The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 250: Duobao Pavilion Elite Seed

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Chapter 250: Duobao Pavilion Elite Seed

When Elder Zhan was speaking, Lu Yang noticed that there was a woman in black standing behind Elder Zhan.

Don't look at the woman in black who looks ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that this woman not only has an excellent figure, but also has a beautiful face that is a disaster for the country and the people.

It's only because his aura is too weird that people can easily ignore him unconsciously.

"Is this a dark aura?" Although Lu Yang couldn't be sure if this woman was a rune master of the dark department, he could tell that there was a strong dark aura about this woman.

However, this dark aura is not an incomparably evil existence like a demon, but a faint feeling, which is even easily ignored by people.

Lu Yang knew that this kind of person was the most suitable for assassination, especially as an assassin, who could almost cross levels and kill enemies beyond a small realm, or even a large realm.

If Lu Yang fights this person now, in the open, this person is not Lu Yang's opponent, but in the dark, there is a 90% chance that Lu Yang will be killed by her.

So the moment he saw this person, Lu Yang felt an extremely strong sense of danger from the bottom of his heart, which made him unable to keep calm. On the contrary, this woman still looks as stable as a mountain, without any abnormal performance.

"Absolutely a master!" Lu Yang evaluated silently in his heart.

"Master Lu, this is my niece Zhan Yue, who is also my closest person, let her take you to see the location of your store." Elder Zhan looked at his niece with loving eyes, but There is also a hint of contradiction.

It can be seen that he loves and hates his niece, but he is powerless. This expression is like how Lu Yang's parents in his previous life treated their rebellious children.

But this is Elder Zhan's family business after all, so it's not good for Lu Yang to get too involved.

"Let's go!" Knowing that he should go, Lu Yang made a gesture of invitation to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

Although this is a world where men are superior to women, a strong man will take care of the weak to a certain extent, and a strong man will also take care of women in some places. This is not a shame, on the contrary, it is a place to show a person's character.

"Elder Lu, according to the rules of our Duobao Pavilion, since you have become the elder of our Duobao Pavilion, you need to visit our Duobao Pavilion first." Although Zhan Yue is a woman, her aura And the tone of speech, but not weaker than men, even stronger than some powerful veteran beast masters.

Among the female beast masters, except for the perverted places like Hongyan City, she is almost considered the top female beast master Lu Yang has ever seen.

"Thank you very much!" Lu Yang didn't know what the other party was thinking, but said without refusing.

"Please go this way!" Zhan Yue pointed to the passage ahead and said.

That is a door through which the average person simply has no right. After passing through this door, Lu Yang saw four yellow-rank beast masters holding high-grade spiritual weapons guarding here, on the one hand to prevent people from entering by mistake, and on the other hand to deter some villains.

When they went further, there were seven or eight forked roads, extending in all directions, leading to more than a dozen rooms in Duobao Pavilion. Zhan Yue just found one of the paths and led Lu Yang in, and soon a brand new passage appeared in front of them.

In this passage, Lu Yang could feel a series of powerful divine senses sweeping across his body, all of which seemed to be existences above the yellow rank of ferocious beasts.

After walking for a stick of incense, they turned seven or eight more corners, and finally a hall appeared in front of them. In the hall, seven or eight yellow rank beast masters were sitting next to rows of bookshelves, seeming to be sorting out something.

"The purpose of bringing you here today is not to let you join Duobao Pavilion, but because of your uniqueness, you may become the Supreme Elder of Duobao Pavilion in the future. Generally, such existences are at least Xuan-rank Beast Master Grand Master." Perfect existence. Of course, if there is an earth-level beast master in Duobao Pavilion, it is possible to live in a king-level city in the future." When Zhan Yue said these words, there was no expression on her face, as if she was Talk about something that has nothing to do with you.

But Lu Yang could feel that Zhan Yuexin was so arrogant that she had even been listed as the same candidate as him by Duobao Pavilion, but she was an insider of Duobao Pavilion after all, so she would be given more resources. So I have some opinions about myself.

Could it be that she thinks I can't be such an existence?

Lu Yang couldn't see through this woman's thoughts, and apart from being lukewarm to him, she really didn't show too many personal emotions about himself.

"A king-level city? That is indeed the dream city of many beast masters." Lu Yang nodded. He read a lot of miscellaneous notes in the book area, but there are very few records about king-level cities. Most Xuan-rank beast masters may not be able to reach that place in their entire lives, let alone Huang-rank beast masters.

"This is the archives area. All the beast masters who have records in Duobao Pavilion have records on it, and the records of Huang rank beast masters are in a small area over there. The information selected by the elder is placed in the most core position of Duobao Pavilion, you and I have no right to enter. In addition, your information is also backed up in the headquarters of Duobao Pavilion." Zhan Yue pointed The few areas in front whispered.

"There are more than ten areas in the front, such as the magic treasure area, the mission area, and the pill area. Each area has its own purpose, but at present, you are not eligible to enter here

. Unless you can be promoted to the late stage of the Yellow Rank Beast Master, you will have the opportunity to sit here and accept the task. "Zhan Yue pointed to some deeper areas and said to Lu Yang.

Following what Zhan Yue pointed out, he saw that although there were not many people in the front area, he could see four or five beast masters walking in it, and every beast master was at the late stage of the yellow rank, and there was even a beast master. The strength of the beast master has reached the Yellow Rank Dzogchen.

However, after the strength reaches the Great Perfection of the Yellow rank, you need to look for opportunities in the third-level main city, so that you have the opportunity to be promoted to the Xuan-rank beast master, and the ordinary Xuan-rank beast master has almost no one in the first-level city. The opportunity to be promoted to the Xuan rank Beast Master is a personal chance and a city's luck.

And Duobaoge set up such an organization in a first-tier city, on the one hand to cultivate talents for itself, and on the other hand to accumulate contacts for Duobaoge.

"If you do this now, can I think that Duobao Pavilion is throwing an olive branch to me?" Lu Yang couldn't help joking with Zhan Yue's cold face all the way.

"Master Lu, it is very strict to become the internal seed of Duobao Pavilion. It is not only possible if you have potential, but also need your identity, background and many other factors, so you have no chance for the time being." No consideration was given to Lu Yang Zhan Yue said bluntly.

"It turns out that there are so many restrictions. It seems that I am really not suitable." Being ashamed by Zhan Yue, Lu Yang just said dryly, not angry.

"Go this way, this is the quest office, you can take a look at the quests you can get there." Saying that, Zhan Yue handed a thick book to Lu Yang, "There will be a new book of this kind every month, The above will count the tasks that have been completed, as well as some tasks left over from the past. In addition, as a seed, you still have the opportunity to get the information sent by Duobao Pavilion every month, but it is only limited to the third-level main city where you are. within the range."

What Zhan Yue said was very clear, which made Lu Yang more curious about this frosty woman.

"This is a first-level task! Kill a yellow-ranked beast, the red-haired lion king, kill..."

The first-level missions are all dedicated to killing yellow-rank beasts. Although the rewards are not very rich, there are between 100 and 500 yellow-rank spars. Compared with some family tasks, the rewards here are indeed much richer. The key It's not that the content of the mission is very dangerous. This is where Duobaoge's wealth is.

"There is a second-level task booklet later, but it's out of your reach for the time being." Zhan Yue put away the first booklet, and took out another booklet to Lu Yang.

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