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Chapter 228 Madness

When Lu Yang was fighting, what he didn't expect was that in his mind, the space runes originally hidden in the void appeared one by one, and at the same time, there were more space runes attracted from the void Also slowly showing their original shape.

Those are weird figures only the size of a fingernail. These weird figures are extremely complicated, like animals, and like a pile of mud. Some are square and square, and some are distorted and deformed. In short, these runes There are all kinds of strange things, but there are thousands of them but none of them are repeated.

Countless thousands of space runes gathered together and collided with each other, constantly absorbing the spiritual power in Lu Yang's mind.

If Lu Yang injected his spiritual consciousness into his mind, he would definitely be taken aback by this scene.

Because when he opened the virtual world, it was only more than a hundred space runes, but now there are more than a few hundred space runes in his mind, and the number of space runes has almost increased by ten times. Lu Yang probably never dreamed of such a thing.

Moreover, after these space runes were gathered together, through continuous collisions and absorbing Lu Yang's mental power, they started to replicate. And with the continuous duplication of these runes, a strange figure was gradually formed under the construction of the Beast Familiar System.

Immediately afterwards, the image of the little sister appeared. But now she is no longer the pixel avatar that looks earthy and can't be earthy anymore, but has more subtle expressions, and her image has changed a lot at any time, no longer the previous single line, but She turned into a gentle and elegant little beauty. Although it is not plump yet, it already has a sign of humanity.

"Hey, now I finally don't need the master to provide me with spiritual power. Now I can use the master's spiritual power to resurrect indefinitely. This feeling is really good. But I secretly stole the master's spiritual power. He Will you be angry, will you suddenly shut me down?"

"No, I can't let the master find out yet. I need to do something to make the master feel that I am not a useless girl. Yes, build a space formation for the master that can continuously absorb spiritual power, that's it!" Xiaomei said. I don't know that the master is fighting to the death outside, but she is still working hard to build the master's mind, which directly doubles the capacity of Lu Yang's mind.

At the same time, there is also a weird rune pattern being constructed. This pattern seems to be a leaf, but it doesn’t seem to be. There are countless lines on it, but the rune on a leaf is like a sea, and the lines on it are endless. Almost all All the space runes are included, and those copied runes are distributed in Lu Yang's mind, and the barriers that form a stable mind space are supported in the center of his mind.

"Hahaha, I'm really smart. Now the master's mind is impenetrable." Xiaomei felt scared when she thought of how the master's mind almost collapsed under the impact of the space rune the night before. .

If the master is dead, then she will not be able to live, so he must try his best to fight for his rights and improve his strength for the master, so she takes the risk of opening the virtual world channel again and again, dragging more space runes over.

Although she only learned Lu Yang's movements mechanically, she is an artificial intelligence after all, and she is supported by the beast control system, so after repeated improvements, Xiaomei's speed is getting faster and faster. The ingestion of the runes became more and more perfect, so that the number of runes in Lu Yang's mind increased by nearly ten times almost overnight.

But Xiaomei's work so far is only the beginning...

Lu Yang naturally didn't know that Xiaomei had already carried out such a huge project in his mind. He was still in a life-and-death struggle with the Huang-rank beast master, and his defense was getting worse and worse. As long as it bears another full blow from the Huang rank beast master, it will completely collapse.

But no matter how the Huang-rank beast masters attacked, they still couldn't break through Lu Yang's defense, which made me feel incredible. It seemed that every time the golden shield was about to be broken, there was a stronger spiritual force injected into his body. Inside the body, repair the shield.

Immediately after that, Lu Yang's eyes were blurred, and the whole world seemed to be darkened suddenly, and he was completely plunged into darkness, but in a moment, another light shot from a corner of the dark world, resetting Lu Yang's sight. Light up, this is no other place, it is the back of Huang Jie Beastmaster.

"What's going on here?" Lu Yang's heart trembled violently, his eyes were completely restored to light, and the sword of the Huang-rank beast master fell across the sky again.

"Damn it, why is this kid's defensive power so perverted? Could it be that his strength has reached the middle stage of a yellow-rank beast master, and he is playing with me?" He can be ranked in the top 100 on the list, but now he is arranged to kill a boy who is an early-stage yellow beast master, he finds it inconceivable.

What made him even more unbelievable was that this seemingly weak boy's defense was so strong, especially in the end that he was able to break through the boy's last defense almost every time, but in the end it was still a little bit worse. breakthrough.

"Does he have the will to be invincible?" Dire Wolf couldn't help but twitch in his heart. There are many strange people in this world. The strength of these people is by no means as weak as they appear on the surface, and they even have many ways to save their lives. It can allow them to cross a large realm and kill their opponents, and it is said that people with an invincible heart are such existences.

"Impossible, I don't think this person has the invincible heart

, otherwise, his aura would definitely not be so weak! "Although the doubts in the mad wolf's heart were eliminated, his fear of Lu Yang had indeed increased several times, so the more this happened, the more he wanted to solve it quickly.

"Frenzied!" Dire Wolf had no time to think about it, his body swelled several times in an instant, and huge muscles appeared on his body like scales, turning him into a full-grown man. A burly man over two meters tall.

This instantly doubles his speed and strength, making him even more destructive.

"Shua", the sword slashed down, and there was a sound of piercing through the air, and it bit the Dragon Slaying Sword in Lu Yang's hand in an instant.


The Zhanlongjian, which was slashed by the powerful force of this sword, let out a mournful cry, as if it had suffered serious injuries.

"This is his innate supernatural power after the fusion, so it's so powerful?" Lu Yang didn't dare to confront it head-on, and quickly retreated. At the same time, the sword in his hand sprung out like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and there was a kind of moisturizing and silent Subtle feeling. That sword sword looks weak, but in fact it is pervasive.

If someone with a discerning eye stood here, he might be able to see that the sword moves in Lu Yang's hand also contained a hint of space.


Although Lu Yang's swordsmanship has improved significantly, he still couldn't stand up to the extreme speed and ferocious power of the wolf. He couldn't dodge his sword and was finally touched by the opponent's sword. The powerful force immediately rebounded and directly struck Lu Yang. Yang Beng flew out.

"Boy, you're really going to die this time!" The mad wolf chased and killed Lu Yang for an entire hour without causing any substantial damage to him. It can be said that he was extremely aggrieved, and now he finally saw his sword After breaking the opponent's defense, there was a surprise on his face, and he was ready to strike the sword again.

But at this moment, the old man who was going to die unexpectedly appeared.

"Young master, don't worry, this old man is here to help you!" The old slave held a copper stick in his hand like a fierce god descending into the world, exuding a stern light all over his body, although the force he struck down with this stick was not as powerful as that of a mad wolf , but it is much stronger than before, and it can barely stop the wolf's footsteps.

It's a pity that the crazy wolf was stopped by an old man when he was about to succeed, and a red blood light burst out in his eyes.

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