The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 219: Mysterious Armor Troops

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Chapter 219: Mysterious Armor Troops

Crystal veins?

This word shook Lu Yang's heart slightly, causing his heart to stir up waves like a gust of wind.

He is very clear about what a complete spar vein represents, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can support a secondary city. It is said that Xiangyang City did not become a secondary city in the end, mainly because of the lack of a complete spar vein.

Although resources are omnipotent, they are absolutely impossible without resources. Therefore, if Lu Yang wants to help Xiangyang City become a second-tier city again, he must have a complete spiritual vein as support, and Fenghuang Ridge is not close to Xiangyang City. , but not far away, it may be able to provide enough resources for Xiangyang City.

Of course, this is only Lu Yang's one-sided idea. As for whether it can be implemented in the future, there is still a long way to go.

At the edge of Fenghuang Ridge at this moment, the caravans of Tianyimen and Du's family were extremely fast, and they had already left Fenghuang Ridge. At this moment, a powerful wave of flames came from the Phoenix Forest. The powerful energy wave rolled the wind and sand on the ground, and even a dozen small trees with the mouth of a bowl were uprooted.

Seeing this, Du Xian's face immediately turned pale, "Could it be that Lu Yang died in the Phoenix Forest?"

Du Xian was a little scared, and regretted not bringing Lu Yang out with him. But if Lu Yang also leaves with them, then who will stop the attack of hundreds of red flame birds?

He definitely can't do it, maybe he and Murong Fuye have tried their best, but they are also afraid of death. If they had a choice, they would rather give up everything around them than die, that's why he gave up on Lu Yang and took Murong Fuye and left Phoenix Forest without looking back.

This is choice.

"How, do you regret it?" Murong Fuye looked at the man standing beside him, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, but more hesitant and wandering.

Maybe it was because I admired her too much in the past, which made me lose myself. It wasn't until this battle that she discovered that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, so she has the conditions to fight for a wider sky.

"Regret, is there such a possibility? I just think my strength is still too weak!" Du Xian could feel Murong Fuye's mood at the moment. He knew her too well, but the more he knew him, the more he understood his relationship with her. The relationship between Murong Fuye has now reached a freezing point.

"Yes, I was the one who dragged you down in the past, but from today onwards it won't be!" Murong Fuye didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at the moment, so he could only say euphemistically.

"Well, we all have to become stronger!" Du Xian didn't know if he understood Murong Fuye's words, but he kept nodding his head, but his gaze remained in the direction where Lu Yang was.

The brigade finally left Fenghuangling, but Du Xian and Murong Fuye stopped. They were going to set up camp here in order to wait for Lu Yang who might survive.


Just when they thought that Lu Yang would not show up, a ball of flames fell from not far away. With the disappearance of the flame, Lu Yang and the Flaming King of Jinyi appeared in front of them at the same time.

"Lu Yang!" Murong Fuye and Du Xian shouted almost at the same time, they never expected that Lu Yang could survive such a situation.

"I'm worrying you two!" Lu Yang nodded, and didn't say anything more, because at this moment, his body was already full of scars eaten by the flames.

He needs time to heal.

"Come and get the best healing medicine!" Du Xian shouted immediately when he saw the scars on Lu Yang's body.

With the busyness of the people, the entire caravan went from being busy in the residence to calming down. At this moment, Lu Yang was already lying in his camp.

Although he no longer needs sleep to recover his physical strength, if he can sleep well, it will be of great benefit to the recovery of mental strength.

After passing Fenghuang Ridge, they walked a short distance to Flea Ridge, passed Flea Ridge to Jiuyou Ridge, and finally passed Fuwei Forest. They had successfully reached Luoyang City along the way.

According to Du Xian's analysis, it is unlikely that the Kun family set up an ambush in Flea Ridge. On the contrary, they are very likely to set up an ambush in Fuwei Forest.

After all, they are different from ordinary bandits. Ordinary bandits just rob property, so the more they attack where the caravan is unsuspecting, the better. The location is not very important, but Flea Ridge is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Setting up an ambush here is almost impossible. It is due to the situation that one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand is not open.

But when it comes to killing people and stealing goods, Fuwei Forest is the best place. Not only is the dense forest suitable for hiding, it is more suitable for transferring goods, and the combat area is extremely wide, suitable for large-scale fighting. This is also the main reason why Du Xian can make this judgment.

"If we move forward at our current speed, we can reach Flea Ridge in less than half a day." Lu Yang and Du Xian are still leading the way ahead, and at the same time a small team of spies is also constantly exploring the way ahead, trying their best to Avoid letting the team fall into the enemy's encirclement.

It's just that today's Du Xian always makes people feel a little frowning, as if there is something unspeakable.

"Brother Du, do you have something on your mind?" Although Lu Yang suffered serious external injuries, fortunately he had no internal injuries, so after applying the healing medicine, he was not affected in other aspects except for being a little embarrassed.

However, he always felt that Du Xian was not injured, instead, his heart was full of worries.

"Maybe I'm overthinking. I don't know why, I always feel that I

Their whereabouts have been exposed, from the demons to the bandits that may appear next, everything is not a good start. "Du Xian has indeed become suspicious. Of course, this may also be his perception of danger.

Lu Yang felt that the latter was more likely.

"Report, sir, a pair of spies has left the team for more than half an hour, and they haven't seen their return. I'm afraid an accident happened!" Just as Lu Yang and Du Xian were discussing and speculating, a steward of the Du family's caravan He hurried over to report.

"It seems that I'm really worried about something!" Du Xian sighed, as if such a thing should happen.

"Brother Du, let me go and have a look!" Without saying a word, Lu Yang summoned the Flaming Golden King, rode on it, and disappeared in front of the team after a while.

At first he was extremely fast, but the further he went, the faster his speed dropped. Because soon he saw an extremely long and narrow canyon in front of him, which seemed to be able to accommodate only three or four people passing side by side. The valley was full of strangely shaped stones, some of which were about as tall as one person, but more All the stones are between three and ten meters in length, and hiding hundreds of people among these stones is simply a piece of cake.

If Lu Yang guessed correctly, this should be the most dangerous place in Flea Ridge.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The Flaming King of Jinyi seemed to sense something, and made a slight low voice, and it led Lu Yang to hide behind a big rock, as fast as it disappeared out of thin air.

After they disappeared, a team of beast masters who had already fit appeared in front of them.

Although these beast masters are all intermediate-level beast masters, judging from their equipment, they are definitely not things that ordinary bandits can use, especially because they are all uniformly dressed in black armor, holding purple-black spears in their hands, one A restrained aura is completely like a killer.

"Well, is it a high-level beast master?" Behind this group of intermediate-level beast masters was a senior beast master in purple armor, holding a purple long knife in his hand, following his advice Go, there was a trace of blood on the corner of his clothes.

If Lu Yang guessed correctly, he should have killed the team just now.

"Master, do we want to kill them all at once?" Seeing these men in black, King Flaming Jinyan whispered.

"No need for now, let's take a look first!" Lu Yang looked at the clothes of these people, as if thinking of something, he didn't speak thoughtfully and watched them gradually disappear in the distance.

"Could they be that group of people?" Lu Yang was not sure, but he felt that it was absolutely unusual for this group of people to appear here.

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