The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 261: Gathering Lingzhu

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Chapter 261: Gathering Lingzhu

Of course, if Lu Yang had a better choice, he would never use this waste of resources to solve the problem.

But it doesn't matter anymore, at least he still has a chance to make people from Tianyimen become Huang rank beast masters, although the price may be higher.

After Lu Yang dealt with the python, he continued to walk deep into the buried forest. This time, he didn't think too highly of himself, but called out the Golden Battle King to be by his side.

Because if you go deeper from here, the ferocious beasts that appear are likely to be no longer ordinary yellow-rank ferocious beasts, but become more and more powerful.

Suddenly, Lu Yang thought of a legend. It is said that there is a mysterious passage in this buried forest, and there is an unimaginable treasure in the passage. If you get this treasure, you can have amazing talents, and even have the opportunity to become an almighty rune master. Dominate the world.

Although Lu Yang has heard of this legend, he is not interested in it. After all, there are too few legends, and fake ones account for almost one-tenth, or even less than one percent.

As Lu Yang moved forward, a large river appeared in front of him. This large river irrigated the buried forest and became the mother river of this forest. Countless creatures were nourished and grew because of this. It is said that there are still hidden treasures in this river. With powerful aura, if someone can cultivate by this river for a long time, his cultivation will be improved by leaps and bounds, but at the same time, this river is also full of endless dangers.

A large river with a width of hundreds of meters is now flowing in front of Lu Yang's eyes. The river is turbulent and surging, and the waves are higher than the waves. It seems that it can smash the people or beasts who dare to offend it into pieces at any time.

But even so, there are still a large number of various fish in the river, several meters long, jumping non-stop. It seems that the higher they escape, the higher their achievements.

"Huh?" Lu Yang suddenly felt a thought coming from the pet space, and he knew without thinking that this thought must have been created by the little girl, and it was the idea of ​​the big python.

"What, there is a huge cave under this river, and this cave is controlled by a huge tortoise?" Hearing what the big python said, Lu Yang suddenly had a surprise in his heart. Because he felt that he seemed to have found the legendary treasure. If he found the legendary thing, he might be able to improve his strength.

Of course, it's too early for him to be happy. He has to go there himself to know the real situation there.

"Master, your pet space that can accommodate the yellow-rank ferocious beast is full. If you want to increase the space, please inject ten yellow-rank spar, and every time you add a space, you need to add more yellow-rank spar!" At this moment, Xiaomei's voice has become a little Mechanization, this is the system notification sound, not from Xiaomei.

"Why do you want spars? Forget it, I still have a lot here, anyway, it's only ten yellow-rank spars." Although he was a little dissatisfied with the requirements of the system, Lu Yang could still bear the expenses for the time being.

"Fifty yellow spar!" Lu Yang put in the yellow spar, and five pet spaces soon appeared. Now the python has its own place to live, instead of staying in the area of ​​high-level beasts.

"Gulu Gulu..."

When there were more and more fish on the water surface, suddenly a white bead slowly rose into the air, and hundreds of large fish several meters long jumped out of the water at once.

As soon as these big fish jumped out of the water, they sprayed out hundreds of things like silk threads, and these things were like silver threads winding towards the white bead, entwining the bead all at once.

However, no matter how many silver wires are wrapped around it, it doesn't seem to increase the size of the bead, but instead makes it more compact. This made Lu Yang feel amazed.

But he knew that this matter was far from that simple.


Seeing this situation, the boa quickly said with his mind: "This thing is the food of the three-eyed turtle king, and now he is about to enter the middle stage of the yellow rank, and this bead is the essence of heaven and earth it has accumulated for hundreds of years. What these big fish spit out now is also a kind of heaven and earth spiritual energy, which can purify this bead."

If the three-eyed tortoise king eats this bead, his cultivation will definitely rise to the middle of the yellow rank, or even to the peak of the late yellow rank, and it will be difficult to control it at that time.

The boa constrictor seemed to have a grudge against the three-eyed turtle king, so when he saw this bead, he screamed desperately, hoping that Lu Yang could snatch it halfway.

However, Lu Yang didn't make a move, because he could feel that this bead still needs to go through some transformation before it can truly become a treasure, not now.

Sure enough, after hundreds of big fish completely spit out the silver thread, hundreds of black things like cuttlefish came up from the water surface, and the things spit out by these black cuttlefish were not black. Yes, it's the same white thing, but instead of silver thread, it's white saliva.

Large flakes of white saliva stood on top of the beads, increasing the volume of the beads several times. However, as the volume of the bead increased, this bead also began to absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

Afterwards, several waves of aquatic beasts appeared, and this bead was finally about to transform.

Lu Yang knew it was time for him to act.

"Woo woo woo..."

As more and more heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered, the light on this bead began to gather, and then this bead gave out a sharp scream.

"It's this time!" Lu Yang immediately moved

The Golden Battle King merged with himself, and he was the first to rush to that bead.

Ten thousand meters, nine thousand meters, eight thousand meters...

When Lu Yang's speed was getting faster and faster, suddenly a big fish with a length of tens of meters and a weight of at least 100,000 catties appeared in front of Lu Yang. It was covered with needles.

As soon as it appeared, it rushed towards Lu Yang. The needles all over its body were more than ten meters long, which could easily pierce a high-level beast, and this big fish itself was also an existence infinitely close to a yellow-rank beast.

"Fly for me!" Lu Yang didn't have time to worry about these things now, so he blasted out with one punch.

The palm of the hand was protected by vitality, and it hit Big Fish. The needle pierced the beaten fan, and Big Fish was instantly thrown away by a force of hundreds of thousands of catties.

Immediately afterwards, another ferocious beast appeared in front of Lu Yang. It was a wolf with wings, but where the wolf had a tail, it turned out to be a tail. It came out to intercept Lu Yang with a bloody mouth. .

"Another high-level beast that is infinitely close to a yellow-rank beast!" Lu Yang was slightly taken aback, and then punched him again.

But at this time, a huge monster has slowly risen from the water in the distance.

It was a large tortoise, tens of meters long, with thin and long compound eyes on its forehead, and a green tortoise shell like a pot lid on its back.

The huge tortoise shell almost covered its entire body, and this defensive power alone might not be something that ordinary yellow rank beast masters could contend with.

What's more, it didn't take Lu Yang seriously at all, and still leaned against the bead extremely slowly, as if that bead was already in its pocket.

"Hey, hey!"

The Three-Eyed Turtle King cast a mocking look at Lu Yang who was desperately rushing towards it, roared ironically, and then rose up without slowing down its speed.

Seeing the arrogant appearance of the three-eyed turtle king, before Lu Yang could express anything, the boa constrictor went crazy first. Because it saw the expression of the three-eyed tortoise king more than once, it used to dare not speak out, and it is the same now, but this does not mean that it does not want to kill the tortoise.

"Master, if you can take this bead and make this three-eyed monster fail, I will do whatever you ask me to do, even if it is asking me to recognize an ordinary beast master as the homepage, there is no problem!" Lu Yang once tried to communicate with the big python, but the other party ignored it in a daze. Who knew that the big python would take the initiative to propose this time, which made Lu Yang have to try.

What's more, he has mastered the space rune, which can tear open the space and travel through thousands of miles. Wouldn't it be like searching for something to get this bead?

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