The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 246 Ice Flame Rune

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Chapter 246 Ice Flame Rune

Unexpectedly, the beast masters in Luoyang City are indeed very rich.

He was secretly amazed when he saw that a fake yellow-rank animal master spent nearly two hundred yellow-rank crystals to take a prescription without even blinking his eyes.

You must know that although the yellow-rank spar is a common currency in the first-tier cities, it is almost a rare cultivation resource in the second-tier cities. This is one of the main reasons why there are obviously fewer yellow-rank beast masters in the second-tier cities than in the first-tier cities.

Of course, if a gang or family wants to survive in a first-tier city, the cost will naturally increase too much. In contrast, if Tianyimen settles down in Luoyang City, the same daily cost is almost ten times that of Donglai City. times, or even more, this is not counting the suppression of Tianyimen by other gangs in Luoyang City.

Therefore, if Tianyimen wants to really rise, it will take a while to lay the groundwork. At least Lu Yang seems to be able to replenish the resources of Tianyimen. This is also the main purpose for him to buy a large number of low-level beast masters, intermediate beast masters, and even high-level beast masters.

"This is a high-grade spiritual energy. There is a primary spirit-gathering formation in the spirit weapon. Although it is just a primary spirit-gathering formation, this gathering spirit can inject the spiritual energy absorbed by the formation into the beast master's body." The inside of the body, thereby reducing the size of the beast master's body, greatly increasing the combat effectiveness of the beast master, especially for the pseudo-yellow rank beast master." Fire Eye Holy Finger said, pointing to the spiritual weapon on the table.

"This high-grade spiritual weapon is priced at a low price of 100 yellow-rank crystals, and five yellow-rank spars are added each time. Bid now!"

As the auction progressed, more and more auction items were brought up. Among these auction items, there was a top-grade spiritual weapon that was bought for five thousand yellow-rank crystals, which was almost a small climax of a normal auction.

"Now it's time for the runes. The first auction item is five flame runes. Of course, if it's just an ordinary flame rune, it's not a big deal. Everyone, these five flame runes are made of ice crystals. Made, that is to say, this flame rune has the effect of ice and fire."

"That is to say, in this flame rune, there is still a certain cooling effect, and the most powerful thing about this rune is not the effect of both ice and fire, but that the ice spar will explode in advance, forming a certain cooling effect , and then the flame rune will explode. This way, the flame rune will completely lock the opponent." The words of the fire eye master really made the yellow rank beast masters in the field quiet down and start thinking What kind of price should I offer.

You must know that although there are not many runes on the market, they are definitely not available to anyone, especially this kind of runes made of special spar, the price is even more expensive.

But when it comes to ice crystals used to make flame runes, the general effect is to clear the fire. Such flame runes will increase the power to a certain extent, but only within a certain range , but if the ice energy can be released in advance, the effect will be completely different.

In the world of runes, this fire rune that can release the ice attribute in advance is also called the ice flame rune, which means that a layer of ice attribute can be released in advance outside the flame. The number of such runes is very small, but the power is correspondingly much greater than that of a simple fire and ice volley, especially for the powerful yellow-rank beast masters, the ice and flame runes are more handy to use .

It can be said that these five flame runes are considered to be very powerful among the elementary runes.

"I'm in the 150th rank yellow spar." Sure enough, as soon as this ice flame rune appeared, it attracted the attention of a large number of yellow rank beast masters on the field. Added fifty pieces of yellow-order spar.

Although the auction house only allowed a price increase of five yellow-rank crystals at a time, there was no upper limit. If a rich man appears, even if he is willing to add 5,000 pieces of yellow-grade spar, the auction house will not object.

"I'll offer one hundred and sixty yellow-grade crystals." The second call, although the increase was not too outrageous, still added ten yellow-grade crystals at a time. It was the price shouted out by a slightly bloated yellow rank beast master.

"I will offer one hundred and seventy pieces of yellow-step spar."

"I will offer one hundred and eighty pieces of yellow-grade spar..."

"I'll offer 500 pieces of yellow-rank crystals!" As the yellow-rank beast masters scrambled for it, the price soared higher and higher. Finally, a yellow-rank beast master called the price to a critical point. According to the price of the evening auction, According to the rules, these 500 pieces of yellow-rank crystals are considered a critical point.

If the price is lower than this price, it is definitely a big profit, but if it is higher than this price, it is open to discussion. After all, there is no chance this time, similar runes will appear next time, and better runes may appear in this auction, of course, it is very likely that they will not appear, it depends on these yellow rank beast masters They have their own plans.

"I'll offer five hundred and twenty yellow crystals!" Sure enough, at the moment when everyone hesitated, another yellow beast master stood up from the VIP seat and called out a price that was neither high nor low.

"I'll offer five hundred and fifty yellow-rank crystals!" The yellow-rank beast master who shouted this time was sitting in the private room, and his status was obviously much higher than that of the beast master outside.

"One time for five hundred and fifty yellow-rank spars, two times for five hundred and fifty yellow-rank spars, and three times for five hundred and fifty yellow-rank spars!" In the end, this ice and flame rune was fixed at five hundred and fifty yellow-rank spars.

This surprised Lu Yang. Because in his opinion, his space flame rune is definitely more valuable than this ice flame rune.

to be tall.

Although there is only one piece, its value is absolutely inestimable.

"Now, please invite the second rune auction item!" The fire-eyed master looked at the beautiful maid beside him and said with a smile.

Don't underestimate these maids, those who are enough to go on stage are basically fake yellow-rank beast masters, and they still need to have some relationship with the auction house. It's a beautiful job.

"Ordinary black earth runes? No, hundreds of black earth runes!" The original earth runes should increase defense, but if there are too many earth runes, they can be used together with raw wood runes Generally speaking, if one hundred sinking earth runes and one hundred living wood runes are used together, large-scale construction can be carried out, thereby doubling the expansion of a second-tier city into a medium-sized second-tier city. If the number is larger, the area of ​​the secondary city can also be expanded to the first-level city.

Of course, the division between a first-tier city and a second-tier city is not based on the size of the city, but on the heart of the city and the strength of the aura condensed in the heart of the city. It can be said that even if it is the weakest first-tier city, the spiritual energy that can be gathered is definitely not as much as that of a second-tier city. More importantly, the heart of the city in a first-tier city has a sense of seizing the good fortune of heaven and earth, which is also an important reason for determining the number of yellow-rank beast masters in a first-tier city.

Some digressions, let's get down to business.

Although earth runes are not as effective as fire runes, soft water runes, or even metal runes in combat, the role of earth runes and wood runes in other aspects is also immeasurable, at least in civil engineering. On the one hand, the effect of earth runes is dozens of times faster than that of pure manual use.

Now there are hundreds of sunken earth runes in a row. Even if the price of one sunken earth rune is not high, if there are only ten yellow-rank crystals at most, once the number reaches a certain level, the price will also have a certain range What's more, it's a hundred sinking earth runes.

"Now the low price of these 100 sunken earth runes is 1,000 yellow-rank crystals, and the price will increase by 100 each time!" With the announcement of the fire-eye master, the financial resources involved in this auction can no longer be described by the gang alone. , and even representatives of the city lords of some surrounding second-tier cities and even first-tier cities are ready to make a move.

After all, seeing the expansion of Luoyang City day by day, these surrounding second-tier cities and first-tier cities are also very jealous. Otherwise, as long as Luoyang City exists, if they do not develop, they will be suppressed by Luoyang City for a day.

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