The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 237 Entering Lu Yang's Mind

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Chapter 237 Entering Lu Yang's Mind

"Ye'er!" Du Xian could clearly feel the danger Murong Ye'er was in at the moment, but he was helpless, and this feeling instantly made him fall into the abyss.

"Quack quack, chick, you can't blame others when you die, but you want to save this trash in front of you. If you are willing to follow me, maybe I will consider keeping you alive." Bai Peng's eyes are full of all kinds of Desire, looking at Murong Fuye's face turned red and turned white, she knew that if she fell into the hands of Bai Peng, she would definitely die.

"Fart, even if I die, I won't do that kind of thing with you, just die!" Murong Fuye burst out of resentment instantly, and it broke out without reservation.

The billowing vitality merged into a white mountain and crushed down from Murong Fuye's body in an instant.

At the same time, Murong Fuye's pale face turned into a miserable defeat, and traces of blood also flowed out from the corner of her mouth, obviously she suffered serious internal injuries.

"Oh? You are actually from the city lord's mansion. This is the secretary of the city lord's mansion? Sure enough, it's a good thing. But even so, you can't compete with the devil. Go to hell!" Bai Peng's devilish energy suddenly Outburst, a black air condensed into a huge fist and ruthlessly smashed towards Murong Fuye.

With a sound of "Boom", the resentment released by Murong Fuye was shattered, and her body was instantly blown away by the storm like a solitary boat in the midst of the storm.


Murong Fuye's body fell beside Du Xian, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, and vomited directly on Du Xian's body. But at this moment, she didn't have any expression of guilt, but smiled miserably, showing a helpless expression.

At this moment, the two looked at each other, as if life and death were no longer in their eyes.

"Brother Xian, I was bad in the past. I shouldn't think you are useless. In fact, you are still very good. You will always be Brother Xian in my heart!" Murong Fuye looked at Du Xian with a determined face, as if he had already Leave life and death behind.

And Du Xian also looked at Murong Fuye with the same affectionate eyes, as if their mutual moments were frozen in this moment, he hugged Murong Fuye tightly in his arms, and said with a smile: "If this is our last One day, then I am willing to love you forever!"

At this moment, a very discordant voice finally broke the peace between them, and Bai Peng's distorted figure appeared in front of Du Xian and Murong Fuye.

Even Bai Peng didn't expect to be able to seriously injure two yellow rank beast masters, and he himself didn't seem to be hurt. This gave him a new understanding of the strength of the Demon King.

Because of this, he wanted to express himself in front of the devil so as to gain more appreciation from the devil.

"Hahaha, kid, I know you don't want to die, but now that I'm with you, it's impossible for you not to want to die. After you die, I will help you take good care of this little girl!" Bai Peng said, then With extremely evil eyes, no matter who looked at it, they would feel trembling all over, as if they saw a man-eating beast.

Especially when Du Xian thought of the humiliation that Murong Fuye might suffer, he wished he could rush forward and die with Bai Peng.

Suddenly Murong Fuye thought of committing suicide, she looked at Du Xian, and said very slowly: "Brother Xian, I'll take a step first!"

As he said that, Murong Fuye seemed to end himself with a dagger.

But just as she made a move, a black tentacle knocked the dagger away. It turned out that it was Bai Peng who prevented her from committing suicide.

"Hahaha, girl, you haven't had fun with me yet. You can't die. Let me kill the clown next to you first. Mr. Du, goodbye!" Bai Peng's eyes were fierce, and he wanted to reach out to catch Du constitutional heart.

At this moment, Bai Peng suddenly felt a cool breeze behind him, and a strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.

"Lu Yang is back!" Bai Peng's eyes were filled with joy, he turned around and punched, and a powerful demon energy turned into a shell and blasted out viciously.


The black cannonball and the dragon-slaying sword in Lu Yang's hand fought together, and the demonic energy scattered, and Bai Peng suddenly showed a ferocious face.

