The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 264 Scaring You to Death

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Chapter 264 Scaring You to Death

"How is it possible? You have such a strong defense. Could it be that you are also a beast? No, if you were a mysterious beast, I would have already died. If you were a born alien, it would be impossible Weak? Could it be..." The Three-Eyed Turtle King couldn't understand how Lu Yang could have such a strong defense.

In fact, Lu Yang himself finds it a bit strange, but he has the Beast Familiar System, which is a god-defying artifact. However, he was a little more arrogant among the beast masters of the same level.

Of course, if this is known by others, I'm afraid I will be angry to death. After all, he said that, but he was more popular than others.

In less than a year, they have already been promoted to the yellow rank. Isn’t this against the sky? If not, then how should they live? There are even some beast masters who have stayed on the yellow rank for their entire lives Will be pissed off.

Of course, Lu Yang would not speak out about this matter at the risk of the world, not to mention is he really that stupid?

If Lu Yang didn't believe it, others wouldn't believe it either.

"Hmph, Three-Eyed Turtle King, how can you guess my strength?" After speaking, Lu Yang took out his Dragon Slaying Sword.

It's just that he can't see why this sword is called Dragon Slaying Sword now. Is it because the craftsman who made it likes this name?

"Made, when will you get a dragon, get some dragon blood and try it!" Not to mention others, even Lu Yang felt a little unbelievable when he said this sentence, but he just said it.


As the gust of wind blew out, when Lu Yang fell rapidly, the sword also slashed down.

"What dragon-slaying sword, if you can't even kill a bastard, it's a shame!" Although Lu Yang thought so in his heart, he didn't relax his hands at all, but desperately cut his spiritual power. Instill in Dragon Sword. But at this time, for some reason, the Dragon Slaying Sword seemed to be a bottomless pit, no matter how much spiritual power was poured into it, it could not satisfy its needs.

This time Lu Yang was a little confused.

"Could it be that the sword knows that I'm belittling it, and that it wants to take revenge on me?" Although Lu Yang really thought so in his heart, he didn't have time to make a distinction at this moment, because the three-eyed turtle king was still dying. rushed up from below.

"Hmph, poor human beast master, your sword is clearly a piece of rubbish, and you actually use it to kill me. I'm not kidding you, but you want to kill me with your current strength, not absolutely There is no such possibility, let alone you are holding a garbage weapon!" Lu Yang dared not say it, but now the three-eyed turtle king preempted it, which made Lu Yang appreciate it.


Lu Yang didn't expect that the Dragon Slaying Sword would lose his temper, and the handle of the Dragon Slaying Sword would be cut inadvertently.

If the news about Lu Yang's affairs today got out, he would probably be laughed out of hand.

Not only did a yellow rank beast master not kill the beast, but was injured by the sword in his hand, that was a great shame.

But this shame can't be uttered. Lu Yang feels this way, but he still has some expectations in his heart.

Because since the three-eyed turtle king scolded the dragon-slaying sword, the amount of spiritual power pouring into Lu Yang's body has doubled directly, and more spiritual energy has also been absorbed by the dragon-slaying sword.

In the end, Lu Yang didn't hesitate, and directly gave all the silver beads to Zhanlongjian, and saw that the silver beads were instantly melted by Zhanlongjian and became a part of Zhanlongjian.

At this moment, the three-eyed turtle king was completely angry.

"Broken sword, return my silver beads!" At this moment, the three-eyed turtle king was completely jealous.

It never dreamed that the dragon-slaying sword it cultivated through untold hardships would be melted by a precious sword. This is a fact that it couldn't even dream of.

But now this fact has become a reality before its eyes.


At this moment, after the silver beads were completely absorbed by the Dragon Slaying Sword, a silver light burst out from the Dragon Slaying Sword, and hit the three-eyed Turtle King fiercely.


Although the Three-Eyed Turtle King had tried his best to defend, this sword still smashed its body into the water so hard that a thin invisible crack appeared on the hard shell behind it.

"Why, do you know you're afraid?" Lu Yang succeeded with the sword, and found that the three-eyed turtle king had dived into the deep water and disappeared.

Of course, the Three-Eyed Turtle King will not disappear so easily. After all, it can feel that Lu Yang was able to use the sword just now, which may have touched the formation on the sword, but if he wants to use it again, he may need more time. It's not a small price, and that price is definitely not something that an ordinary yellow rank beast master can perform in a short period of time, so it still has a great chance.

"Boys, kill him for me!" The three-eyed turtle king came back to sleep again, and it was followed by more than a dozen high-level beasts.

Although these high-level beasts are not strong, if they come to trouble Lu Yang with a mortal heart, they will probably make him feel a little troublesome, not to mention there is a three-eyed turtle king who is watching eagerly beside him!

"It's really despicable!" Lu Yang deliberately pretended to be angry and cursed, but in fact he had already prepared his beast control technique.

after all he

He is already a yellow-rank beast master, and with the help of the beast master system, it is no problem to subdue these dozen or so high-level beasts in an instant.

As he said that, Lu Yang used his yellow-rank beast control technique. Almost in a few breaths, these high-level beasts turned into streaks of white light and entered Lu Yang's pet space.

"How is it possible?" The Three-Eyed Turtle King was about to attack Lu Yang, but was almost scared to death by the sight in front of him.

A beast master can do it in such a short period of time. If it was normal, it would not believe it. But now, almost a day has challenged its limit many times.

"Three-eyed turtle king, do you think I can't do anything to you because you have a hard shell? Then you are wrong, you should know the power of space!" Seeing that the three-eyed turtle king was already rushing towards him Come over, Lu Yang is ready.

"The power of space? Do you have it? Even if you have it, how many times can you use it?" The Three-Eyed Turtle King despised Lu Yang again. Although this boy has given it too much shock.

"Since you like being abused so much, then I won't be polite!" After Yinzhu's baptism again, Lu Yang felt that his strength had risen to the peak of the middle Huang rank, and now he once again realized that space runes are not as troublesome as before. Yes, and even a sense of control.

"Tear!" As a large number of runes were summoned by Lu Yang, his world fell into darkness, and then a space crack was torn open. What Lu Yang saw this time was the three-eyed turtle king under the hard shell. It seemed to be a weak body, so he lightly drew his sword on that flesh.

Even though it was just a single strike, it seemed to kill the three-eyed turtle king.


Although Lu Yang's strike was not heavy, to the Three-Eyed Turtle King, the psychological impact was far greater than the physical pain.

"What, I'm actually bleeding?" The Three-eyed Turtle King felt the wound under his shell, and his heart suddenly stirred up.

"Of course you are bleeding, and I brought it to you, why don't you accept it?" Lu Yang looked at the three-eyed turtle king who was about to die of fright and said with a smile.

"I don't agree! You were just lucky!" As the king of beasts, the three-eyed turtle king is still a yellow-rank beast. Although it is only close to the middle stage, it is not something that Lu Yang can drive.

"Come again!" Lu Yang followed up with another sword strike.

"Again!" Lu Yang didn't mean to kill the three-eyed turtle king at all, otherwise, each piece would be enough to cut off the flesh and blood of the three-eyed turtle king.

But even so, he still made the three-eyed turtle king howl again and again, and even his whole body was soon stained red with blood.

The torture seemed endless.

This time the three-eyed turtle king was really scared.

"Stop torturing, I'm convinced!" Hearing the words of the Three-Eyed Turtle King, all the beasts stopped, and Lu Yang logically took the injured boa constrictor into the pet space for treatment, and by the way also treated Wan Wan The beast furnace was opened, giving it a great benefit.

After that, he looked at the three-eyed turtle king again.

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