuading Du Xian.

"Let's go!" Du Xian knew that Murong Fuye was doing it for his own good, so he made a decisive decision, immediately mounted his battle pet and Murong Fuye began to guide the team.

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