The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 223: The Profits of Primary Runes

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Chapter 223: The Profits of Primary Runes

According to the information collected by Lu Yang, he probably understood the whole story.

Generally speaking, runes are divided into elementary runes, intermediate runes, and advanced runes. Primary runes can only be crafted by mysterious-level beastmasters, and intermediate-level runes can only be crafted by late-stage yellow-rank beastmasters, while advanced runes are even more difficult, even for mysterious-rank beastmasters. Being able to make it is almost an existence that these pseudo-yellow rank beast masters have never even heard of.

Of course, most of the runes that can be made into high-level and low-level ones can be sold for sky-high prices, and most of these rune masters are also the patriarchs of big families, which shows how valuable a rune master is.

Generally speaking, there are three ways to make runes. The first way is to use pure basic runes to form a complete rune. This kind of rune has the greatest power of pure energy, and it can not only be used as an accessory to wear Produce various auxiliary functions, and can also be used as a one-time offensive magic weapon to carry out a fatal attack.

The second way is to engrave the rune on a special material. This kind of rune has the largest number and the cheapest price, but even so, the price of an ordinary five-element elementary rune is only ten yellow-rank crystals.

The third way is to carve runes on the spirit weapon in order to increase the attributes of the spirit weapon. It is said that a high-grade spiritual weapon can only engrave a primary rune, and if the rune carving fails, it may damage the spiritual weapon, so this method of engraving runes is almost rare.

Generally speaking, the standard for making elementary runes is to make more than one hundred runes form a special pattern cycle, or even form a special pattern. This special graphic is the symbol that determines the various attributes of the rune.

Generally speaking, a rune pattern composed of a thousand runes can be regarded as a primary rune, and among the primary runes, it is also divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. High-grade runes consist of a cycle of more than 800 runes, medium-frequency runes consist of 600 to 800 runes, and low-grade runes consist of a cycle of more than 100 runes.

Making runes is not only a means of attack for the beast master, but also a way for the beast master to communicate with some special beasts, especially those powerful beasts, almost every kind of beast has a special Ability, only those beast masters who can master special runes can subdue these fierce beasts, and those beast masters with ordinary abilities have almost no chance, so making runes is almost every beast master who wants to be promoted to a higher level dream.

It is said that the former city lord of Luoyang City was a powerful beast master. He was also a rune master himself, and he could even make elementary runes with thunder attributes. Later, after reaching the calmness of the yellow-rank beast master, he went to the third-level main city, where he got a chance to be promoted to the Xuan-rank beast master, and even surrendered a thunder-attribute purple thunder thousand thunder beast, even in Luoyang. Cheng is also considered to be an extremely prestigious figure.

Since then, his son, relying on his prestige, insisted on sitting in the position of the city lord for decades. It was even rumored that he was chosen by a big man in the first-level main city as his apprentice and directly appointed as the city lord of the third-level main city. In the future, he will have the opportunity to serve as the lord of the second-level main city.

It can be said that within the scope of the entire Luoyang City, no one has any objection to his rule, and it is based on his prestige.

For these, Lu Yang didn't think too much about it. Whether he could become the apprentice of a big man was the second priority. What he wanted to do most now was to use his harvest to make a primary rune as soon as possible.

Lu Yang was sitting on the flame golden king at the moment, not only thinking about how to mobilize the space runes in his mind, but also making gestures in his hands, as if he was conceiving what kind of graphics would be more suitable.

"The law of space attaches the most importance to breaking the void, so I should build something that can communicate with the void." Suddenly Lu Yang thought of the vortex. Because that vortex is what he remembers most.

Not only did he see the vortex from the witch envoy, but he also felt it in the mind of the transformed demon Bi An.

"No wonder Bi An also has the ability to communicate with the void!" Lu Yang slapped his thigh, how could he have forgotten that Bi An could also communicate with the void, and suddenly shouted, dragging Bi Ancong's consciousness into his mind, of course this was through The Beast Familiar System has been completed, and only demons like Bi An, whose consciousness is already strong, can use it.

"Master, did you ask me to come over, is there anything you want to tell me?" Although Bi An wanted to express his positive state, but his tone sounded like he was moaning for nothing.

"Of course I want to ask you something. You should know about space runes, right?" Lu Yang asked without thinking.

"Master, have you learned to refine space runes?" Bi An didn't know why when he heard Lu Yang's words, he seemed to be crazy, and his originally weak consciousness suddenly became hot as if it had been injected with chicken blood.

"Why, is there any difference?" Sensing the heat in Bi An's heart, Lu Yang was also slightly taken aback.

If Bi An showed such excitement under normal circumstances, he might not believe it. After all, demons are the best at disguising, especially emotional fluctuations, but at this moment, Bi An is completely manifested in a state of consciousness, which is impossible There is a fake, so Lu Yang is also quite interested in why Bi An is so excited.

"Of course there is a big difference. If the master masters the space rune, he can connect the space rune with a fierce beast, so as to infinitely enhance the power of himself and this beast. When the beast is promoted to the Xuan rank ferocious beast, the master can also be promoted together, and it is even possible to obtain greater benefits."


, the master still needs to find such a space beast in advance. But it's different now, I, Bi An, am a demon who has mastered space runes, and of course I can also be regarded as a ferocious beast! "At this moment, Bi An suddenly showed his true colors, turning into a pug dog, constantly currying favor with Lu Yang.

If he used to rely on Lu Yang only for his own survival, now it has begun to regard Lu Yang as a backer that can improve its strength, and even vaguely compares it with that demon king in its heart.

"Oh? There is such a good thing? How about it? Since you are so interested in space runes, then I will give you a simple question. Come and tell me, what kind of understanding do you have about space runes?" Let's go." Lu Yang chuckled, he was still worried about whether he could construct a space rune pattern, and now a free teacher came to his door.

"Well, I actually don't know much about it, and my innate supernatural powers were not realized by myself, but were bestowed on me by His Majesty the Demon King himself." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Bi An sighed.

However, Lu Yang could feel that Bi An was extremely afraid of the devil, and whenever the topic of the devil was involved, Bi An simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, even if he died, he would not speak out.

But for Lu Yang, he was not completely without gains.

From Bi An's mouth, he probably understood the basics of how to construct space runes.

To be precise, the most basic means of building are divided into communicating the virtual world, meditating on runes, drawing graphics, and finally forming an illusion.

Among all the basic items, the most common item to engrave space runes is high-grade spar, even yellow-order spar, and the higher the spar is, the higher the possibility of building runes is naturally, so a formed primary The price of the rune is as high as the price of ten yellow-rank crystals, that is because the material used to construct it must be non-mortal.

And generally speaking, if you use high-level crystals to construct primary runes, even the best rune masters have a one-thousandth success rate, and some rune masters are even unlucky, even if you spend a thousand yuan, you may not be able to successfully refine them once. , On the contrary, the chance of success with yellow-rank spar is greatly improved. Normally, the success rate of a quasi-junior rune master is about 20%, which means that as long as he tries ten times with yellow-rank spar, then he may produce two Primary runes, sold at the price of twenty yellow spar, more than doubled the profit.

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