The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 252: In charge of the Kun Family

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Chapter 252: In charge of the Kun Family

Hearing Du Xian's words, Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, "Congratulations to Brother Du and Miss Murong for their happy marriage."

From the very beginning, Lu Yang felt that Murong Fuye and Du Xian were a match made in heaven, it was only because after that incident, there was some estrangement between them, but now the estrangement is less and less, and the relationship between them is getting closer. It is a good thing to be able to tie the knot now.

"Thank you, Master Lu, for your fulfillment. If it weren't for Master Lu's rescue several times, we might not be where we are today." When this matter was mentioned, Murong Fuye showed his little daughter's shy look, which made Lu Yang sighed slightly in his heart, Du Xian will be blessed in the future.

"Well, I won't bother you two. We will leave on time tomorrow morning." Now that he has become a blessing, there is no need for Lu Yang to be a light bulb here. He chatted with Du Xian and set off the next day. thing, he said goodbye and left.

Lu Yang didn't go back to his room directly, but went to the disciples of Tianyimen, looked at the goods they bought these days, and after confirming that they were correct, he went back to the inn with confidence.

The next day, the Du family caravan and the Tianyimen caravan gathered together to return to Donglai City.

At the same time, in the Kun family in Donglai City, Kunpeng was standing at the door of a cave covered in blood. Outside the cave, more than a dozen elders of the Kun family looked at him dumbfounded. Even Kunpeng's Father Kun Lun saw his son's performance, and his face was also different.

Only Kunpeng himself seemed to be a normal person. Even though he had dozens of wounds over ten centimeters on his body, he didn't show any guilt. On the contrary, it made his aura even more evil and strange. This made Kunlun couldn't help wondering if the young man in front of him was his son.

"What's the matter, father? Don't you know me?" Kunpeng's smile became more and more evil, and the people who saw it shuddered, but his incomparable strength also deeply impressed everyone, and even believed that the young man in front of him had indeed obtained something. Qiyu suddenly became extremely powerful, and now he can even kill seven in and seven out of the family's beast cave. This kind of strength has surpassed the records of the Kun family's previous strongmen, and he may even become the first Kun family to be promoted to The existence of the Xuan-rank Beast Master.

Such a talent had to be valued by the Kun family. If it is used well, it is very likely that the Kun family carp will jump into the first-tier city, or even live in the third-tier main city. That is the dream of generations of their Kun family.

"Hehe, my good boy, how could I not know you. I just think that after your strength has improved, you have become much more terrifying than before, which made me unacceptable for a while." Kunlun was not an idiot, and he regained his composure in the blink of an eye.

Now that he has his son backing him up, no one in the Kun family would dare to fight against him anymore.

"From now on, I declare that my son Kunpeng will be made the Supreme Elder!" Kunlun is not a fool, so he naturally knows what to say now.

"Haha, second brother, are you stupid? It's a dream to let a hairy child be the elder!" Kunyang was the first to stand up. He had already been dissatisfied with Kunlun. After doing something excessive, he knew his chance had come.

"Second brother, I also think it's a bit far-fetched for you to do this. Have you been sitting in the position of Patriarch for too long, and you have already forgotten how you should manage the family?" Kunlan said with a cold smile on her face.

"How could it be? I am the eldest son of the family, and the affairs of the family are my affairs. With my son, can't you all enjoy the happiness?" The expression on Kunlun's face was still very flat, as if the two of them It was a piece of cake for two brothers to turn against him together, and he didn't care at all.

"Hmph, second brother, don't say too much. I am the first to object to letting your son become the Supreme Elder. His strength has not reached the Xuan level, so it is impossible to become the Supreme Elder." Yes, among all the families, The Supreme Elder must be above the Xuan rank, which is the minimum requirement.

"Yeah, I think you should give up the position of patriarch. I will let Kunyang be the patriarch. Raise your hands if you agree!" Kunlan gloated at his misfortune, and was happy to see Kunyang and Kunpeng fighting each other.

But at this moment, Kunpeng, who had been silent all this time, looked at Kunyang, and immediately said coldly, "Kunyang, I respect you as my uncle and the elder of our family, today you cut off your own arm , I count you as you, otherwise you would not be able to leave here alive today. And you Kunlan is the same!"

"What, you bastard, you actually talk to your uncle like that, Kunlun, look at the good son you have raised. I think you should hand over the position of patriarch and go back to educate your son!" Hearing Kunpeng If so, Kun Yang said with a grim expression.

"Kunpeng, don't talk like that, be careful and you will lose your future in life. You are still the eldest son of the Kun family, and everything in the Kun family will still be yours in the future, and it doesn't matter if your father is the head of the family or not." Seeing that Kunpeng was already angry, Kunlan also added fire to it.

Kunlun, on the other hand, stood by and kept silent. He wanted to watch the excitement, or he was full of confidence in his son's victory.

"Damn you two!" Kunpeng was completely enraged by what Kunlan and Kunyang said.

"Woo woo woo..."

All of a sudden, puffs of black air spread out from his back, and a pair of black wings stretched out from his back like the wings of a great roc. Apart from the extremely powerful evil aura, there was also With strands of destructive power, it seems that everything in front of him will be torn apart by this powerful force

as broken.

"No, this little bastard dares to kill us, Kunyang, let's kill this rebellious little bastard together!" Kunlan felt that he was instantly locked by Kunpeng's breath, and he was immediately trembling with fright, but he didn't If the fool just trembled, he would die sooner or later, so he immediately summoned his fierce beast to fit with him.

With a loud bang, a strong man with a giant tortoise shell on his back appeared in front of Kunpeng.

"Six-horned spirit turtle?" Seeing that the tortoise shell on the man's back was in the shape of a diamond, Kunpeng sneered, and then he looked at Kunyang again.

At this moment, Kunyang also merged with his pet in an instant. His figure was like a loach, and like a python, but there were large patches of lightning all over his body.

Although Kunyang did not comprehend the lightning rune, decades of research has allowed him to touch a trace of the lightning rune. If he can break through smoothly, his combat effectiveness will increase several times, but even so he will have to compare Ordinary beast masters are much stronger.

But in front of Kunpeng, there was no threat at all, "You two go together."

Kunpeng pointed at Kunyang and Kunlan with two fingers, and said very disdainfully.

"Yeah, little bastard, don't blame me for being cruel, you are the first to be rebellious." Kunyang knew that he was wronged and bullied the small with the big, but now he is really scared.

"Okay, junior, you disrespect the elders, let me educate you!" Kunlan was also very scared, but with Kunyang with him, his fear was much less.


Kunyang is a combat beast master, so as soon as he made a move, his body turned into a dragon-shaped lightning and rushed towards Kunpeng. Suddenly, his surroundings were covered by lightning, like a small lightning pond.

And Kunlan followed behind Kunyang, turned into a huge ball and slammed into Kunpeng fiercely. If Kunpeng attacks with thunder, he will show up to protect Kunyang at any time. After all, among many battle pets, his defense power is super strong.

It's a pity that just when he thought he would succeed, a black light suddenly pulled out from Kunpeng's palm, and the black light changed rapidly, turning into a black long sword.

Kunpeng held the black long sword tightly, and with a sudden pounce, he entered the lightning pond.

Just when people were still expecting the result of the battle, the black long sword actually tore open the flash battery pond, the black light swept across, and the flash battery pond collapsed instantly.

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