The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 236: Both in Distress

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Chapter 236: Both in Distress

Bai Peng's marksmanship is not only extremely fast, but the long spear in his hand is like a poisonous snake, swaying constantly, erratic, making it hard to guard against. In addition, there is a wave of demonic energy around him, which makes it even more difficult for Du Xian to hold. The long spear looked unpredictable.

If it was Du Xian before, he would definitely not be his opponent. Even Du Xian, who had improved in strength, was still a little powerless when facing Bai Peng.

But when he thought about Lu Yang's performance in front of him, even if he was angry, Du Xian had to wait until Lu Yang came back, and he was sure that Lu Yang would come back as soon as possible.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

He continued to be tough and came with a strong force, and the long knife in Du Xian's hand did not show any weakness, it turned into waves, continuously resolving the attack of that poisonous snake.


Du Xian's offensive intensified violently, even forcing the long spear in Bai Peng's hand back temporarily. This made Bai Peng slightly taken aback.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Mr. Du's strength has also improved. But this is the best. I haven't really used it since I swallowed the demonic energy. Now you jump out and give me a chance to fully exert it. It's just my performance. It's time!" When Bai Peng thought of the devil's expectations for himself and others, he was already thinking about how to repay the devil so that he could become a valuable follower by the devil's side, and now killing Du Xian is the best opportunity.

"Die!" Although he was forced to retreat by Du Xian, the spear in Bai Peng's hand suddenly burst into silver light, and at the same time, circles of black air swirled out from the silver spear, like a big net, it was about to catch Du Xian. Get the package in.

Once Du Xian's body is surrounded by this devilish energy, the devilish energy will pervade his body, even penetrate into his body, and finally interfere with the consciousness in his mind, and even make him a lunatic. Suicide.

It can be said that the demon king's breath is extremely violent, and it is definitely a great weapon used by these beast masters to kill opponents.

"What, what are these black airs!" Although Du Xian was very careful, but being forced by these black airs, Du Xian felt that many distracting thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

Some distracting thoughts existed in his mind originally, and some distracting thoughts appeared out of thin air.

But no matter what, these distracting thoughts are affecting his mind all the time, making him unable to be 100% in a fighting state all the time.

"No, these guys have already been possessed by demonic energy. If they are touched by my demonic energy, they will probably lose their minds!" Du Xian is a disciple of a big family. sex.

However, he didn't flinch, and directly took out a pill from his pocket and swallowed it. Afterwards, the distracting thoughts in his mind became much less, and at the same time, the long knife in his hand turned into a berserk ape and pounced on it, tearing the poisonous snake into pieces.

However, after gaining the advantage, he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but came to a high place and shouted to the surroundings: "All the beast masters in the caravan pay attention, this group of attackers are human monsters sent by the Kun family, and they have a lot of monsters on them." All the beast masters who need pills should take them immediately, preferably a healing list, and our Du family will compensate for any losses!"

Du Xian knew that it was no longer the time to be stingy, and the reason why he said so was not completely groundless.

The reason why the inner demon can cause chaos is because the human heart has greed on the one hand. Another part of the reason was due to the weakness of the beast master's physical strength and blood. Once there is some way to replenish Qi and blood, then the role of demons will become less and less.

"Quack, you're already late!" Hearing Du Xian's words, Bai Peng laughed dryly.

Sure enough, in Du Xian's line of sight, some beast masters in the caravan had been disturbed by the devil energy and began to have greed and kill each other.

"Damn it!" Du Xian was furious in his heart. At the same time, the long knife in his hand was ever-changing again, and waves of blades moved towards Bai Peng again. This time, his speed was even faster, almost breaking through his own limit.

"Quack quack, it's useless, you can't beat me at all!" Before he knew it, there was a magic voice in Bai Peng's words.

Hearing Bai Peng's words, Du Xian felt a shock all over his body, as if his movements had become sluggish.

"No, I'm possessed again!" Du Xian tried his best to control his speed, but found that Bai Peng's long spear had turned into a white line and was drawn fiercely.

In his hand, a long spear that was originally as hard as steel turned into a silk as soft as silk, and the flying speed was also twisted and deformed, like a white long whip, it turned into an arc and surrounded it like this .

"Damn it!" Du Xian tried his best to block with the long knife in his hand, but he was still a bit slow. The long knife in his hand collided with the silver spear, and his whole body was blown away like a kite with a broken thread.

After smashing the big tree, Du Xian's body fell to the ground, spat out a big mouthful of blood.

"What, I'm dead?" Du Xian felt as if a long opening had been cut in his stomach, and the internal organs and other internal organs would flow out from it.

But he quickly denied his thoughts, and he understood that this was definitely an illusion.

Sure enough, he bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and the phantom in front of him quickly disappeared, returning to nothingness.

"Damn it, damn it!" Du Xian looked around again, there were more and more phenomena of his own people beating him, and his mood became more and more irritable.


At this moment, the long spear was instantly dropped by a white light, but was stopped by a pair of double knives.

"Du Xian, what are you thinking? If I hadn't come here, you would have died a long time ago!" Murong Fuye immediately rushed over to join Du Xian after finishing off a fake Huang rank beast master. Who knew that Du Xian was still in a daze There, she was so angry that she blocked Du Xian obstinately, and her viscera seemed to be tumbling.

"Ye'er!" Seeing that his beloved woman was injured, which would be unacceptable to any man, Du Xian didn't even think about it, and suddenly turned into a cold light and rushed towards Bai Peng.

This time his attack was more fierce and faster, without giving Bai Peng any chance to react.

"Hahaha, Du Xian, it's useless, you will die sooner or later!" Seeing Du Xian desperately fighting back, Bai Peng laughed sinisterly again. But this time he didn't use the illusion again, but took back the devilish energy all over his body into his body, and then saw that his whole body turned black.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The long knife in Du Xian's hand fell on him, but it didn't cause any harm to Bai Peng's body.

"What, it's impossible!" Du Xian was a little dumbfounded when he saw Bai Peng instantly become invulnerable. But he didn't think much, and continued to attack!

"Get out!" Seizing an opportunity, Bai Peng sent Du Xian flying with just one punch. This time, his body hit a big tree, and the uncle broke in response, and Du Xian's bones were also broken. More than a dozen were broken, the internal organs were really injured, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and it seemed that he couldn't move.

"Hey, young master of the Du family, why are you not moving? Let me tell you, it was a mistake for you to come out with Lu Yang this time. But it doesn't matter, I will kill you first, and I will let Lu Yang accompany you later!" Bai Peng severely injured Du Xian with one punch, and his speed unexpectedly slowed down. He walked towards Du Xian slowly, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"You're dreaming!" Bai Peng didn't get close to Du Xian, but saw a white figure rushing towards him with two knives.

"Haha, you chick can be regarded as being kind and righteous. But these things are not popular in this era, anyway, I will send you to die together, so I have a companion on the way to Huangquan!" Bai Peng saw Murong Fuye appearing, no The slightest surprise, but it seems that he stopped deliberately to attract Murong Fuye to appear.

Just when Murong Fuye was slashing with his swords, the devilish energy on Bai Peng's body became stronger again.

"Don't!" Du Xian yelled as if he saw that what happened to him was going to happen again to Murong Fuye.

But his call was too late. Because the double knives in Murong Fuye's hands had already slashed at Bai Peng's body.

"Hahaha, you little lovers, you can die together!" Facing the two swords, Bai Peng didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, but turned around and held the two swords with his hands.

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