The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 251: The Gift of Duobao Pavilion

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Chapter 251: The Gift of Duobao Pavilion

"This is a contribution book, and there are many characters in it. Compared with the bounty mission, it has more content. Most of the rewards in it are contribution points. Compared with the bounty book, the bounty of the contribution book is almost zero. Of course, the contribution points can also be exchanged for magical medicine pills and other items, and the price is much cheaper than pure bounty." Zhan Yue handed another booklet to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang looked at the brochure, and it was true that, as Zhan Yue said, the remuneration was calculated based on pure contribution points, although there were corresponding bounties, which were basically the same as the travel expenses of his previous business trips, unless there was no consumption during the journey, otherwise After completing the task, there is usually nothing left.

After seeing the mission, Zhan Yue led Lu Yang towards the spirit weapon area. In the spirit weapon area, Lu Yang not only saw a lot of high-grade spirit weapons, but also saw a lot of top-grade spirit weapons.

Compared with top-grade spiritual weapons, although the number of top-grade spiritual weapons is not large, there are at least thirty pieces. These top-grade spirit weapons are not only much stronger in material than top-grade spirit weapons, but also much more powerful, but they also require a lot of contribution points. It may take a year for a general late-stage yellow-rank beastmaster to accumulate them. to so many contribution points.

In addition to the spirit tool area, there is also the pill area, the beast area, the prescription area, the rune area, etc. As long as the items that can be bought in the market, almost all of them can be exchanged here. Of course, the premise is that this item is not cheap enough to be the price of cabbage, nor is it so rare that it is almost impossible to find, or exceeds the needs of a beast master of the Xuan rank or above. Otherwise, basically all the things that a beast master needs can be found here turn up.

After passing through these areas, Lu Yang finally had a new understanding of Duobao Pavilion. But then he asked a little strangely, "Does Duobao Pavilion have such an underground palace in all first-tier cities? Duobao Pavilion is really too powerful!"

"Hehe, Duobao Pavilion has Duobao Pavilion as a branch under the first-level main city, but such a place is almost very rare in a first-level city. As far as I know, in our location In this third-level main city, only our Luoyang City has such a mission." Although Zhan Yue's attitude is not very good, whenever Lu Yang has questions, she will try her best to answer them, which makes Lu Yang very satisfied.

"Thank you!" After walking around the Duobao Pavilion, it was already noon. Lu Yang invited Zhanyue to the largest restaurant in Luoyang to have a good meal on the grounds of gratitude.

Sure enough, using other people's methods and eating others' soft hands, Zhan Yue's attitude towards Lu Yang finally changed after Lu Yang spent dozens of yellow-grade spars for a big meal, but to be honest, Lu Yang really felt that Very heartache.

However, all the dishes in this meal are made of elixir, and they are also paired with the flesh and blood of the yellow-rank beasts, which directly improves the quality of this meal several times. It can be said that spending dozens of yellow-order spars on this meal is completely worth the money. And Huo Qiang's biggest benefit is that he has directly broken through the cultivation base limit of junior beast masters and reached the realm of Dzogchen. If there is a book of intermediate beast masters for him at this time, he may be able to be promoted to intermediate without even thinking about it. Beast Master.

But Lu Yang didn't give him a chance. After all, it is very easy to be promoted to an intermediate beast master, and it can be solved in seconds, but today's opportunity to communicate with the elite seeds of Duobao Pavilion is probably the only one in this lifetime for Huo Qiang. Lu Yang could take this opportunity to let Huo Qiang see what a real genius looks like, and let him find a reference for comparison.

After leaving the restaurant, they went to a tea house to rest for a while, and then they came to a shop. This shop is not big, but it has a full thousand square meters, and it is divided into two floors. The lower floor is an ordinary shop. In the area, there are a wide variety of products in it. Although the prices are not expensive, the prices are all calculated based on high-grade crystals. The things on the second floor are much more expensive. Although the items inside are not so expensive that they are priced in yellow-rank spar, the cheapest item above is more than 100 high-grade spar.

Walking to the second floor, Zhan Yue pointed to these commodities and said to Lu Yang: "Elder Lu, all the items here are consigned by our Duobao Pavilion. From now on, if we sell a commodity here, our Duobao Pavilion will I will give you 20% of the profit. If there is a shortage of goods, you can come to our Duobao Pavilion to buy goods at any time. The price is the same as before. Of course, you can sell any goods here, but you have to bear the profit and loss. "

The meaning of Zhanyue is very simple, that is, if you buy from us, we will give you enough profit, but if you don't buy from us, then I'm sorry, we, Duobaoge, are not responsible for the profit and loss of the store. Lu Yang is very satisfied with Duobaoge's management method. After all, the other party has given him all the stores with such a good location. If the management is not good, it will really be his problem.

After Zhan Yue took him to see the shop, she took him out of the house. If it is used as a residence, it must be a large house, but as a school, it will be much smaller, but fortunately, this is only the temporary foothold of Tianmayimen in Luoyang City.

"Okay, I've explained all these things to you, and then it's up to you to arrange it yourself. We'll meet later!" It's only a day, although Lu Yang's contact with Zhan Yue is not long, but for Zhan Yue's He still admired the professionalism, and Zhan Yue was able to tell him everything he knew without taking his own emotions into account during the chat, and he hardly kept any secrets, which made Lu Yang Treat her differently.

If there is no danger in Zhan Yue, she should have a very bright future. This is Land vs. Ocean

monthly evaluation.

Of course, Lu Yang thought of the special features of Zhan Yue, and the best result for her in the future is to be a killer. Although this road is sometimes smooth, once the mission fails, the end is more often extremely miserable.

After bidding farewell to Zhan Yue, Lu Yang took Huo Qiang around his courtyard again, leaving Huo Qiang here. At the same time, Lu Yang also handed over the store to Huo Qiang.

On the one hand, it was because Huo Qiang did have a certain talent for business, and on the other hand, it was also because there was no one he trusted too much in Luoyang City. Although even if he doesn't take care of these places, these shops and courtyards will be well taken care of with Duobao Pavilion, but this is not in line with Lu Yang's always thrifty character.

So after some choices, this choice was made.

After arranging all this, Lu Yang handed Huo Qiang a copy of Intermediate Beast Control and Advanced Beast Control, and then left the courtyard and rushed to the restaurant.

As soon as he returned to the restaurant, he saw that Du Xian and Murong Fuye had rushed back from outside.

"Brother, I'm really sorry for you these few days. I let you stay alone in Luoyang City, and didn't take you for a stroll in Luoyang City." Seeing Lu Yang coming back from outside, Du Xian was the first to greet him Said.

Du Xian looks very enthusiastic, and seems to have gained a lot in the past few days.

Murong Fuye looked very calm, and she always looked at Lu Yang with some hesitation, as if she had discovered something, but also seemed to have discovered nothing.

After Lu Yang walked in from the outside, she smiled and said: "This time Brother Xian and I went to a friend's house and asked about the devil by the way. But this matter is very secret, so I won't talk about it here for the time being." .I'll tell you about it when we go back."

Lu Yang calculated that tomorrow was the date to go back, so he didn't say anything.

After all, he knew very well in his heart that the devil's matter involved the entire human race, and there might be some shocking secrets in it, so it's okay for Murong Fuye to be so cautious now.

At this time, Du Xian said with a smile again: "Brother, it is thanks to you that we came to Luoyang City this time. I must choose an auspicious day to get engaged when I come to the city!"

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