"Hahaha, I'm invincible, Lu Yang, you can't avoid dying in my hands!" As his strength became stronger and stronger, Bai Peng couldn't control his body more and more.

If it wasn't for the magic energy that could still control his desires and prevent him from collapsing, Bai Peng would have gone mad and died by now.

But even so, Bai Peng is still a little confused, and even his mind is firmly controlled by desire.

At this moment, he is no longer a human race, but has become a humanoid demon.

Of course, its sanity is still unstable, otherwise, its strength will be even stronger.

"Woo woo woo..."

With the loss of sanity, Bai Peng's will collapsed more and more. In the end, he took dozens of steps back before he recovered a little. Even so, he couldn't control the bloodthirsty impulse in his heart, especially for Lu Yang.

"Quack quack, Lu Yang, you're finally back, I'm going to kill you!" Bai Peng's pace became slower and slower, and finally the spear in his hand danced.


A black dragon flew out of his hand with a long spear, went straight to Lu Yang and shot at him.

"Lu Yang, be careful!" Seeing that Bai Peng had already walked towards Lu Yang, Du Xian hurriedly reminded.

"I'm fine, you can rest at ease, if it's almost done, hurry up and help others!" Lu Yang threw two bottles of healing pills to Du Xian and Murong Fuye, and he

He himself walked towards Bai Peng step by step.

Don't look at Bai Peng's slow walk, in fact, a lot of magic energy has spread out from under his feet like ropes, wrapping around Lu Yang's feet and his whole body.

If Bai Peng used this method to deal with Du Xian, he might have already turned into a corpse. Bai Peng only used his trump card now, in order to have greater confidence in killing Lu Yang. It can be seen that he has completely different attitudes towards Lu Yang and towards Du Xian. This is also what the Demon King told him.


Lu Yang had just walked a few steps when he saw a long black dragon rushing towards him. He didn't even think about it, so he blocked the black dragon with the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Then a large wave of black demonic energy rushed into Lu Yang's body along the spear, and entered his mind.

In an instant, a huge demon prototype appeared in Lu Yang's mind.

"Hahaha, Lu Yang, this is your mind. I heard from the Demon King that your body potential is extraordinary, and I must possess him!" It was not someone else, but Bi Fa's voice.

"Huh?" Bi Fa didn't expect Lu Yang to ignore him, which made him feel a deep sense of frustration.

Because from its point of view, Lu Yang should be very scared at this moment, and even knelt down and begged for mercy, letting him let him go.

It's a pity that Lu Yang chose to ignore him completely. This feeling of being ignored made him very uncomfortable, so he had to take revenge.

"Lu Yang, since you look down on me so much, then I will make you lose your mind and lose your mind, hahaha!" Bi Fa's figure began to grow bigger, and then he began to attack Lu Yang's mind uncontrollably.

All of a sudden, a black gust of wind seemed to blow in Lu Yang's mind, and the black gust of wind became stronger and stronger, as if to search Lu Yang's mind completely.

Yes, he just wanted to find Lu Yang's consciousness. As long as he swallowed Lu Yang's consciousness, he could replace Lu Yang and occupy this body again.

"Hey, what is this black thing?" After the gust of wind went away, the image of a little girl appeared behind the gust of wind.

She watched the violent wind wandering in Lu Yang's mind meaninglessly, and immediately showed a puzzled expression.

You must know that Lu Yang's mind was originally ten times larger than that of ordinary people, but now it has more than doubled after she has continuously strengthened it.

Not to mention that Bi Fa couldn't find Lu Yang's divine consciousness that had been protected by the beast control system at all, even if he was allowed to wander through his mind, he might not be able to do it for a year or so. This is still calculated according to the time outside.

If calculated according to the ratio of the time in Lu Yang's mind to the time outside by 10,000, he might have to stay in Lu Yang's mind for 10,000 years before he could find Lu Yang's consciousness.

By that time, the magic energy in Bi Fa's body had already been exhausted.

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