The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 245 Competing for the prescription

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Chapter 245 Competing for the prescription

Lu Yang knew that as long as Huo Qiang wanted to, he could have sex with this maid at any time.

But Huo Qiang just looked at Qiangwei, and ignored it, but concentrated on watching the scene of the auction house.

This surprised Lu Yang Luwei. But since Huo Qiang didn't want to express her thoughts, Lu Yang didn't have time to care.

Soon the entire auction was overcrowded, and a yellow rank beast master finally appeared on the originally empty auction stage. No, to be precise, his strength has reached the late stage of the Huang rank beast master, and there are large sparks around his body. If you look carefully, it is not an ordinary flame, but a flame rune.

For a beast master, being able to master the flame runes to this extent is enough to show that he has already mastered the runes. Such a character can resist ten yellow rank beasts of the same level as him in battle. It is even possible to kill all these yellow rank beast masters without losing the master. This is the strength of the rune master.

And now such a powerful existence turned out to be an auctioneer in the trading market, which was enough to show the powerful strength of the Huang rank beast master.

"Everyone, my name is Hu Zirong. I'm an auctioneer in the auction house. Many friends who know me also call me Fire Eye Sage. I'm hosting the auction today. I hope everyone will show some face. Now, please A treasure." Although the voice of the fire-eyed master is not loud, he is full of confidence, and more importantly, every word he said can be heard clearly by everyone present, as if he was speaking in everyone's ears .

Such a strongman is definitely not something that ordinary yellow rank beast masters can provoke.

"Special healing medicine?" As the small bottles were placed on the table, everyone immediately recognized the items.

It is said that the super-grade healing medicine has the effect of bone regeneration, and it is definitely the best magic medicine among the healing medicines. However, this kind of thing is extremely expensive, and even some big families in first-tier cities rarely have its configuration method, and these big families The family kept the prescription in their own hands and kept it secret, which made the super healing medicine even more valuable.

"You don't need me to tell you. The super-grade healing medicines that are rare on the market are usually ten high-grade crystals in a bottle. Now there are a hundred bottles, and there is absolutely no second price. Converted into yellow-grade crystals, it is five yellow-grade crystals. Each time the price increase is no less than one high-grade spar!" As soon as the words of the fire-eye master came out, it immediately attracted many small sects to snatch it.

You must know that such items are almost invisible in the market, and all of them are controlled by big families, so things that cannot be bought even if you have money can only be seen in the trading market.

Now it seems that the price of ten high-grade crystals is indeed not low, but it will definitely not be too high.

"I'll add a high-grade spar to each bottle!" A voice suddenly came out of nowhere, and it was equivalent to adding half a yellow-rank spar.

"I'll add one too..."

Because such special-grade healing medicines are sold in batches every time, at least ten batches are in each auction, so this batch of special-grade healing medicines finally stopped when they reached 20 topaz crystals, and the next nine The first batch of super healing medicines only stopped at the left end of this range.

After all, no matter how expensive it is, it is better to go to some big pharmacies to buy it. Although it is more expensive, at least there is no need to compete with others here.

After some warm-up, another treasure appeared, which was a piece of black kraft paper.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw this piece of kraft paper.

You must know that the records on the kraft paper are generally prescriptions. Although some common prescriptions are common pills, if they can be produced in large quantities, their value will definitely not be lower than those precious prescriptions. There are also some precious prescriptions, but because the medicinal materials needed for them are extremely rare, they become extremely cheap.

Generally speaking, the value of a prescription lies in whether it can be really used to create benefits for gangs or families.

Now this pill is held by the fire-eyed sage, and looking at his enthusiastic expression, everyone feels that this prescription is definitely not ordinary, at least it is a healing prescription.

"Quack quack, everyone, although this prescription is not as good as super-grade healing medicine, its value is destined to be needed by many families. It is a high-level healing medicine prescription!" The voice of the fire-eye master suddenly paused here, and he The price of this prescription was not mentioned, just to leave room for imagination.

When everyone was silent, the voice of the fire-eyed master sounded again, "Its low price is a yellow-grade spar!"


All of a sudden, the whole audience was excited, this price is really the price of cabbage.

Of course, this prescription is not Chinese cabbage, and the final bid is still required.

"Ten yellow spars every time the price is increased!" Lu Yang obviously felt his heart beat violently when he heard this number.

If the Tianyi Sect also has such a prescription, as long as the Tianyi Sect disciples go out to practice and get injured, they can use advanced healing medicine to heal their injuries, and the Tianyi Sect disciples will reduce a lot of casualties. If it is destroyed, there is a chance to become a more powerful sect.

"Twenty pieces of one yellow spar!" Lu Yang was the first to raise the sign, which was his first bid. Then he turned his head to look at the maid next to him, and asked, "This is my token. I wonder how many topaz spars I can pay in advance here."

No way, a healing medicine is not good for a family or gang

An indispensable treasure.

If the medicinal materials inside are relatively common, then the value of this prescription will be even greater.

Of course, prescriptions are also divided into original and rubbing versions. Originally, it could be copied, but the rubbing version is impossible, and every prescription of the rubbing version is given to a secretary in the dark, and the dispenser can only take the prescription to configure the medicinal materials. The content will be forgotten. It is precisely because of this that the price of prescriptions continues to rise throughout the continent.

Today, Lu Yang is going to try to buy one or two town treasures for his sect.

"Hahaha, I want this prescription! Forty-one yellow crystals!" Suddenly outside the private room, a big man shouted holding a sign.

In fact, among the tens of thousands of seats, only more than a thousand people are eligible to ask for a price, and the others are just watching the fun and taking this opportunity to increase their knowledge.

"I'll offer fifty yuan a yellow-rank spar!" Another tall, fake yellow-rank beast master shouted.

At this time, the maid also hurried in from the outside, "My lord, you can advance a thousand pieces of yellow spar. But Elder Zhan asked me to tell you that if you are willing to become our exclusive rune master, such a prescription, we Duobao Pavilion can be given to adults for free."

When the maid was speaking, she had deliberately shaken her body, trying to make the two pairs of protrusions on her chest more rounded.

In his opinion, Lu Yang has been upgraded from the previous distinguished guest to an unlimited new star.

Although there are many existences in Duobao Pavilion who can advance the yellow-rank spar, the fact is that it is usually several hundred. Anyone who involves thousands of yellow-rank spar is some extreme genius, or the core figure of some big family.

However, it can be seen from the young man's age that he is not that old yet, so there is only one possibility left, that he is a peerless arrogance.

This is not a big deal, Elder Zhan, who has always been proud of his talents, actually wants to give this young man a prescription worth nearly a hundred yellow crystal stones for free, which is really big enough.

"Then I would like to thank Elder Zhan!" Lu Yang did have something he wanted to buy, so he nodded and asked the maid to stand aside.

Of course, this maid couldn't seduce Lu Yang, so she naturally took second place and put it on Huo Qiang. It's just that she is not too casual after all, she is also a high-level beast master after all, and she still has the restraint she should have.

However, it was Huo Qiang's first time participating in the auction, so naturally he would not put his energy on this maid.

And at this time, the bidding for the prescription finally came to an end.

One hundred and eighty-one yellow-rank crystals were taken away by a fake yellow-rank beast master!

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