The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 222 The profit margin of the storage bag

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Chapter 222 The profit margin of the storage bag

Space runes, the first of all basic runes, there are countless runes in this world that arise from basic evolution.

It is said that just the space rune itself has dozens or even hundreds of changes, all of which are the strongest means in the world, so it is worthwhile to open up space out of thin air and create a world.

Now a large number of space runes entered Lu Yang's mind like a storm, and the large amount of information suddenly made him feel dizzy. If he can't accept this information, then his fate will be the same as other beast masters.

Gradually, Lu Yang felt that the information seemed to have been filtered by something, and it was no longer as cumbersome as in the past. He could even recognize some runes instantly.

At last he felt again what was going on around him.

Lu Yang was overjoyed. He knew that he had initially mastered the method of refining space runes. As long as he refined items according to this method, it would be possible to open up space in the items and make them have storage functions.

He had inquired about the price of the storage bag before. Generally speaking, a storage bag of one quarter cubic meter was worth about 100,000 low-grade crystals. This was the most common storage bag on the market. This is still the most humble looking storage bag.

If it is those storage bags with patterns, the price is likely to be several times higher. And that's just the appearance of the storage bag. Generally speaking, the space of the storage bag is doubled, and its price will also be doubled or tripled. In other words, a storage bag of one-half cubic meter is likely to be almost 300,000 low-grade crystals.

Of course, the larger the space of the storage bag, the higher the price will be. If there is a storage bag with one cubic meter, then the price will be directly increased to three to five times that of a storage bag with one-half cubic meter. Sold 1.5 million low-grade crystals.

If the storage space is larger than one cubic meter, I'm afraid you have to go to the auction house to see it. Generally speaking, such things are in a situation where there is a price but no market.

Lu Yang was overjoyed, but when he woke up from this mysterious feeling, he saw that the surrounding area was "empty", and the ground that had been hollowed out before had been filled in by manpower. If it weren't for the fact that the bumps and holes were not flattering, and with the wonderful feeling in Lu Yang's heart, he might feel that he was dreaming.

But in any case, this trouble-solving matter is over.

Lu Yang hurried back the same way and brought the caravan out of the cave again. He was afraid that Du Xian would not believe it, so he brought Du Xian to the place that was shredded by the space vortex in advance.

Although Du Xian still had some doubts, when he saw the potholes here that were obviously different from the surrounding environment, he still chose to acquiesce.

But this matter is so important that Du Xian dare not make a decision without authorization.

"Brother, although I have heard people bring up the matter you mentioned, this matter is no longer something that people at our level can solve. Even if the beast master of the Xuan rank comes, I am afraid it will be extremely embarrassing. How about this, our Du family knows an expert in Luoyang City, he once served as an inner palace in the royal city, maybe he can understand this matter." Du Xian hesitated a little when he saw the terrifying scene on the ground After a while, he said.

In fact, he was also very depressed, because according to Lu Yang's simple description, Lu Yang didn't see anything. If so, even if he found that person, he would not be able to convince him. Do you want to invite that person to come here in person?

I'm afraid he can't, even if that person is no longer working in Wangcheng, he is still the ancestor of the largest family in Luoyang City today, and he has one foot into the level of the mysterious beast master.

If it wasn't for the fact that the ancestor of the Du family had saved his life, the other party probably wouldn't have had any contact with the Du family. This is a kindness, and now whether this kindness is used or not.

If you use it, you will probably get a greater kindness, and you may even make more experts. But there is also great risk here.

No, of course it is very good, this kindness can bless the next generation, and even last longer. It's just that the longer this kindness drags on, the weaker the feelings will be. If it can be used in his generation, it must be the most valuable.

After all, he doesn't want to stay in the second-tier city like his father. He wants to go to the first-tier city. Only there can he reach a higher level and become a more powerful yellow-rank beast master.

In fact, Du Xian was also quite entangled in this process. After all, this matter may involve a cult, and the nature will become completely different.

"Brother Du, we will discuss this matter later. Should we hurry now?" Lu Yang called Du Xian here, hoping that Du Xian would believe his words, but he did not expect Du Xian to be listening. After he described it, there would be such a big reaction, which was beyond his expectation.

This gave Lu Yang a new sensory understanding of the cult.

"Could it be that cults are really as scary as the legends say?" After all, Lu Yang hadn't been in this world for a long time, so he didn't dare to make judgments on many things.

"Okay, let's go!" Du Xian looked at the approaching caravan and immediately realized it.

However, he already has a simple summary of this matter in his mind, and even has a way to deal with this matter without using relationships.

Thinking of this, the expression on Du Xian's face became much more relaxed.

Along the flea ridge, the caravan moved forward slowly. maybe because of evil

With the emergence of the church, Flea Ridge, which should have been haunted by many fierce beasts, has become deserted now. Even some experienced beast masters in the caravan are amazed at this situation. Only then did they believe what Lu Yang said before.

Fortunately, they chose to rest at the beginning, otherwise, there might be some accidents here. And this time Murong Fuye also became surprisingly well-behaved, he didn't bother Du Xian to the end and insisted on asking the matter clearly.

But Du Xian seemed to understand that after that night, Murong Fuye seemed to have become much wiser after going through a life-and-death fight. Not only will she not cry like she used to, but she is no longer dependent on herself, as if she has a new definition of the strong in her heart.

As for Lu Yang, he was thinking more about space runes along the way. For this reason, he specially asked some older pseudo-yellow rank beast masters to ask about the situation. Only then did he know that among the beast masters, almost none of the fake yellow-rank beast masters can make runes, and even among the yellow-rank beast masters, there is no one in a hundred who can make runes. There are very few such existences in super cities, let alone making space runes.

Of course, runes have many functions. Generally speaking, runes can be used as one-time magic weapons when they are made separately. The price of such magic weapons is usually more than ten yellow crystals.

Of course, a rune page that can be sold for this price must not be a mortal thing. As for the space runes, at least hundreds of yellow-rank crystals have to be sold.

Based on the exchange ratio of crystals, one yellow-grade spar can be exchanged for 200 high-grade spars, and one yellow-grade spar can be exchanged for at least 20,000 intermediate-grade spars.

This ratio can be said to be amazing. With his current ability to construct space runes, he feels that even if he constructs a storage bag with a space size of about four cubic meters, it is not impossible.

Lu Yang thought of this in his heart, as if a large number of high-grade crystals were flying towards him.

Of course, it would be very difficult for him to use the space rune as an offensive weapon. At most, he could only create some defensive things. That's why he needed to practice a little bit.

Of course, learning how to make space runes also gave him some means to save his life, so he must speed up his research on the runes, and strive to study the space runes clearly as soon as possible, instead of being like a mess now thing.

Lu Yangdong asked for a long time, and finally asked what he needed, and finally figured out some things about the runes, and then sat on the flame golden king and closed his eyes to rest.

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