The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 218: Leaving Phoenix Ridge

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Chapter 218: Leaving Phoenix Ridge

"Ye'er, what are your plans in the future?" Du Xian noticed that Murong Fuye's gaze towards him had changed, and he didn't know why he always felt as if something was blocked in his heart.

Is this a feeling of loss?

Du Xian knew very well that the reason why Murong Fuye was willing to be with him was because he and Murong Fuye had lived together since childhood, and their relationship was naturally not comparable to that of Pang Ran.

Of course, there is another reason because Murong Fuye always thinks that Du Xian is the hero in her heart. But today everything has been subverted, and it was subverted by a very inconspicuous person.

Although Du Xian felt very painful, he didn't hate Lu Yang. On the contrary, he felt that he was a little slack. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to be chased so easily. This is not his character, so He just wanted to ask about Murong Fuye's plan.

"Brother Xian..." Murong Fuye sighed, she clearly felt that there was an irreparable rift between herself and Du Xian, she really wanted to say something to comfort Du Xian, but in the end she endured it, "I want us to calm down for a while!"

This sentence was not warm, but it also met Du Xian's psychological needs. It didn't embarrass him, but also gave him a buffer time.

"I respect your decision." Du Xian nodded, he no longer wanted to waste time on his children's affair, because he had to become stronger, even surpass Lu Yang, and regain the glory that belonged to him.

Naturally, Lu Yang didn't know what Du Xian was thinking, and of course even if he knew, he wouldn't have any thoughts.

After all, it was Du Xian's own decision, even his father had no right to interfere, let alone him as an outsider.

"Wuya, Wuya..." When the number of red flame birds in the sky increased to a certain level, even exceeding 500, these red flame birds had already started to line up to attack Lu Yang and Liumu Jinyi again up.

To them, those ordinary human beings had nothing to fear. It was the man and beast in front of them who took away a large amount of flame energy that originally belonged to them, and even blasphemed their god, the fire phoenix, so they must be punished.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Once the number of Red Flame Birds is sufficient, they are ready to launch the third wave of impact.

This time, because the number of Red Flame Birds is sufficient, they are no longer a simple formation in Zucheng, but two formations in Zucheng attacked them at the same time, and among these Red Flame Birds, there were actually two more with infinite strength. Being close to the existence of the yellow-rank beasts, both Lu Yang and the Flaming Jinyi King felt tremendous pressure.

"Golden Lion King!" Faced with such a powerful offensive, Lu Yang summoned the Golden Lion King without thinking. As the Golden Lion King merged with him, a set of golden armor appeared on Lu Yang's body immediately. The golden shield was also immediately blessed by him, and his defensive power instantly increased dozens of times.

But even so, when he faced a large number of red flame birds, he still felt weak from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, for him, this might not be a challenge?

"Master, since you were promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master, you have always lacked in fighting, so your current strength is always floating. If you can calm down and continuously improve your strength, then your future development space will definitely be huge." It will be even bigger, at least in the later stage of the Huang rank beast master, you will not encounter any peace." King Flame Jinyi did not lie, he still has great confidence in Lu Yang.

"Okay, then this battle will be the beginning of our fighting side by side." It's not that Lu Yang has never thought about fighting with the Flaming Golden King, but he always feels that the Flaming Golden King is different from other pets in that it has its own opinions , or even independent thinking, rather than letting it obey its own orders, it is better to let go and let it fight according to its own wishes, maybe you can get a better subordinate.

"Master, then let's start our cooperation from now on." Now that Liumu Jinyi has recognized Lu Yang's identity, he has changed his title from the bottom of his heart, so when he called him master, he didn't have any regrets in his heart. Unpleasant, on the contrary, there is a feeling of incomparable calm.

This is the loyalty of King Flame Jinyi. Once it is sure of something, it will never change its original intention, and after Lu Yang accepts Bi An as a pet in battle, it officially confirms the identity of Lu Yang's master.

Now a man and a beast stand side by side, almost intimate.


More than 500 red flame birds spray flames together, and the flames formed are like a surging river. If this is an ordinary forest, it has already been engulfed by the flames, and it has become barren.

But this is not an ordinary forest after all, but a phoenix tree. Legend has it that the phoenix has the ability to be reborn from the nirvana. Now that the place covered by the flames, the phoenix tree grows better and better. More and more leaves grow from the phoenix tree, and even some vigorous phoenix trees It has already bloomed, and a fruit the size of a baby's eyeball has been bred from it.

Now these 500 Red Flame Birds didn't attack together, but formed two teams. The two teams echoed each other and launched attacks from both sides towards Lu Yang and Flaming Jinyi King.

On one side is a hot flame, on the other side is a sharp sword, just like a warrior holding a sword and shield.

The warrior descended from the sky, swung his sword, and a razor-sharp flame fell across the sky, like a sea of ​​flames, illuminating the Phoenix Ridge.

Facing the flames, Lu Yang was wearing a golden battle armor, and there were four gold shields spinning around him rapidly. His whole body was covered by golden light, and his height had soared to more than three meters, like a god descending from the earth.

And the flame golden king beside it is like a hungry beast, with flames shining all over his body.

"I'm going to break through its shield, and then I'll give you the sword!" Lu Yang looked at the Flaming King of Jinyi beside him, and said in a negotiating tone, as if the one next to him was not a battle pet, But a friend who can be trusted.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yang rushed to the sky like a sharp sword, heading straight for his goal. His speed is extremely fast, with the momentum of soaring into the sky.

"Flying Wind Dance!" Afterwards, he took out the Dragon Slaying Sword.

The dragon-slaying sword was originally a middle-grade spiritual tool, and after the beast-controlling system was improved, its hardness and power have been improved a lot. Now Lu Yang almost used all the vitality in his body when he slashed out with the sword.


With the waving of the dragon-slaying sword, a crazy whirlwind spun out, and this whirlwind became bigger and bigger, and it was already fiercely fighting with the shield in the midair.

With a "boom", a powerful flame hit the whirlwind vortex, and a large area of ​​the flame was blocked, only a small part of the flame broke through the whirlwind and hit Lu Yang's body.

Although there were less than 300 Hongyan Birds, they were almost fighting Lu Yang desperately now.

"These red flame birds are so crazy, how is this possible?" Lu Yang didn't expect that these red flame birds were almost crazy enough to desperately. Is there something wrong?

Lu Yang put away the dragon-slaying sword, and punched and kicked into the group of red flame birds. It's not that he doesn't want to kill these red flame birds, it's not that it hurts both sides, which is not good for anyone!


Just when Lu Yang was drawing a tie with the Red Flame Bird, the Flaming Golden King also let out the roar of the Beast King, and the billowing waves of fire rushed out, sending the Flame Bird flying between the sky and the earth in an instant.

It has to be said that the simple and crude method of King Flame Jinyi is really effective.

Lu Yang knew that he had succeeded, he called King Huoyan Jinyi, and then left.

Not long after Lu Yang left, King Flaming Jinyi rushed up from behind. It looked at Lu Yang with a pensive expression, "Master, I always feel that the reason why these red flame birds are desperately protecting this place is probably because we have destroyed their roots. If I guess correctly, the Phoenix There may be crystal veins in the underground of the Ridge."

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