The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 233: Demon King’s Bone Bank

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Chapter 233: Demon King’s Bone Bank

"Forget it, I'll use it!" Kunpeng could feel that the ambush of the Du family was not only a great risk to him, but he might really die inside, so as long as anyone survived Every opportunity he had, he had to try.

"Crush it!" Kunpeng pinched his palm fiercely, and the black token immediately turned into a puff of powder and disappeared into the air. With the rotation of the black powder, a black vortex gradually appeared on Kunpeng's body. before.

"Quack quack, poor man, what do you need to ask me!" With the appearance of the black vortex, a huge black giant appeared in the void. This black giant was not the Bi Chuan that Kunpeng had seen before, but It is a black giant whose whole body is like black steel.

"It's the devil, don't clean up now, all kneel down and bow to the devil!" Kunpeng is worthy of being the eldest son of the Kun family. He roared, and all the Kun family members knelt down together with Kunpeng for no reason. Even the white-bearded old man was no exception.

It's not because of how strict Kunpeng's orders are, but because this demon king is too powerful.

Even though it is only over one meter high, standing there, its momentum is like a thousand-meter high mountain, giving people endless pressure.

"Devil King, I am in danger this time. I hope Lord Demon King can help me through this crisis. I, Kunpeng, will definitely obey you!" Last time Bi Fa came and explained some things to him, so that Kunpeng Keep it in mind. He didn't pay much attention to this token at first, but now that life and death are at stake, he knows that he must fight to the death.

Otherwise, who would use a token of unknown origin casually, and it was something from the devil.

"Hahaha, Kunpeng, it turned out to be you, poor man. I know you must want to kill your rival Du Xian, the eldest son of the Du family, and Lu Yang, the head of the Tianyi Sect, right!" Demon King Haha laughed, and said jokingly.

Although the devil was joking with Kunpeng, for Kunpeng, this was a matter of his life and death, how could he be slack in the slightest.

If it wasn't impossible to hug the Demon King's thigh, he would definitely jump on it. Because the demon king was too tempting to him, as if a huge treasure was right in front of him.

Of course, what Kunpeng didn't know was that on the one hand, this kind of temptation was the greedy desire in his heart, and on the other hand, it was a kind of instigating method released by the devil, which could make people crazy.

"Devil King, you must have some way to help me!" Kunpeng became more and more worried about himself. On the contrary, his dependence on the Demon King became greater and greater, and even became a desire. He longed for the power bestowed by the Demon King.

"Quack, quack, since you have this idea, I am very happy, but if you want to get my help, you must first become my subject. Are you willing to sacrifice your life!" The devil laughed again , seems to be patiently waiting for Kunpeng's answer.

"I am willing!" The desire in his heart has been put to the extreme, and Kunpeng has now fallen into a state of madness.

It doesn't really matter to him whether he wants it or not.

"Okay, since you are willing, then donate your soul." Then, the devil stretched out his hand and flicked, and a small black ball appeared in front of Kunpeng.

After he saw the ball, he felt that his soul was about to be completely sucked in by the ball.

And as the ball rolled, Kunpeng felt more and more pressure on himself, and even became a heavy pressure on his head and began to tear his soul.

Although this feeling is very scary, Kunpeng still involuntarily let his soul enter the ball.

With a "boom", Kunpeng felt as if his mind was about to explode, and his vision instantly turned black. However, this kind of blackening does not mean that his world is so dark, but that there are layers of black mist, as if his world is suddenly surrounded by some black mist.

If the normal line of sight is covered by the black mist, it will definitely affect his vision range, but in Kunpeng's eyes, everything becomes clearer wherever the black mist goes.

Especially from a thousand meters away, the lines on a leaf can be seen clearly, and his eyesight is almost ten times better than before.

"Well, this is your new ability. How do you feel?" The Demon King looked at Kunpeng as if he was looking at his own work.

"Boom boom boom..."

Kunpeng obviously felt that the beating speed of his heart had increased several times, especially the sound of the heartbeat, which seemed to have increased several times.

"Thank you, Demon King!" Kunpeng hurriedly knelt down to salute the Demon King.

He could feel that his strength was already strong enough to be comparable to that of the late Huang rank, or even the Dzogchen Beast Master.

"Well, your current strength is no longer comparable to that of ordinary yellow beast masters, but you have to remember that my strength is not for you to deal with mortals like Lu Yang, but for you to unify with the fastest speed. Donglai City, let you become the city lord, so you don't have to participate in today's affairs."

"Besides, you can't participate in today's affairs. I'm not afraid to tell you that Lu Yang's body contains a trace of heaven and earth. With your current luck, you can't beat him at all, so if you go today, you will only die, but everything in this world There are periods of prosperity and periods of decline, so even if you can't deal with him now, it doesn't mean you can't kill him in your lifetime, understand?" The demon king taught Kunpeng Chunchun as if he was teaching himself


"Understood the father!" Kunpeng nodded, and the black ball entered Kunpeng's mind at once, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Hahaha, human race, this time it's not just our demons, even the beasts are ready to move. In the past 10 million years, you have not perished, but have become more prosperous, but this may not be the case in the past 10 million years, and the passage has been blocked. I got through 9 out of 10, and when I get through completely, it will be time for our demons to attack the human race!" The demon king watched Kunpeng leave, and then he waved violently at the beast master who was kneeling on the ground, a wave of demons Qi quickly entered their bodies.

Especially the white-bearded old man Bai Peng, his whole body turned black, as if he had entered a state of demonization.

"Okay, your master can no longer fight with you, and now you need your own!" Seeing that Kunpeng had left, the Demon King began to arrange it.

When the caravan set up camp and began to adjust their status, Lu Yang had already found a slightly remote valley and walked into it. He only left the Flaming King of Jin to guard the gate for him, and the three-headed hellhound, the golden war king, and Qingyu Bird King was arranged to patrol nearby.

In this way, he would have time to refine the primary space runes in the cave.

"Sixty, seventy..."

As time passed, Lu Yang's mental pressure also increased, and finally after three hours, he completely comprehended one hundred space runes.

Now he can actually carve his first rudimentary rune.

"Let's use yellow spar!" Lu Yang knew that this battle meant a lot to him, and the time was running out. He didn't want to fail, so he could only use flame spar to make it.

As the flame spar was taken out by Lu Yang, he began to observe the lines on the spar.

You must know that the reason why primary runes are suitable for engraving on yellow-rank spar is that, on the one hand, yellow-rank spar is hard in nature, the energy in it is more stable, and there are a large number of them, which can provide rune masters with relatively more spiritual power to recover. Greatly increased success rate.

Of course, because runes do not have strict requirements for energy, there is not much difference between the use of runes made of real yellow spar and runes made of high-grade spar, so the selling price There is not much difference.

Lu Yang had never observed the spar so carefully before, but now he held it in his hand and looked carefully, but found that the lines on the yellow spar were not as intricate as those of the high-grade spar, but more regular and simpler.

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