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Chapter 238 Injure Bi Fa

Of course, Bi Fa had full confidence in himself. If in the past, its strength was only a little weaker than Bi An's, so he felt resentful, then now that he has eaten Bi An's body, his strength is definitely even stronger than him.

With his tyrannical consciousness, even a high-level demon's mind can be completely searched by him, let alone an ordinary human beast master.

Therefore, it doesn't believe that it will get lost in Lu Yang's mind at all, and there is absolutely no such possibility.

It is precisely because of this that it unscrupulously enters Lu Yang's mind to search frantically. This is his greatest capital and where his strength lies.

It's a pity that it has forgotten, no matter how arrogant he is, it is still in other people's minds. What was even more unexpected to him was that there was a little girl behind him observing it, as if observing an unknown creature.

"Come out for me, is it your kind!" Don't look at the little girl who behaved like a gentle little beauty in front of Lu Yang, but in front of Bi An, she has turned into a fierce devil.

Now this vicious devil is taking Bi An out of the pet space to torture and extract a confession.

"Bi Fa!" Although being bullied by Xiaomei made Bi An feel very shameless, but he is not a fool, and he knows very well how important the little girl is to its future freedom.

Just like now, Xiaomei can let it go in and out of the pet space at any time, even in the pet space, she can manage its food. Bi An dare not pretend to be an uncle in front of Xiaomei.

But what makes it even more unimaginable is that he really met his enemy Bi Fa so soon, it is really very happy to meet his enemy!

"Sister Xiaomei, that thing is indeed my kind, but it is not as kind as me. It is definitely a scum that eats people without spit out bones, and its current incarnation is completely a black storm. This kind of thing is not only for The brain has increased destructive power, and it will also affect the fighting power of the master outside, which is definitely a great disaster." Bi An said all the words he could think of, and went to black Bi Fa without any reservations. , his past subordinates.

Of course, it no longer belongs to the demon army now, and they are at best of the same kind.

"Oh? I thought it came to join me just like you, but it's not! It looks like it's here to cause damage!" Hearing Bi An's words, the little girl also vaguely felt the power of the black storm incarnated by Bi An, Some thin eyebrows couldn't help frowning, and then showed a fierce expression.

There was an extremely ferocious expression in her eyes, and Bi An couldn't help being shocked when she saw it, as if seeing a real devil, she obediently retreated behind Xiaomei.

"That's that, I was overwhelmed by the master's divine power, how could it be the same as me! Sister Xiaomei, do you want me to help Sister Xiaomei take down this evildoer?" Bi An thought of being swallowed by Bi Fa In the scene of losing, infinite hatred and resentment arose in my heart.

Although it has undergone a transformation through the Beast Familiar System and has a new body, which has reduced most of its evil thoughts, it still cannot change its essence.

In some respects, it is still a demon, but compared to most demons, it is much kinder, and has even begun to learn to trust others in its heart.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to make meritorious service right now. Go!" The little girl frowned, as if thinking of something, she completely released Bi An's figure from the pet space.

"Quack quack, Bi Fa, let's see how I can deal with you!" Bi An has never felt his body so clearly, and now it can appear in Lu Yang's mind so completely, this feeling of fully recovering his strength , is really good.

In this moment, it even wanted to counterattack Xiaomei. If it can completely eat Xiaomei, then its strength will be raised to a new level, and it may even use this opportunity to become a magic general.

However, this greedy desire was still suppressed by it. Not to mention whether it can really kill the little sister, but the current situation where it is restrained by the beast control system, it has to make it think twice no matter what it does.

What's more, now a seed of kindness has been planted in its mind, making him think about some good things all the time. The idea of ​​killing the little girl will soon be forgotten by it and be hated. replaced.

"Quack quack, Bi Fa, last time you slapped me hard from behind. I won't make it easy for you this time either." Looking at the black storm in the distance, Bi An's eyes became more and more murderous. It can't help but want to tear it to pieces.

However, after the transformation of the Beast Familiar System, although its desire has been reduced a lot, its wisdom has been enhanced a lot. In this way, it can have more opportunities to think about other things, and even how to plan how to better kill Bi Fu. This is an improvement for him.

In Lu Yang's mind, about one day has passed, and Bi Fa only swept a very small area inside. This confused Bi Fu a little.

Because in its previous experience, if it searched so frantically, it would be able to sweep through the mind of a yellow-ranked beast master in less than half the time, and finding the beast master's spiritual sense was as easy as pie.

But now he not only failed to find the beast master's consciousness, but also wasted so much energy, which made it a little unbearable.


suddenly Bi

Fa felt a gust of cold wind blowing from behind, and he couldn't help shivering.

But this is in the mind of the beast master, how can there be cold wind?

Is there another demonic consciousness here?

After feeling this change, Bi Fa felt that something was wrong.

When Jiu Ou was on his alert, a more powerful wave of energy rushed from behind it, and then a familiar and unfamiliar figure appeared in front of it.

"Bi An, you're not dead?" Bi Fa's eyes suddenly widened. It also wants to say a few words with Bi An, but unfortunately, how could Bi An give him a chance.

"Huh" a group of energy fluctuations spewed out from Bi An's mouth. In my mind, this was a pure energy fluctuation, and it also had a faint space force, which made this energy fluctuation even more difficult to figure out.

The energy fluctuations that seemed to be bombarded from the front had already appeared on the side of its body when Bi Fu reacted. I wanted to be on guard, but I didn't expect to be hit by this wave of energy fluctuations.

With a "boom", a large piece of Bi Fa's body was shattered. With the wriggling of the surrounding space runes, the energy passing through Bi Fa's body instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Damn, what exactly is this place, why are there so many space runes, and you Bi An, don't you know how much it costs to betray the devil?" Although he was seriously injured by Bi An's surprise attack, Bi Fa When facing Bi An, he didn't panic at all.

Its eyes reveal infinite fanaticism.

This is not fanaticism for its strength, but a kind of blind following of the devil, just like the feeling Bi An had in the past.

But now, in Bi An's view, Bi Fa's behavior is so naive and ridiculous.

"Hahaha, what a price to pay? Bi Fa, you will never understand what freedom is. If you understand, you will know how stupid you are. But today I will not give you a chance!" Although Bi An It has lost a lot of desires, but this does not mean that it has no hatred in its heart, and even to some extent, it has far more hatred in its heart than ordinary humans.

At this moment, it turned into a demon completely, turned into a big mouth and bit Bi Fa's body fiercely, biting Bi Fa's body into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Bi Fa was killed by Bi An just like that.


Somewhere thousands of kilometers away, Bi Fa found that he had lost contact with his divine consciousness, his brain suddenly went blank, and a stream of blood spurted out from its body.

But its blood is not red, but black in color.

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