The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 227 Sneak Attack on Caravan

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Chapter 227 Sneak Attack on Caravan

"Papa papa", sweat dripped from Lu Yang's head, fell to the ground, hit the leaves of a small grass, and then fell to the ground.

Because he used his mental power to the extreme, Lu Yang felt that he could hear all the troubles around him clearly.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful fluctuation of mental power spread out from Lu Yang's mind.

With a "buzz", Lu Yang felt a pale white light flash out of his mind, shooting directly at the vortex formed by the billions of runes.

"Crack, click" these runes shattered instantly, and then a trace of mysterious energy fluctuations emerged from the space runes, centering on the space runes, and suddenly, the energy fluctuations rushed into the billions of runes again In the vortex of text, every rune seems to produce a slight undetectable fluctuation.

Afterwards, more than a hundred runes formed a line and flew out of the imaginary world in clusters, and entered Lu Yang's mind at once. At this moment, Lu Yang felt that his mind was completely filled with a powerful energy storm.

With a sound of "Boom", Lu Yang felt that his eyes seemed to be able to spurt out two balls of fire, and the blood began to flow down his eyes, and at the same time, the fire flowed along his blood vessels to his whole body. One-third of his body's essence and blood were drained, and his blood vessels were still bursting.


Lu Yang spat out a big mouthful of blood, causing him to fall to the ground and faint.

When Lu Yang woke up again, it was almost the next morning.

"What, I just slept like this all night?" Ever since Lu Yang was promoted to an intermediate beast master, he had never slept so drowsily. This was the first time, and it was a time he couldn't control.

"Damn it, I have to rush back to the caravan!" Hei Xin suddenly felt flustered in his heart, and he immediately got on the Flaming Jinyi Dynasty and rushed back to the place where the caravan was camping.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at the place where the caravan was camping, he saw more than a dozen fake yellow-rank beast masters fighting in the melee, including a powerful yellow-rank beast master and two less powerful yellow-rank beast masters. The beast master was fighting with Du Xian and Murong Fuye, and even Murong Fuye's old slaves were involved, and were in charge of fighting against the most powerful Huang rank beast master.

"Stop the defense!" Although the few yellow-rank beast masters did not cause too much damage, they were stopped in time, but the dozen or so fake yellow-rank beast masters were not effectively resisted, as if When the tiger entered the flock, he went on a killing spree.

In an instant, seven or eight caravan masters were killed, and the caravan's losses continued to increase.

"Fight pets fit together!" Without even thinking about it, Lu Yang directly integrated all three battle pets into his body. This time his appearance became even weirder and more powerful.

Behind him, a pair of gorgeous wings slowly spread out, they were the wings of the Blue Feather Bird King.

And in his eyes there is a sinister light, like the nine hells, these are the eyes of the three hell dogs.

His whole body is covered with a golden battle armor, and the golden battle armor is full of golden light, as if a golden light is going straight into the sky.

"How is it possible?" Lu Yang didn't expect that his strength would more than double all of a sudden. Could something have changed?

Lu Yang recalled what happened the night before, and found that since he opened the virtual world, the capacity of his mind has almost doubled, and the mental power he can naturally accommodate has also increased a lot. It's just that his current aura is extremely weak and his strength has increased after being combined, which just makes up for the disadvantages caused by his weak physical strength.

It seems that opening the imaginary world can bring me far more benefits than simply being able to obtain some benefits.

After Lu Yang figured this out, his aura rose again, and he didn't want to rush directly to the dozen or so fake yellow-ranked beast masters.

"Quack quack, you finally appeared, get out of here!" Seeing that Lu Yang had arrived, the most powerful beast master of Huang rank had an extremely excited and ferocious expression on his face, as if What he saw was not a human being, but a human prey.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

While speaking, this yellow-ranked beast master stretched out tens of thousands of needles all over his body, and the needles shot in all directions, constantly stabbing the nearby beast masters, and most of the needles were concentrated on him. The old slave in front of him.

Each of these needles is dark in color, with a little bit of emerald green light shining on it, which seems to be contaminated with poison.

Although the old slave tried his best to dodge, he was still scratched by a needle, his face turned pale and he fell to the ground.

"Quack quack quack, what a waste, Lu Yang, I'm here to find you!" Huang Jie's beast master had vicious eyes, and rushed to Lu Yang at once, stabbing out the sword in his hand, straight to Lu Yang's chest.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The sword in the hands of the Huang Jie Beastmaster spun violently, and the sword in his hand was twisted violently, heading towards Lu Yang's chest. The powerful force gathered the air at his chest into a vortex of air flow and hit Lu Yang. chest.

"Damn it, why is this guy so fast?" Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, then felt a tightness in his chest, and only then did he realize that a stream of air had penetrated into his body along the sword.

"No, this should be a late-stage yellow rank beast master." Only then did Lu Yang realize that the strength of this yellow rank beast master far exceeded his imagination.

But he can't sit still, golden shield!

Following Lu Yang's roar, a golden light descended from the sky, turning into four golden shields and appearing around him.

With the rapid rotation of the golden shield, the airflow that hit Lu Yang's body was instantly crushed, leaving only the illusory figure of the yellow-rank beast master in a flash.

"Not good!" When Lu Yang came to his senses, the sword in Huang Jie's hand had already pierced Lu Yang's body.


Lu Yang felt that his chest seemed to be bitten by a poisonous snake. Although he did not have the protection of penetrating armor, this force still penetrated his body and entered his senses.

"Get out!" With the burst of energy all over his body, the dragon-slaying sword in Lu Yang's hand was instantly blocked by him, and at the same time a powerful storm spun out from the sword in his hand.

"Flying Wind Dance!" Lu Yang knew that this beast master was powerful, but he never thought that this beast master would be so powerful that he could almost suppress him steadily.

He thought so in his heart, and this Huang rank beast master was not surprised.

The mission he received was to kill a newly promoted Huang rank beast master. In his opinion, after so many years of fame, it is not easy to kill a junior. Originally, he wanted to send one of his confidantes to bring someone over, but Reluctantly, the bounty for this business was huge, so he had to be a little cautious.

He was thinking of getting rid of his prey quickly, but found that this prey was more troublesome than he expected, and felt depressed for a while. However, according to his experience, even if this prey is difficult to kill, it will only waste longer time.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Although I was a little surprised in my heart, the sword in the hand of Huang Jie Beastmaster did not stop at all, but the speed became faster and faster, and finally became like a wave of water, wave after wave.

Lu Yang was shocked. Although it was a little difficult, he could barely cope. At this moment, the old slave who was hit by the poisonous sting took a pill at some point, and his injuries seemed to have diminished, but there were still some signs of poisoning.

Lu Yang could feel that if he was given some more time, he should be able to attack this yellow rank beast master together with him.

"Hmph, kid, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, but you won't have a chance!" Huang Jie is such a shrewd beast master, how could he not know what Lu Yang was thinking.

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the sword in his hand became faster and faster, and soon it changed into a silk thread that completely wrapped Lu Yang inside. For a while, countless sword qi surrounded Lu Yang, and as long as he hesitated a little, he would be caught by the sword. Cut it on the body, causing a lot of sparks.

But even so, the Huang rank beast master still didn't wait to break through Lu Yang's defense.

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