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Chapter 221 Space Runes

"How is it possible that there are cults in this world?" Lu Yang was really confused.

However, he quickly realized that if these people are cults, what is the purpose of their sect, to destroy human beings and establish a regime of beasts?

Thinking about these, Lu Yang felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Master, you don't have to despise them. In the Shenlong Mountains, fierce beasts are the kings, and the human race is just a kind of food and slaves they raise on a large scale." Seeing the sarcasm in Lu Yang's eyes, he couldn't help but feel sad. Said without contempt.

However, compared to Lu Yang's short-sightedness, he hated the monsters in front of him even more.

"These people are embarrassing to us demons, a bunch of bastards." Bi An became more and more angry. If he didn't emit some breath, he would be discovered by the other party, and he might jump up and scold his mother.

"What do you think they are doing here now?" Lu Yang was unwilling to squeeze too little, and continued to ask.

"Well, they are here... I know, it is said that in order to protect the human race, Da Neng cut down a dragon between the human race and the beasts, and turned it into the Shenlong Mountain Range, just to let the human race thrive. But even In this way, the ferocious beast still retains some formations that can transport its henchmen through some mysterious means."

"If I'm not wrong, this is a secret teleportation location. They probably want to teleport something!" Bi An's words were flawless, even Lu Yang, who has always been cautious, felt a little Believe it.

"I understand." Without Bi An speaking, an existence in a black cloak appeared in the black vortex in front of him.

Lu Yang hurriedly returned the Flaming Jinyi King and Bi An to the pet space, and he accelerated forward, wanting to get closer to the black vortex.

However, he found that the black vortex is not only an energy channel, but what is even more frightening is that it can devour the spiritual power around it. To be precise, it is an extremely distorted fragmented space, countless space fragments are constantly rolling in the vortex, As if it would collapse at any moment.

Around that vortex, not only Lu Yang, but even those Warframe Beastmasters whose faces were twisted by the twisting force, especially the yellow-ranked Warframe Beastmaster who was closest to the vortex, his body had already started to happen. The change seemed to be twisted into a ball by the terrifying force at any time, and it was twisted into pieces and entered into the vortex.

But even so, the yellow-rank armored beast master still stood by the whirlpool, without flinching or wavering at all, as if he was a stone, a nail driven into the ground.

"Quack quack, hundreds of years, I can finally come here!" The existence of the black cloak seemed easy, but even if Lu Yang came to him, he did not walk out of the vortex, despite countless space fragments hitting him, It didn't break him into pieces.

"Guda, how long have you been guarding here?" Although he didn't walk out of the vortex, he asked in the black cloak. He looked at the yellow-rank armor beast master beside him and asked curiously.

"It's been a hundred years." The Huang-rank battle armor beast master replied honestly.

"One hundred years is only the Great Perfection of the Huang Rank Beast Master. You are really embarrassed to talk. Forget it. Anyway, I can't get out of here for a while, so I will help you by the way!" The black cloak stretched out lazily. Stretching out a finger, pointing towards the beast master of the yellow-rank armor, a bit of black air entered the body of the beast master along the black cloak.

Immediately afterwards, a black light burst out, and the body of the yellow-rank battle armor beast master was suddenly surrounded by a ball of black light. This black light first expanded, then contracted, and finally returned to nothingness.

With a sound of "boom", among the yellow-rank armor beast masters broke through the barrier on their body and reached a new level.

"Thank you for the promotion of the witch envoy!" Gu Da quickly knelt down and kowtowed to the black cloak.

The black cloak sneered and ignored him.


As the black cloak was separated from the black Xuanwu, the solid black vortex made a crisp sound of being about to shatter, and then pieces of space fragments began to cut continuously on his body.

The vortex was black, and the space fragments were pure white, so white that it was miserable. If a person's face was like this, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a drowning ghost, but this paleness was extremely white, and it was countless space fragments. phantom.

If it wasn't for the effect of the black cloak, the witch envoy's body would have been reduced to flesh and blood in an instant, and not even a scum would exist.

"This is the power of space?" Lu Yang stared at the space fragments with his eyes. After each fragment collided with the black cloak and shattered, a large piece of space runes appeared. This surprised Lu Yang greatly.

Even if he doesn't understand space runes, he probably understands some of the basic principles.

It is said that the whole world is composed of runes, even their bodies are runes in essence, but after all, this has reached the basic unit of matter, I am afraid that even in the ancestral city, there may not be a few powerful people who know the life runes What exactly is the text, but the space rune is much simpler in comparison.

But as Huang rank beast masters, the runes they can master are just a few basic runes, roughly divided into gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder and lightning, darkness and light, and space.

Among them, the five-element runes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are the simplest and the weakest, followed by the thunder and lightning runes, which are stronger

Some of them are dark and light runes, but the strongest among them is the space rune.

It is said that once you master the space rune, you can build a storage pocket. A storage pocket is expensive, and being able to make a storage pocket is almost considered a daily fortune.

So now that Lu Yang saw a large piece of space runes collapsing in front of his eyes, his eyes straightened immediately, and he had even begun to comprehend these extremely powerful space runes.

"Crunch, crunch..."

As more and more space debris rubbed against the black cloak, the black cloak became more and more fragile.

The shaman knew that he could not wait any longer.

Suddenly a black scepter stretched out from his hand, and with the appearance of the black scepter, a black light exploded directly, not only wrapping the surrounding space fragments in, but also covering his body.

"Crunch, crunch..."

With the intense sound of rubbing, the witch envoy actually walked out of the black vortex.

As soon as he walked out of the black vortex, the black cloak on his body was completely shattered, and the black vortex collapsed in an instant, and the space debris immediately turned into a powerful attraction and spread around.

Seeing this situation, the witch envoy grabbed Guda and walked tens of thousands of meters without hesitation. In just an instant, the black vortex swept around. Within a radius of one kilometer, all the rocks, sand, and soil were swallowed up by the black vortex in the blink of an eye like flowing water in a pit.

In the blink of an eye, a pothole with a diameter of a thousand meters and a depth of hundreds of meters appeared in front of Lu Yang out of thin air.

At that moment, the armored beast masters who were closest to the black vortex fell down in unison, their faces pale, and some weak ones bled from their orifices, and died on the spot, apparently from severe soul damage.

Although Lu Yang was not close to the black vortex, he was also affected by it extremely strongly. He only felt a crazy riot in his mind, and pieces of space runes launched a strong attack on his mind like a torrential rain.

"Xiaomei, act quickly!" Although his life was in danger, for Lu Yang, this was also a great opportunity, and he had to make use of it, even if he was seriously injured, he would still do it.

"The defense system of the Beast Familiar System is activated!" It was the first time Lu Yang heard that the Beast Familiar System could also take the initiative to defend.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a large pixel-like golden light suddenly appear in his mind. These golden light spots appeared and were absorbed immediately. In an instant, these space fragments were completely absorbed by the beast control system.

But even so, Lu Yang still felt as if ten thousand muddy horses ran past in his mind, buzzing all over his head.

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